All War Is Based On Deception: What Is The True Intent Of North Korea’s Provocative Action And Saber Rattling?

by | Mar 22, 2016 | Headline News, ORIGINAL | 49 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    deception2 deception1

    “All of warfare is based on deception.” –Sun Tzu

    One of the important points to keep in mind regarding North Korea’s actions is that they are probably not “unilateral” actions…that is, without any influence from any of the other “evil empire/axis” nations.  Russia and China both exert a profound amount of influence on North Korea.  Kim Jong-Un’s decisions within recent days to launch several missiles have prompted more outcries from the U.S. and the UN to enforce tighter sanctions, etc., ad nauseum.

    But what is the true intent of all of this provocative action and saber rattling?

    Firstly, the United States and South Korea are in the process of conducting military exercises that North Korea has been pointing to as a (possible) justification for using their nukes.  But with all of this, did everyone notice that the aid coming in to North Korea from China and Russia has not abated?  Last year Putin and Un signed off on a deal for heightened economic and military cooperation between the two countries.  That culminated with a deal to trade for coal and other resources.  The two nations are allies: this is clear and evident.

    China publicly denounces North Korea for its aggressive actions and rhetoric, but the words are just that: mere words.  China actively exports a tremendous amount of food to North Korea, and (as China is communist) the amounts cannot be either monitored or stemmed by the “free” Western nations.  Remember, China and Russia (who both possess crucial votes on the UN Security Council) always manage to veto the more serious actions against North Korea proposed either by the United States and/or other nations.

    Yes, North Korea is “on its own sheet of music,” however, the actions of Un are used to obfuscate the actions of those nations that publicly denounce him but privately support him.  Those nations do include the United States.  The U.S. uses (as it has in the past when the Soviet Union existed) the “increased threat” to justify spending and theft within its role as the state that enables the existence of the military industrial complex.  North Korea is just one of the “boogeymen” that rotates into the position of public enemy number 1 as the U.S. sees fit.

    One week the U.S. is against East Asia…and has always been against East Asia.  The next week East Asia is (and always has been) an ally….and it is actually Eurasia that is, and always has been, our enemy.  In the manner of Orwell’s “1984,” the script is continually being rewritten as it is needed to justify the narrative.

    The true threat from North Korea comes from its unstable responses due to its consistent communist policies…always under a “war footing” to justify their actions.  In many ways, they mirror the Western actions (especially those of the U.S.) of the “Star Trek” amber/yellow/red alert drills of the U.S.S. Enterprise…always quick to point out a threat, real or imaginary, to divert the attention of the people.  Diverting the attention and creating a focus toward one thing, when the government is doing something heinous out of the public view.

    Make no mistake about it, North Korea does have the capability to launch an EMP attack against the United States.  They would possibly (and in all probability) not be acting alone in this regard.  At the bare minimum, they would be acting with the approval of other nations.  Remember, our nuclear first strike capability isn’t…we have struck a solemn, taciturn vow never to strike first.  In addition, an EMP attack would not be met with a nuclear strike.  That is Obama policy, not conjecture.

    North Korea is a threat, but they are a threat that will not be operating on its own, without the tacit approval of either of their allies.  The problem is in the form of a question: will Un and his family be granted safe haven in one of these countries, if North Korea does attack the U.S. and Un uses this attack to sacrifice his country in return for such safe haven?  They are a “loose cannon,” but they are not operating alone or unadvised.  Perhaps Obama could have outlined such a sacrifice for Un to follow…to usher in Martial Law in the U.S. and the suspension of rights under the Constitution, and “indefinite postponement” of presidential elections.

    Jeremiah Johnson is the Nom de plume of a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces (Airborne).  Mr. Johnson is also a Gunsmith, a Certified Master Herbalist, a Montana Master Food Preserver, and a graduate of the U.S. Army’s SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape).  He lives in a cabin in the mountains of Western Montana with his wife and three cats. You can follow Jeremiah’s regular writings at

    This article may be republished or excerpted with proper attribution to the author and a link to

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      1. Every time the US is busy elsewhere NK saber rattles and privately shakes us (IMF) down for money, oil and food. Its cheaper than war. The game is played out of the media. The US doesn’t lose face.

          Donald Trump has now blood of innocent people in his hands: he provoked the CIA-trained ISIS militants to carry out those operations.

          Question Donald Trump’s allegiance to America…wondering which country in the Middle East benefits with these execrable events…coincidence that Trump spoke yesterday at AIPAC?

          As a result of these comment, lets’ see if the critical thinking skills of the owners of this blog allows them to see beyond the curtain of “antisemitism.”

          BTW, the real definition of Semite:
          Semite [sem-ahyt or, esp. British, see-mahyt]
          1. a member of any of various ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including the Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs.

          ISIS = American CIA + British MI6 + Israel’s Mossad + France’s DGSE

          Events like the ones that took place in Brussels earlier today do not happen as a random coincidence.

          Donald Trump now must be investigated for eliciting crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court (ICC)


          End of story.

          • I see your point here … Because terrorists have never attacked America before Trump ran for President if it happens now it’s solely his fault.

