The Great Reset has already been planned and it’s coming. Everything is set up and planned to the smallest detail and it will happen. This plan has been in the making for a long time and it doesn’t matter who sits on the throne.
Greg Mannarino: It’s Critical To Understand That The Goal Is “Full Control By The Federal Reserve”
It has become critical to understand that the goal is total and complete control of the entire world by those who own the Federal Reserve. Until that’s realized, people will remain slaves to others and submit to the psychological and spiritual warfare these sociopaths have been waging on us for centuries.
The Great Reset will not be in your best interest. It will eliminate all forms of freedom and individuality and reduce humans to permanent slaves of the global ruling class. Americans are already primed for accepting this as their reality too. While they bicker over which puppet the Federal Reserve will put on the throne, the economy is being dismantled to bring in the totalitarian regime needed to enslave them.
“To think they put this plan in place just now as a response to COVID…You have to have rocks in your head, folks,” says Max Igan.
And as far as the dollar is concerned and the United States as a country, it’s over. It’s done. You can stick your head in the sand all you’d like but that doesn’t change the facts. Americans gave up their individual sovereignty a long time ago, so the takeover by the Federal Reserve was all too easy. “This country has fallen in every way a country can fall,” says Mannarino. It will get worse too.
“It does not matter. I don’t care what you say or what you believe or what you even think. That’s the truth. It does not matter who sits behind the resolute desk. Once you understand that, once you realize that the Democrats, the Republicans, and the president, it’s all theatre for you. So you can sit there and praise one, hate the other…once you realize you’re being played like a grand piano, cuz you have a small mind, then you’ll be a lot better off. Until that point, you are just done, just like America.”
The Federal Reserve is taking over the world and every day they get stronger as their puppets in government call on them to issue more debt. How people still can’t see this is beyond comprehension. The government is owned by the Fed and they will choose the puppets that will advance their agenda to rule and own the planet.
Greg Mannarino continues to say that this is NOT about politics. It hasn’t been for a long time. The Federal Reserve has owned the government for a century and the government we see is nothing more than an act being carried out for those who refuse to look behind the curtain.
It All Comes Back To The Federal Reserve: The NWO Is Being Shoved Down Our Throats
“You can take this how you want to, cuz I frankly don’t give a damn. The president did a 180 and now he’s urging people to wear their mask. Mr. President, can you read between the lines?” asks Manarrino as he holds up his three middle fingers. He isn’t wrong. Trump quickly flipped the side of the New World Order, but I wager he’s been on the side the whole time, just playing the part the banking cartel needed him to play to keep his supporters docile and in line for as long as possible.
“Being that we understand the mechanism here, being that we realize that all of this; the scamdemic, the putting people against each other, is all a mechanism to divide and conquer, to create this two-tier society that we are fully moving towards at light speed, NO, warp speed, like the president’s vaccine that he wants you injected. The president, honestly, right now, and I’m not putting him down! But if you cannot handle the truth close the video.” –Greg Manarinno
This is where you’ll want to stop reading if you are easily triggered by puppets being called out for who and what they truly are.
“The president [Trump] is pushing his vaccine agenda as hard as Bill Gates. So, you know, that should tell you something here. And it’s just incredible to see what’s happening here. I understand he’s gotta pander. I understand he’s gotta beg for votes. He’s gotta play the game…but this is the New World Order. You cannot think. You must comply.” –Greg Manarinno
The Federal Reserve is buying the world and Americans are distracted by which puppet will be controlled by the banking cartel for the next four years. People are waking up, but some have never been deeper in slumber.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
Another mysterious disease outbreak has occurred in the Democratic Republic of Congo. So far, the...
This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. Via Rabobank, “And he shall...
