Think Katrina on a massive scale, or the riots in Greece and Bangkok. How about Zimbabwe? If you’re a prepper, you know that when the SHTF or it’s TEOTWAWKI that the government isn’t going to show up in any sort of relief capacity. Hat tip American...
If you haven’t yet seen GM’s new commercial, check it out below. According to GM, they’ve paid back the money they borrowed from the government/American taxpayer. It sounds like they’re well on their way to repairing their malfunctioning...
Egon von Greyerz of Swiss based Matterhorn Asset Management says Alea Iacta Est, the die has been cast. Regardless of what governments do going forward, a number of different events will play out as the economic, social and political systems around the world come...
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner says that the economy, domestically and globally, is looking good and that we should experience continued growth going forward (Videos Below Excerpts and Comments): I’m feeling better about it. This is a good example here. You...
We continue to hound on the situation in the European Union, the Euro, Greece and the rest of the PIIGS because of a similar situation that existed prior to the Great Depression. The Great Depression, some argue, resulted not from the bubble and subsequent stock...