            Got it.

          • Wow. The over-use of the caps lock key sure does lend absolute credibility to your ramble there…..just like yelling does on Jerry Springer (or Bill O’Reilly – no difference between those two).

            Just love the cut and pasted dictionary references as well (you really SHOULD credit the source there – you know – to make yourself look all “expert-y” and such).

          • FM: go to hell you idiot.

            • Why is FM an idiot. Most of what he says is right.

              • JG: Because it is moronic drivel.

          • You know when people post tinfoil hat drivel and then add nonsense phrases like ‘End of story’ to the last line, that they are delusional.

            I’d like to know just who thinks the Brussels attacks were a ‘random coincidence’. As if a group of enemy agents selecting a target are doing so at random and not as a coherent plan. Guy must have the cognitive ability of a puppy dog or something.

          • Or maybe the terrorists flight and train were not on time or they don’t like Starbucks because they can’t have guns in there. Its all Hillary, Obama and Bush and trolls!!!

          • …yeah, and did ya know that we have bear and other large creatures defecating in the woods?

        • They’re lot looking for war. Their looking for $$$$. Its a shakedown. They been doing it.

        • Exactly. It is a game. North Korea isn’t insane enough to start a war. It wouldn’t last a week. South Korea doesn’t want a war, as they don’t have anyway to take care of 20 million brainwashed, starving North Koreans. Or the 8 or 10 million that survive an all out war.

      2. They are just seeing how much or how far they can push us.

        One of these day little kim will finally hit us, and with the Turds in the White House, he will just bend over and take it. And like it.


        • I bet michael has assed barry many times.

          • Caucasian
            what a vivid imagination you have! Was that fantasy in full technicolor and do you replay it often?

        • SGT

          I also believe that the pot bellied pig will hit us. It reminds me of a quote from Ronald Reagan. ” Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong.”

          We are perceived as week. Now we have serious trouble on the horizon.

          • Mike in VA
            we are perceived as having more military power than the rest of the planet combined.

      3. An author I read quite regularly suggests that they will be used to trigger (excuse) to start WWIII (maybe in the next decade). China is just keeping them in their back pocket to pull out when they are ready to have an excuse to launch nukes at the US.

      4. All War Is Based On Deception

        – Yes, and least not forget. –

        “All Wars Are Bankers Wars”

        – and everybody else suffers from it. –

        • Just another axis of evil country revolving around the nucleus of evil (USA, ISRAHELL) in a theatre performance for the mental midgets. Ever notice the axis countries are the ones that don’t have rothschild controlled banks and or want to sell oil in something besides dollars?? Who gives a rats ass what Korea does, they are no real threat. The only way they can do any damage to us is if “ahem” they are allowed and prompted to by our controllers. Just like 911 and Oklahoma, more false flag bullshit to achieve the agenda. If you haven’t figured that out by now your short bus is leaving the station. Be sure and join up with the bankers mercinaries and get out there and kill and destroy and occupy and steal from anyone who dares go against your masters and while your at it believe your fighting for your country and freedom HA HA HA HA, THAT IS THE WORST JOKE EVER!!! Just like you were told RIGHT TO YOUR FACE! “Soldiers are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy”. But then nevermind that and all the evidence in your face, you know better right lol…

          • Genius, millions of damn good men gave their life, freely, so that in the future even someone like you would be free to enjoy the freedom of speech that they paid for with the ultimate sacrifice …and you are so cold as to call ‘veterans’ and active-duty fighting forces “dumb, stupid animals?”

            Fuck you, asshole.

            • That wasn’t my quote. Hienz Kissinger said it. Look it up. Many other quotes from your masters as well.

              • Note the name of the article… ALL WAR IS BASED ON DECEPTION.

      5. Obama said the world must unite against terrorism. We are you treasonous bastard. You have been identified as the leading terrorist schmuck instigator spokesperson. A true statement has never flowed from your evil mouth. North Korea, more BS.

        • I could not say that one bit better. Simpleton Americans fail to realize this lackey has tried his best to destroy us, weaken us, make us pawns to the rest of the world.

          And, never forget we don’t know anything about him. Nothing. Zilch. We elected an unknown as president. I should say that dopes elected this destroyer. And America is full of dopes just waiting for their checks from Uncle Sam because Obongo has destroyed industry by encouraging businesses to go overseas.

          To think for one second that Hillary could become president is way beyond the pale. That would be the certified end of this country and the beginning of our poverty and destruction.

          Yeah, time for a woman for president. Yeah, right.

      6. The U.S. does have a first strike nuclear policy in effect.

      7. JJ: I always enjoy your articles! I didn’t realize that there would not be any retaliation for an EMP attack on the US but that doesn’t surprise me, either.

        North Korea may be setting up to take the blame, with Un as the fall guy. I agree that Un has most likely not been working alone and is being guided, handled, controlled by the Chinese.

        An EMP is the easiest and quickest way to bring the US to its knees. Basically only two cities would need to be disrupted, DC and NYC. That shuts down the government and the economy along with the mass media.