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I have said for 2 decades… IF PEOPLE STOP USING FED NOTES AS MONEY 95% OF OUR PROBLEMS WILL DISAPPEAR OVERNIGHT! But then also like I always say… “people are too stupid to be free. They never have been and never will be.” There is a simple and easy way YOU can do your part… USE GOLDBACKS as currency! Of course your favorite stores like amazon, walmart, target will never accept it but why the fook do you shop there in the first place? I am going out and recruiting small businesses (which you should be supporting instead) to use goldbacks. There is a high success rate and many welcome it! Or just keep doing your mindless mental midget shopping at the NWO store…
And Mac, why don’t you do an article on goldback currency?
said it before if voting mattered they wouldnt let you do it. the trump fans are the saddest bunch. they really believe hes for them. i agree this isnt america anymore. i see the cashless system coming. they are saying not enuff coins now next cash is dirty and touched by everyone. the black market economy is run by cash i dont think those merchants are gonna just accept cashless. they are having to get good at fraud to keep their numbers up. something big is coming keep your powder dry.
I have my own agenda, and their agenda is in complete contrast with mine. My agenda is to expose the corruption, and their agenda is to conceal the corruption by controlling everyone.
Let’s look back:
Blue sky laws were totally abolished for the tech sector under Bill Clinton. None of the new tech companies had viable business models.
Abbey Joseph Cohen instructed everyone to buy and hold, depite the fact that the companies that she instructed people to buy and hold did not have real earnings.
I guess that they thought that it did not matter because they believed that they could steal as much as possible and get away with it because of Y2K.
Well, that did not quite pan out, and Bush was elected and Rumsfeild announced that over $4 trillion was missing from the Pentagon on 9/10/01.
The faked attacks followed the next day, using the faked attacks as an excuse to go to war in the Middle East, which was a psy-op that turned the Pentagon into a money laundering front diverting money to Wall Street.
David Rockefeller knew that it was just a temporary patch, because immediately after invading Iraq in 2003, he “theorized” that their would be a virus that would be an epidemic, also supported by Bill Gates and the Council on Foreign Relations funded by the Rockefeller Studies Institute, in Gates’ sponsored Event 201.
They have been exposed for scientific, medical, and financial fraud including control fraud, in which over another $6.5 trillion has already transferred from the Treasury to Wall Street primarily, in addition to state and local governments, harming small businesses and individuals forcing many deeper into debt over scientific and medical fraud, in which the economy and indivduals never should have been forced into remaining in their homes to begin with.
This is nothing short of an armed robbery in action being perpetrated by the Federal Reserve, its member banks, Wall Street, large corporations, the media, universities that receive giant research grants from Big Pharma, the medical mafia, ( who also had financial losses from being deprived of their opioid and Obamacare fraud schemes, in addition to being sued by state and local governments over the opioid epidemic which was also based on scientific and medical fraud claiming that Oxycontin was less addictive than regular opioids, and that opioids were suitable treatment for chronic pain and would not
result in addiction.
It is time to end the fraud! This is not working!
Andrea Iravani
I have my own agenda, and their agenda is in complete contrast with mine. My agenda is to expose the corruption, and their agenda is to conceal the corruption by controlling everyone.
Let’s look back:
Blue sky laws were totally abolished for the tech sector under Bill Clinton. None of the new tech companies had viable business models.
Abbey Joseph Cohen instructed everyone to buy and hold, despite the fact that the companies that she instructed people to buy and hold did not have real earnings.
I guess that they thought that it did not matter because they believed that they could steal as much as possible and get away with it because of Y2K.
Well, that did not quite pan out, and Bush was elected and Rumsfeild announced that over $4 trillion was missing from the Pentagon on 9/10/01.
The faked attacks followed the next day, using the faked attacks as an excuse to go to war in the Middle East, which was a psy-op that turned the Pentagon into a money laundering front diverting money to Wall Street.
David Rockefeller knew that it was just a temporary patch, because immediately after invading Iraq in 2003, he “theorized” that their would be a virus that would be an epidemic, also supported by Bill Gates and the Council on Foreign Relations funded by the Rockefeller Studies Institute, in Gates’ sponsored Event 201.
