As 2009 comes to a close, predictions for 2010 are plentiful. We’ve compiled a list from around the web for your reading pleasure. Trend forecaster Gerald Celente predicts: an economic crash terrorism the rise of neo-survivalism an anti-immigration movement read...
Janet Napolitano’s TSA is now subpoenaing bloggers, demands names of sources that provided new security directives without approval of the TSA: As the government reviews how an alleged terrorist was able to bring a bomb onto a U.S.-bound plane and try to blow it...
For a couple of months now, we have been alerting our readers to forecasts from Gerald Celente regarding 2010 and terrorism. In the year 2000, Celente predicted that in the following year, Americans would not be safe at home or abroad. This year, he is forecasting...
What is money? Economist Mike Shedlock defines money through the eyes of Austrian economist Murray N. Rothbard as “a commodity used as a medium of exchange.” “Like all commodities, it has an existing stock, it faces demands by people to buy and hold...
Gerald Celente has forecast that survival gardens and micro farms would be a popular trend that gets going in 2010. Preparation for emergencies and distasters, or ‘prepping’, as it’s come to be known, is another offshoot of this trend. And it’s...