Hear The Tale Of A Fallen People Destined To Wander Their Broken Land

by | Jun 4, 2020 | Headline News | 14 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog.

    America is falling, is falling, and violence covers the land like a flood.  Let us cry for this once great land because a day of reckoning is at hand.  As I was reflecting on the nightmarish events of the past several days, a line from a song from one of my favorite bands of all-time kept coming to mind, and I have made that line the title of this article.

    We are truly a fallen people, and we definitely live in a broken land.  The death of George Floyd is evidence of how far we have fallen, the police brutality that has gone on for way too many years is evidence of how far we have fallen, and the out of control rioting and looting that we have been witnessing day after day is evidence of how far we have fallen.  Of course, the truth is that just about every form of evil that you can possibly imagine has been exploding in our society in recent years, and the American people just keep going back for more.  We have had an insatiable appetite for wickedness, and now we are reaping what we have sown.

    Do you think that it is just a coincidence that so many of our young people are completely and utterly lawless?  We raised them in a completely upside-down society that says that good is evil and evil is good, and so the way that they are behaving now shouldn’t surprise us at all.

    If our young people truly wanted to honor George Floyd, looting retail stores is definitely not the way to do it.  Sadly, many are taking advantage of this crisis to go on a crime spree, and we are witnessing looting on a scale that is unlike anything we have ever seen before in this country.

    For example, one of the most famous retail stores in the heart of New York City was absolutely mobbed by looters on Monday night…

    Disturbing footage shows swarms of looters rushing into one of the world’s most famous stores — Macy’s flagship on Herald Square — as Midtown descended into chaos overnight.

    One overhead video showed looters racing into one of the boarded-up entrances shortly before the curfew started Monday night — with only a small unexplained explosion seeming to halt the rush.

    There has been a tremendous amount of looting on the west coast as well, and a video that showed a wild mob voraciously looting an Amazon delivery truck made headlines all over the globe

    While looters targeted various clothing stores in Santa Monica, one onlooker posted a video to social media showing a group of people breaking into an Amazon van, throwing objects at the vehicle to break its windows before gathering in the back as a larger group of people appeared to run away with packages.

    What in the world has happened to us?

    I have been asking that question a lot lately.

    To me, it is absolutely unthinkable that looters would be allowed to loot a store for 15 hours straight, but that is precisely what just happened at a ShopRite location in Philadelphia

    The owner of a West Philadelphia ShopRite says looters ravaged his store for 15 hours straight, taking whatever they wanted from the pharmacy, liquor department and cash register. Owner Jeff Brown says looters ransacked the ShopRite of Parkside and several other businesses at the ParkWest Town Center on 52nd Street over the weekend.

    Many of the businesses were already on financially shaky ground after weeks of COVID-19 closures. They’re now left cleaning up massive damage.

    Where else in the entire world would such a thing be permitted to happen?

    Once upon a time we thought of ourselves as a shining example for the rest of the planet, but now the only example we are setting is a bad one.

    One of the things that has been particularly alarming to me is the amount of violence that we are seeing directed toward police officers.  In St. Louis, four officers were shot by rioters last night alone

    Four police officers were shot in downtown St. Louis early Tuesday as a day of peaceful protests turned into a violent and destructive night in the city.

    Hundreds of people had gathered across the St. Louis region Monday to protest the Memorial Day death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

    And in Las Vegas, one police officer is fighting for his life after being shot in the head

    In a night of deadly violence aimed at police officers, a cop in Las Vegas was shot in the head and is now on life support.

    Despite George Floyd’s own family calling for an end to violence, multiple cities were again hit by mayhem last night.

    A suspect was taken into custody after an LVMPD officer was shot in the head near Circus Circus late last night.

    Being a police officer in this environment is one of the hardest jobs in America.

    And things are not going to get any easier in the days ahead.

    So many of these young people have hearts that have gone completely ice cold, and they don’t seem to have respect for even the most basic human values.  A perfect example of what I am talking about just took place in Richmond, Virginia

    The chief of the Richmond, Virginia, police department said Sunday that rioters set fire to a multi-family home with a child inside while blocking access for firefighters to get through to save the child.