        • Hey Philo,
          “Basically only two cities would need to be disrupted, DC and NYC. That shuts down the government and the economy along with the mass media”.
          I rather think they will leave those cities alone, as they are the most responsible for the destruction of America as we knew it. Those cities are killing us and all our outside enemies have to do is sit and wait as the country fragments.
          I for one would send North Korea a contribution, if they could shut down the east coast for a year or so.

          • Hey Rellik: what is up with everyone fricken quoting me? Jeez. Ya I agree. I wounldn’t mind seeing the east coast shut down for a year either.

            • It is your sublime whit!

              • Somehow I do not think that is the case. Oh well.

        • I believe it was Klinton that enacted the no retaliation thing.

      8. There were some large ROK/US war games a few days ago, NK is just making sure to thumb their nose over it.

        They know damn good and well what will happen to them if they launch a missile at anything beside empty ocean.

      9. NK desperately wants to be noticed and considered among world powers. Anything else means they have to recognize their own impotence as a nation and live with it.

        That’s their true intent.

        But they have no means to actually act on their threats, and they know it, so nothing will come of it.

      10. Little round man is a puppet for China, let him receive the shit.

        • He is actually a thorn in China’s side. Any catastrophe in NK spills over to a refugee crisis for China.

          • North Korea is to the world what acid etch is to shtf.

            • LMAO. Good one Billy!

            • Yup, It gets them both noticed. Just stir stuff up and watch the fireworks.

      11. The NKs have always been good at talking trash and that’s all they’re doing for now. Kim Il-Sung I use to call Kim-Il DUNG. Kim Jong-Il I used to call DING DONG-Il. Kim Jong-Il I just call him JUNIOR unless and until the SOB proves himself. The Chinese will never turn against NK because they don’t want it reunified as a FREE country with US troops on the Yalu River. However, IF NK were to overpower and take over SK, that would be different and the Chinese would be all too happy to see the US leave Korea altogether. While Junior does serve a purpose for China and Russia, I’m sure there’s certain conditions he has to follow in order to receive his “aid”.

        • I call Kim Jong Un “Porky”. It fits.

      12. Two warmongers Trump and Clinton, the others are also but Trump and Clinton are the likely final candidates. Trump want’s to go beyond waterboarding as torture, Clinton pretends she opposes waterboarding because she does, she want’s them all dead yesterday. Where is the antiwar candidate?

        • Aljamo
          Sanders is the antiwar candidate

      13. Time to send Dennis Rodman back to NK to negotiate. Or maybe Kim Kardashian. Either would do a better job than Obungler

      14. What’s wrong with torturing avowed enemies in order to save US lives. Need to grow a pair Aljamo. Why do you call Trump a warmonger, I have heard him condemn the Iraqi War, call for us to pull out of NATO. Doesn’t sound like a warmonger to me. I don’t think the NK’s would deliberately attack us. Could the fool Un miscalculate a provocation and start a war, absolutely, anyone who throws his uncle in a pit of wild starving dogs as a spectator sport is not exactly Einstien. Very unstable fellow, but do you really believe Obama has the stones to nuke anybody regardless of the provocation. I don’t.

        • His sole reason for existing is to finish off what he’s started in The USA. So, he NEEDS a very large, politically-charged event and an EMP ‘fits the bill’. (As a side benefit millions die almost instantly, as without electricity they cannot live).
          I still maintain that there will be NO election. There will be ‘something’ to enable our POTUS to EO The USA into Martial Law, elections are over, constitution is torn to shreds and ‘civil war’ ensues immediately.
          No matter how you slice things, ‘civil war’ seems to be an inevitable part of the whole picture …or we’ll lose very, very badly and pay more dearly than if we fight …so fight we must.

      15. Yeah..blame Trump for everything.. EXCEPT Y-O-U-R awakening to reality…
        Meanwhile in the real world…lessee now… N Korea Testing a nuclear weapon.
        Oh good..
        So when they have finished testing it, they have none at their disposal eh ?
        Lessee now pt 2. – USA has around 7,500 nuclear warheads, and Russia around 8,000.

        C’mon – does anyone seriously think NK is going to do a damn thing !
        Their population in starving, their military a posturing joke, their leader a total wanker, their weaponry totally inferior, and best of all their motives and capacity to actually achieve them 100% laughable.
        Bring it on bitch – NK will be the world’s biggest crater in record time.

      16. Doubtful they’d restrict destruction to a zone when ONE EMP detonated at what …about 90 miles high, dead center of the nation would “pulse” all of the USA, parts of Canada and Mexico. Follow-up that with an invasion and we’ve suddenly got our hands ‘very’ full. These are excellent probabilities as they have supportive evidence …and I’ve no doubt NATO would ‘orchestrate’ ANYTHING in order to ‘see to it’ that Americans are first disarmed (and thus negated in the overall scheme to come before us). And they WANT IT DONE NOW! FULL intent to ‘wipe out’ 100% of ‘the white race’ is also foremost in this narrative of psychopathic horrors. Biblically, it does state that “…the yellow hoarde shall infest the earth.” (But, “the earth” isn’t America …so “Houston, we have a problem.”

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