This article was contributed by Lior Gantz of The Wealth Research Group.
Without a doubt, 2020 has shown that PREDICTING SHORT-TERM MARKET EVENTS is practically impossible. The Stock market moves that have happened this year are without HISTORICAL PRECEDENCE. Literally every trading session, we’re seeing MORE EVIDENCE that when it comes to sentiment and the way that buyers and sellers JUDGE REALITY and make decisions, the various opinions could be POLAR OPPOSITES.
In real life, the protests in America are a CLEAR SIGN that people are NOT CONTENT with present circumstances. They are protesting racism, but it’s so much more than just that, judging by the desperation, violence, and looting.
These are POLICY-SHAPING events that are happening on the ground; this is what it’s like when THE HERD AWAKENS.
We could be seeing DRASTIC CHANGES in the weeks ahead; the protesters are not going away – they want REAL CHANGE, not lip service.

Bond investors understand this and are BEGINNING TO AGGRESSIVELY price inflation in the near-term. Bond investors are usually DEAD-ON when it comes to big moves.
For the past month, Wall Street and the professional world of investors thought that THIS RALLY was a trap, a bear market bounce, so rates STAYED FLAT while stocks soared.
Now, with stocks above their 200-DMA and 50-DMA and just 4%-5% away from new all-time highs, bonds investors LET IT SINK IN that Covid-19 isn’t a REAL RECESSION; it is a man-made derailment of a bullet train that is now getting back on track. The real recession could be in a few months’ time when the permanent damage drags the recovery longer.
What bond investors are signaling is that this train MIGHT BE GOING TOO FAST for its own good; passengers aren’t able to enjoy the view and there’s a chance the ENGINE TEMPERATURE gets overheated, metaphorically speaking.

Stock prices have been HYPERSENSITIVE to rising rates for the past five years.
The Federal Reserve can’t afford another December 2018 -19.2% crash, not with confidence levels of consumers still SHAKY AND FRAGILE.
Jay Powell and his gang will resume more PROACTIVE policies, after DIALING BACK significantly.
In less than a week, I will have finished our new SHOPPING LIST of blue-chip companies to consider purchasing, if a pullback does occur next.

You can easily see how NIGHTMARISH MARCH simply crushed the poor and those with few savings in a heartbreaking manner.
Millennials were already living on the edge and this brought them to tears.
Protests are a real-world expression of frustrations. We all have them. Our HARD-WIRING is divided between emotions and reason, both governed by our will power and ego. In other words, our ego is our MOST VALUABLE TREASURE, since it determines what drives us, and we must deploy our will power and HARNESS THE POWER of these emotions and channel them to good use.
Are you pissed at government? Are you frustrated with your countrymen? Are you, in general, sick of corruption? Use your rage TO REACH YOUR GOALS.
Outside of you, things may not improve, but it means nothing to your PERSONAL JOURNEY. I guarantee it.
In today’s Europe and today’s America, and in every other country and continent where other people are becoming millionaires every year, YOU CAN TOO.
Yesterday, I was coached by an F-16 fighter pilot on a simulator through a mission to destroy two ground targets and then dogfight with enemy planes, while flying under-the-radar in hostile countries.
After the exercise was over, I asked him how he focuses during a REAL MISSION. He responded that he speaks to himself constantly, SHUTTING OUT all else and narrowing his attention to his SOLE OBJECTIVE.
Can you do that? Can you STOP WORRYING about everything under the sun and other people’s lives long enough to FOCUS ON YOUR OWN?
A fighter pilot has MERE SECONDS in crunch time to do his deed. Treat your life with as much respect as he places on his military mission; CONQUER your missions!
The OECD issued the insanely offensive and insensitive statement under the belief that the world is not involved in war at the present time. They are just so unbelievable! The other countries don’t count. They are not real people. They are not one of us. There is not one war being fought, but many, it is just that they are not real people or real countries as far as bankers are concerned.
-Andrea Iravani
“By the end of 2021, the loss of income exceeds that of any previous recession over the last 100 years outside wartime, with dire and long-lasting consequences for people, firms and governments,” said OECD chief economist Laurence Boone.” -CNN
I like to imagine real, solid traders, in the form of an AI, or that autistic guy from ‘The Accountant’ — not as a hyper emotional guru — because, it’s just helicopter money.
“PREDICTING SHORT-TERM MARKET EVENTS is practically impossible.”
“Rates Mysteriously Rise”
There was really no possible signal?
Here is a topic for SHTFPlan article:
Video Title: “Dave Grossman: “Bulletproof Mind””
This is “Bulletproof Mind” presentation.
Lt Col Dave Grossman also has a book out:
“On Combat …’ now has 3rd edition
Watch the YouTube video for free.
Book might help save your life.
You really don’t know what the stakes are.
Don’t be distracted.
You need to know what you don’t know.
TLDR, moral of the story, here:
The rates have risen, in the short term, in expectation of CV-19 stimulus.
“The most influential factors that affect a bond’s price are yield, prevailing interest rates.”
“The Fed Chair Jerome Powell is then scheduled to hold a press briefing starting at 2:30pm,[today, Weds]. This should be an uneventful meeting with no policy changes expected to be announced. However, the SEP should be interesting. The SEP will provide the Fed’s first economic and fed funds rate forecasts for the year.”
“Michael Woodford finds that, in a ZIRP (zero interest-rate policy) situation, the optimal policy for government is to spend enough in stimulus to cover the entire output gap.”
To repeat myself, then, the rates have risen, in the short term, in expectation of CV-19 stimulus. aimho
TLDR, moral of the story, here:
The rates have risen, in the short term, in expectation of CV-19 stimulus.
“The most influential factors that affect a bond’s price are yield, prevailing interest rates.”
“The Fed Chair Jerome Powell is then scheduled to hold a press briefing starting at 2:30pm,[today, Weds]. This should be an uneventful meeting with no policy changes expected to be announced. However, the SEP should be interesting. The SEP will provide the Fed’s first economic and fed funds rate forecasts for the year.”
“Michael Woodford finds that, in a ZIRP (zero interest-rate policy) situation, the optimal policy for government is to spend enough in stimulus to cover the entire output gap.”
To repeat myself, then, the rates have risen, in the short term, in expectation of CV-19 stimulus. aimho
South Front has had its Facebook and Youtube accounts shut down. 21stCenturyWire also had its Facebook account shutdown.
The truth is under Lockdown.
Drop the bogus charges against the Truth! Free Julian Assange and Joshua Schulte!
-Andrea Iravani
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(sarc) He did not say that simulated, Masonic, racial, human sacrifice energized the economy. Nor, did simulated contagion raise enough angst energy to vampirize, as when lightning struck the obelisk.
His contrarian version of yield curve control would be ineffectual, with interest rates near zero. (A dual citizen from Bizarro World, playing the opposite game) he does not draw a comparison with the Great Depression. It’s certainly not that thing. No.