Then Obama issued a space weather warning that space weather could cause EMPs that would destroy all electronic information, but the cloud is stored in satellites and fiber optic cable in unaffected by EMPs.
They have been exposed for scientific, medical, and financial fraud including control fraud, in which over another $6.5 trillion has already transferred from the Treasury to Wall Street primarily, in addition to state and local governments, harming small businesses and individuals forcing many deeper into debt over scientific and medical fraud, in which the economy and indivduals never should have been forced into remaining in their homes to begin with.
This is nothing short of an armed robbery in action being perpetrated by the Federal Reserve, its member banks, Wall Street, large corporations, the media, universities that receive giant research grants from Big Pharma, the medical mafia, ( who also had financial losses from being deprived of their opioid and Obamacare fraud schemes, in addition to being sued by state and local governments over the opioid epidemic which was also based on scientific and medical fraud claiming that Oxycontin was less addictive than regular opioids, and that opioids were suitable treatment for chronic pain and would not
result in addiction. ) The Federal, State, and Local governments are also guilty.
It is time to end the fraud! This is not working! We are dealing with organized crime thugs that typically have an 80 or lower IQ.
Andrea Iravani
There’s an old saying that is appropriate: “If there’s no way out of a TERRIBLE ass whipping, you
The Jewish holocaust memorial at Freedom Tower really ought to be removed and replaced with a Muslim Holocaust memorial. The faked 9/11 attacks did not have anything to do with the Jewish holocaust perpetrated by Nazis on Jews, but did have a lot to do with the holocaust perptrated by the United States and Zionists on Muslims, resulting in the deaths of 23 million Muslims that did not have a single thing to do with the deaths of roughly 3,000 that died on 9/11. How “lucky” the Emergency Response Team that met in World Trade Building 7 were that it imploded after they had their emergency response meeting in it, rather than when they were in it, since they met in it since the original meeting pkace was in one of the World Trade twin towers! How “lucky” that the narrative of four planes, the attacks on the Twin Towers and building 7, and the Pentagon, that just didn’t see that one coming only resulted in the deaths of less than 3,000 people, that the majority of had reasons not to go to work that day, in which we are talking about probably about at least 400,000 people between the World Trade towers and Pentagon!
Why did they turn the Freedom tower into a Jewish holocaust memorial?! That is really obscene behavior! Kind of like being asked to deliver a eulogy about a friend, and refusing to mention the friend, and telling the funeral attendees all about your own suffering and how hard your life has been instead! Truly offensive and disgusting! Shameless! Really, take the Jewish holocaust memorial at Freedom tower down! It is a sick, evil, and disgustingly opportunistic and offensive propaganda psy-op that makes you look terrible! 9/11 had nothing to do with the Nazi holocaust on Jews and the whole world knows it! It is out of place, and totalky inappropriate! Disgraceful! Tear it down! Move it to your DC holocaust museum if you want to, but it is sickenning and gut wrenching that you placed it there at Freedom Tower! You are really not helping your cause, in fact you are hindering it tremendously, by basically legitimazing the many claims made against you by having it in Freedom Tower!
Andrea Iravani
For most of the globe the capitalist system has already collapsed leaving large sections unemployed and in poverty. The reset and the global government people never talk about the world system already in place that has destroyed much of the globe and many of the countries on that globe. With a population approaching 8 billion there are not many takers of a new and by extrapolation a much more destructive global disorder. The enforcers of a new reset are themselves tired and lack the energy and resources to enforce new world paradigms. The future belongs to regional and national accords being operated in almost impossible circumstances that would make stupid ideas such as reset and global orders totally meaningless and impractical.Globalists your resets are failures and your global utopias are being swept away in seas of economic devastation, wars, trade wars. demonstrations, police brutality, climate shift, ecological destruction, poverty, unemployment and what not. Nice try but will not work. Think about some other more practical alternatives-it is a brand new humpty dumpty world out there that only a lunatic would want to reset and misgovern anew. Nobody wants to do it and nobody wants them. Stop wasting yours and others time and energy on sthg you know will never work.