Mandatory Conscription: The U.S. & Germany Prepare For War With Russia

by | Jun 11, 2024 | Headline News

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    In May, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius, while calling Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to scrap conscription a ‘mistake,’ told an audience at Johns Hopkins University in the US: “I am convinced that Germany needs some kind of military conscription…Times have changed.”

    More than a decade after Angela Merkel’s government stopped compulsory conscription, the German ruling class will revive it. Conscription would only happen should a war break out with Russia. A 67-page German document outlines how the country will force its citizens (slaves) to kill or be killed for their masters, or the “Vaterland.” This news comes as the U.S. prepares to send its troops to protect NATO’s eastern flank.

    In May, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius, while calling Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to scrap conscription a ‘mistake,’ told an audience at Johns Hopkins University in the US: “I am convinced that Germany needs some kind of military conscription…Times have changed.”

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    The update comes in the wake of the news that NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is contemplating the deployment of U.S. troops through Europe, especially to frontlines around Ukraine, in case the ongoing conflict reaches Western Europe. Earlier in June, NATO revealed that it was planning to expeditiously deploy American troops to Eastern Europe. In case of war, the troops will pass by “land corridors” and will stay in European bases. –Eurasian Times

    Earlier this week, the news of the first case of a Western-made weapon used to hit targets in Russia also came out, and Russian President Vladimir Putin shot a warning at the European countries against the perils of miscalculation. This is an uptick in tensions, as The West and its allies continue to cross every red line Russia has laid down. The only thing standing in the way of a third world war right now is, ironically, Russia’s restraint from following through on its warnings.

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    We had better be prepared to stand together and tell the ruling classes: “No, we will not harm our fellow humans for your empire.” If we lower ourselves to mindless obedient tools of the state, the masters will continue to treat us as such.


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