The United States Army and National Guard are recruiting for Internment/Resettlement Specialists, according the the Official Army website and . Internment/Resettlement (I/R) Specialists in the Army are primarily responsible for day-to-day operations in a...
Karl Denninger, of The Market Ticker, outlines a clear-cut argument for why promponents of us having hit an economic bottom are not looking at the core statistics in Economic Bottom Calls: Willful Ignorance. Mr. Denninger provides an incredibly insighful view of...
Martin Armstrong, former chairman of Princeton Economics International, Ltd. and the Foundation of the Study of Cycles, discusses historical, current and future economic trends. How ALL Systems Can Collapse Overnight 7/09 by Kris
Trends Research founder Gerald Celente on the Financial Sense Newshour August 02, 2009. Gerald Celente: They’re [People] losing everything now. They’re losing their homes, their losing their jobs, and they’re finally protesting. And this is...
Larry Edelson, of the Uncommon Wisdom Daily Blog, discusses short and intermediate term trends in US and Asian stock markets, gold, oil, and the US Dollar.