Final Survival Preparations

This article was originally published at Neithercorp Press. By Giordano Bruno Neithercorp Press – 08/29/2010 Many Americans rarely if ever consider the issues of fundamental survival. By “survival”, I do not mean having a successful career, a low rate mortgage,...

Joe Legal Vs. Jose Illegal

Drake Pendragon at SHTF America makes a compelling argument for why it’s time to send illegal aliens back to their home countries. This has nothing to do with race or discrimination, but rather, it’s simple math. The U.S. economy is in shambles. With 35...

When is it OK to defend your life and property?

George Grier of Long Island has been arrested and charged for reckless endangerment for firing four warning shots into the ground when up to as many as twenty individuals stormed his property. According to Grier, he was entering his home when five men approached and...

99 Week Unemployment Checks = Modern Day Soup Lines

Make no mistake about it. We are smack-dab in the middle of a depression and there is simply no way out of this until the excessive debt is cleared from the system. Sure, we may see some positive GDP growth here and there, but the nearly one in four Americans that are...