His Vision of a New World Order

He is pulling the strings and nations are dancing to his tune.

His contributions to democracy and human rights are nothing more than strategic moves to weaken his enemies from within, eroding their ability to resist his influence.

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A Strategic Ploy to Weaken and Destabilize

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    Breaking News

    The Ground Is “Moving” So Rapidly In California That A “State Of Emergency” Has Been Declared

    The Ground Is “Moving” So Rapidly In California That A “State Of Emergency” Has Been Declared

    If the ground under your feet is moving “up to 10 inches a week”, that might be a sign that it is time to relocate.  What is currently taking place in Rancho Palos Verdes is perhaps the most extreme example of the geophysical instability that is plaguing much of the state of California at this point.  Rancho Palos Verdes is about 30 miles away from downtown Los Angeles, and the constant “land movement” in that community is busting gas lines, causing homes to sink, and creating enormous cracks in the roads.  If you were to walk through Rancho Palos Verdes right now, you would see that it currently looks like something out of a science fiction movie.

    Why the Political Establishment Won’t Touch the Chronic Disease Issue

    Why the Political Establishment Won’t Touch the Chronic Disease Issue

    Two weeks ago, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his campaign for president. In his nearly hour-long speech explaining the decision, Kennedy highlighted what he sees as the three biggest issues facing the United States. The first two—the threat to free speech and the danger of the war in Ukraine—are familiar to anyone following the daily political fights happening online and in the traditional media.

    Armed Venezuelan Prison Gang In Denver Highlights Map Of US Sanctuary Zones To Avoid Amid Migrant Crisis

    Armed Venezuelan Prison Gang In Denver Highlights Map Of US Sanctuary Zones To Avoid Amid Migrant Crisis

    Law-abiding Americans should be made well aware of the cities, counties, and states that have laws, ordinances, and policies that obstruct immigration enforcement and shield illegal alien criminals from US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. This is because the Biden-Harris administration has imported the third world into the first world, and with that comes elevated risks of violent crime and chaos.

    EU Claims “Looming Threat” From Russia Forced It To “Rethink” It’s “Defense Policy”

    EU Claims “Looming Threat” From Russia Forced It To “Rethink” It’s “Defense Policy”

    Even though Russia has repeatedly stated that it has no intention of attacking NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) or any other Western-allied country, the European Union is claiming there’s a “looming threat.” Russia has so far, not even retaliated after warning the West many times of its involvement in the conflict with Ukraine.

    Creeping Towards Conscription: Senate Bill Looks to Automatically Register Young Men and Women for the Draft

    Why Military Conscription Is Worse Than Slavery

    Libertarians understand — or should understand — that military conscription is a form of slavery or involuntary servitude. In fact, everyone should understand this. And yet conscription has been employed by the U.S. government for the past 161 years, ever since Abraham Lincoln signed the first federal conscription act into law in March 1863, enslaving thousands of American men.

    Mpox Detected In Iowa Correctional Facility

    Mpox Detected In Iowa Correctional Facility

    Mpox, the virus formerly known as monkeypox, has been detected in an Iowa correctional facility. The virus can spread between both humans and animals via skin to skin contact according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    UN & WHO Coordinate Massive POLIO Vaccine Experiment on 640,000 Displaced Palestinian Children

    UN & WHO Coordinate Massive POLIO Vaccine Experiment on 640,000 Displaced Palestinian Children

    The United Nations, (UN) European Union, (EU), and World Health Organization (WHO) are calling for a ceasefire in Gaza – but they aren’t interested in ending the war and providing basic needs for Palestinians. Instead, these global entities are looking to exploit the 640,000 displaced, malnourished children – using them as experimental rats in a massive POLIO vaccine experiment.