    “One incident that is particularly poignant, that truly illustrates the seriousness of the issues we’re facing,” Chief Will Smith told reporters. “Protesters intentionally set fire to an occupied building on [West] Broad Street. This is not the only occupied building that has been set fire to in the last two days.”

    When I use the word “evil” to describe such people, I am not exaggerating one bit.

    Unfortunately, many Americans are still in denial about how badly our society has decayed.

    Did you know that there are people that actually write to me to tell me that my articles are “too negative” because I report about such things?

    I suppose that we could all stick our heads in the sand and pretend that everything is going to be just fine somehow, but that wouldn’t do anyone any good at all.

    What we desperately need to do is to fundamentally change course as a nation and start focusing on solutions that will give us real hope.  With that in mind, let me try to end this article on a positive note.  The title of this article was taken from a song entitled “Morningstar” by a band called Whiteheart, and the following are the full lyrics to that song…

    Hear the tale of a fallen people
    Destined to wander their broken land
    Their eyes are vacant,
    Full of empty meaning
    What they’re missing they just don’t understand

    Beyond the dark horizon
    Out where the people are crying
    A Morningstar will be rising
    Rising to show us the way

    Long ago a secret treasure was given
    To change the heart
    Of every woman and man
    But somehow the treasure
    Was forgotten
    It lies buried underneath
    The shifting sand

    Beyond the dark horizon
    Out where the people are crying
    A Morningstar will be rising
    Rising up with the bright
    Dawn of healing
    Rising up to show us the way

    Our eyes are not seeing
    Our hearts are not feeling
    We want to believe…

    About the Author: I am a voice crying out for change in a society that generally seems content to stay asleep. My name is Michael Snyder and I am the publisher of The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream, and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe. I have written four books that are available on Amazon.com including The Beginning Of The EndGet Prepared Now, and Living A Life That Really Matters. (#CommissionsEarned) By purchasing those books you help to support my work. I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but due to government regulations, I need those that republish my articles to include this “About the Author” section with each article. In order to comply with those government regulations, I need to tell you that the controversial opinions in this article are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the websites where my work is republished. The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial, or health decisions. Those responding to this article by making comments are solely responsible for their viewpoints, and those viewpoints do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of Michael Snyder or the operators of the websites where my work is republished. I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and anyway that you can share these articles with others is a great help.  During these very challenging times, people will need hope more than ever before, and it is our goal to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with all many people as we possibly can.


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      1. Interesting article. You mentioned that “so many of our young people are completely & utterly lawless”. I think that is a result of our nation’s philosophy of NO REPERCUSSIONS FOR BAD BEHAVIOR. The young folks look at Washington D.C., state capitols, and local politicians that receive no penalty for grievous actions against CITIZENS. They see rioters violating multiple laws with no repercussions. Preferred groups are protected by laws with greater penalties (What happened to EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW?). The broken legal system (I no longer describe it as a JUSTICE SYSTEM) confuses everyone.

      2. Universal participation under a red state, without any nameable loyalty or morals or shared values, is akin to Stalinism. I have never actually believed any of this, since at least first or second grade in my diverse, urban school. The message of Sesame Street and Modelo just didn’t soak into all of us.

        Biblical God fearers, in ancient times, lived among the savages of the Mid East. Christians lived among Indians. (See how they tested eachother’s bravery and dealt with prisoners.) And, other anti-abolitionist writers spent time in that other Africa.

        Again, I have never actually believed any of this. It didn’t work on me.

      3. Did the Police Association pay for you to write this highly irresponsible, lopsided distortion of reality, Michael Snyder?!

        The police have been busted multiple times acting as Black Block, Anti-fa, Agents Provacteurs! The police murdered
        1,099 people last year!

        It is the irresponsible, lop-sided, distorted propaganda like this written by you that has been directly responsible for the militarization and build-up of the police state!

