In June of 2010 we noted that well known financial sector analyst and the woman who blew the doors open on the 2008 mortgage crisis, Meredith Whitney, was forecasting that two million government employees would see their jobs cut over coming years because of fiscal...
The following article is republished for your entertainment pleasure with permission from long-time SHTFplan contributor The Schaef Report. I often think about what would happen if I was in the same financial situation the US government finds itself in today. Then I...
Howdy All! For regular visitors of, you’ll have noticed that we’ve updated our web site theme as of Thursday May 26. (Here’s what it used to look like) For the most part, version 2.0 is very similar to the old web site – for now....
Bad news for homeowners and real estate investors who were expecting a recovery real estate. Despite the trillions of dollars pumped into the economy to ‘stabilize’ prices at pre-crash bubble highs, nature continues to force a shift towards equilibrium in...
The State of Texas is currently considering legislation that would make it illegal for any official, State or Federal, to perform intrusive searches of persons or personal property without probable cause. Under Texas Law, HB 1937 would punish, through criminal...