Census Workers Threaten Homeless Camps

Reports from the homeless indicate that census workers have threatened to contact the police and city code enforcement to have them removed from their camps if they refuse to fill out census documentation. We marvel at the TSA-like power trips of those working for...

Now They Want Your Retirement Plan

On the heels of the ever popular socialized health care plan, we have the Service Employees International Union  (SEIU), a powerful union and Washington lobby, looking to get their hands on your retirement plan. It makes sense, of course, in a world of entitlement...

A List of Healthcare Winners and Losers

Forbes has put together a list of Health Reform’s Winners And Losers. We’re sure you won’t be surprised. WINNERS: The Uninsured Private Insurers (HMO’s) Drug and Biotech Companies Seniors Who Need Prescription Drugs Trial Lawyers/Litigious...