        Having pointed out that there are usually close to or above 1,000 murders committed by police each year, with approximately 1/3 of the victims being black, I can’t help but notice that the protests have in fact been used as a distraction from what the establishment wishes to remove from the news cycle.

        I happen to recall that the day that Sanders announced his candidacy for the 2016 election, when it should have been covered by the paid speech media, Al Sharpton on MSNBC intereupted the coverage of Sanders announcement to cover the shooting of a black person by police that the media covered for over a week with protests, as if Sanders did not even exist. There have been others as well, which I do not recall the specific events of off hand.

        Suddenly, after the entire medical community basically concludes, yeah, well, ya know, we pretty much got tgis whole thing wrong, and there really was no there there after all, the Floyd murder, by police, which is one out of hundreds a year takes center ring, conveniently!

        Now suddenly all of the Fake Russian News Agents on Sputnik that were saying how evil it is to expect people to endanger their lives by throwing caution to the wind and exposing themselves to germs by leaving their homes are demanding that everyone must take to the streets to protest the wrongful murder of George Floyd by police!

        They are Fake Russian news agents because they
        1.) are not Russian
        2.) lie like hell everyday on Sputnik radio!

        They demand a revolution based on lies! They say that the system doesn’t work because it is capitalism that has caused the crisis, but it is corruption that has caused the crisis! They have all been pro-shut down, pro-bail-out, pro- forced testing, pro-forced vax, pro-forced social distancing since day one!

        Nothing ever stands a chance of being solved or changed for the better until everyone is on the side of reality and the side of the truth, because misdiagnosing the disease and treating the wrong the disease will not cure the disease, but it may in fact kill the patient! Maybe that is their goal! It sure as hell seems that way! How could they be so insanely optimistic that that will work to their benefit, when they know full well that they have been titally full of shit all along? Their hubris is baffling! How can people that are knowingly so wrong be so confident?! Please, someone tell me how that is possible!!!
        – Andrea Iravani


      4. Did the Police Association pay for you to write this highly irresponsible, lopsided distortion of reality, Michael Snyder?!

        The police have been busted multiple times acting as Black Block, Anti-fa, Agents Provacteurs! The police murdered 
        1,099 people last year! 

        It is the irresponsible, lop-sided, distorted propaganda like this written by you that has been directly responsible for the militarization and build-up of the police state! 

        Having pointed out that there are usually close to or above 1,000 murders committed by police each year, with approximately 1/3 of the victims being black, I can’t help but notice that the protests have in fact been used as a distraction from what the establishment wishes to remove from the news cycle. 

        I happen to recall that the day that Sanders announced his candidacy for the 2016 election, when it should have been covered by the paid speech media, Al Sharpton on MSNBC interupted the coverage of Sanders announcement to cover the shooting of a black person by police that the media covered for over a week with protests, as if Sanders did not even exist. There have been others as well, which I do not recall the specific events of off hand.

        Suddenly, after the entire medical community basically concludes, yeah, well, ya know, we pretty much got this whole thing wrong, and there really was no there there after all, the Floyd murder, by police, which is one out of hundreds a year takes center ring, conveniently! 

        Now suddenly all of the Fake Russian News Agents on Sputnik that were saying how evil it is to expect people to endanger their lives by throwing caution to the wind and exposing themselves to germs by leaving their homes are demanding that everyone must take to the streets to protest the wrongful murder of George Floyd by police! 

        They are Fake Russian news agents because they
        1.) are not Russian
        2.) lie like hell everyday on Sputnik radio!

        They demand a revolution based on lies! They say that the system doesn’t work because it is capitalism that has caused the crisis, but it is corruption that has caused the crisis! They have all been pro-shut down, pro-bail-out, pro- forced testing, pro-forced vax, pro-forced social distancing since day one! 

        Nothing ever stands a chance of being solved or changed for the better until everyone is on the side of reality and the side of the truth, because misdiagnosing the disease and treating the wrong the disease will not cure the disease, but it may in fact kill the patient! Maybe that is their goal! It sure as hell seems that way! How could they be so insanely optimistic that that will work to their benefit, when they know full well that they have been totally full of shit all along? Their hubris is baffling! How can people that are knowingly so wrong be so confident?! Please, someone tell me how that is possible!!!
        – Andrea Iravani

      5. Calm down. I lived through the riots in the 60’s. What you are witnessing is nothing compared with those…….yet.

        Do you want to worry about something? Then worry about Jimmy Carter type inflation and 12%-16% home loans. That’s something you should be worried about.

        • David… and also the increase in our taxes from these Democrat run states that have seen their coffers dry up because the revenue flow has stopped from businesses and people who would be paying taxes. They will add insult to injury as businesses and families try to get back on their feet by increasing taxes. Watch!

        • That’s a knee slapper! Blaming Carter for interest rates charged by bankers! Actually, there used to be anti-usary laws that no longer exist, and until Reagan, all interest paid was tax deductible, even on credit cards and car loans. Credit cards were prohibited from charging more than 18% interest. There used to be consumer proection laws and an agency that actually worked for consumers that businesses feared too. You could actually speak with actual people that actually did their jobs at one time in this shit hole country, and they were actually right here in America! Every business and organization from the phone company, to banks, and government agencies like the IRS used to have actual people tbat answered phones and resolved issues for consumers that paid those companies and organizations for the services that they provided!

          Now, they just are too busy spying on everyone to answer the damn phone! Not sure how the spying on the consumer is supposed to help the consumer consume!

          What could possibly be wrong with the notion of a consumer based economy that does not serve consumers?

          Well, they stop consuming, and then there is no longer an economy, as you can see!

        • Homeloans and other milestones of adulting are generally afforded to state interests, on a contingency basis, already. The pricepoint is somewhat arbitrary.

          • Who would sell their home to one of the savage scumbags?! Who would be that hard up? Don’t sell to the scumbags! Clean up America! Make America great again!

      6. Each day an average of 45 people are murdered in America.

        If all lives mattered, there wouldn’t be any structures left standing.

      7. The consuming the consumer economy just isn’t working out for the consumer. People get pretty fucking pissed off about it! You could refer to it as cannibalism. It is pretty fucking disgusting!

      8. Well, you can sure bet on one thing – We ain’t seen nothing yet. It sure as hell will not be a national retrospection that brings about unity. The leftists/globalists/socialists/communists, the jackals of the leftist media, and the hyenas of the Washington elite will have more surprises cooked up for this country between now and November.

      9. Mr Snyder what is happening, let me tell you where to read all about it and where its is clearly describe an their is facts to support how we the people will suffer it an when we are done suffer EVIL we are to use the formula of our American mission Statement our first American prayer as the cause to the separation
        The Declaration of Independence Mr Snyder read all about the evil that was a king an country ,an read all about what Absolute Despotism is ,its is a short read but it always is a long war that has to be won an today we the people who know what the power of Divine Providence is will get down on our knees an than get off our knees an Remind Mankind that evil can be dealt with by moral people an we will kill it.

      10. The Floyd KILLING was and is horrible. How did we get here.
        Let’s start with Lyndon Johnson’s ” Great Society”.
        Johnson said If we pass this legislation we will have the n—–gs
        on our side for decades – of course he was right.
        Whys is it America is the only country that have blacks call themselves African Americans – I am not Known as a European American – I am just an AMERICAN. We have been at this Racism thing for a long time – We have spent Billions on the problem – Giving blacks affirmative Action. free housing – free college – welfare etc etc – Nothing seems enough. What should we do???
        Solution #1
        A very cheap solution is t give each black a $500 one way ticket to they’re beloved motherland. $40Million blacks times $500/ticket equal $20Billion – done.

        Solution #2
        Disallow citizens that have an IQ below 90 form voting.
        Google IQ’s of African Countries – all below room temp.

        Solution #3
        Enact legislation that outlaws progressive and socialist ideologies that are counter to our constitution and system of economics.

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