COVID “Outbreak” Prompts Mask Mandate At Maryland School

by | Sep 6, 2023 | Headline News

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    Students and staff in one class at a public school in Montgomery County, Maryland, are being told that they must wear masks for the next 10 days after three “or more” people tested positive for COVID-19. Even though there is evidence that masks are less than useless, people are once again flexing their medical tyranny muscles to attempt to generate compliance.

    In a letter sent home to parents on Tuesday, Rosemary Hills Elementary School principal Rebecca Irwin Kennedy wrote that KN95 masks would be distributed and students and staff in “identified classes or activities” would be required to mask up while in school for the next 10 days “except when eating or drinking.” The letter states that after a 10-day period, “masks will become optional again,” according to a report by WTOP News. 

    UK Study Confirms Face Masks Are Useless

    The 10-day forced masking period will end on Monday, September 11th. The school also sent home at-home rapid test kits which have been made available for all students. Parents are being asked to report any positive test results to the school attendance office.

    Kennedy advises that if students develop symptoms similar to the virus, including fever, cough, or loss of taste or smell, “they should stay home from school, and be tested for COVID-19.” Instructions further state that anyone who tests positive should stay at home for at least five days and isolate from others in their home. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “you are most likely infectious during these first five days.”

    Anyone who tests positive should stay at home for at least five days and isolate from others in their home. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “you are most likely infectious during these first five days.”

    This school is not the first to institute mask mandates for the students.

    Mask Mandates Return: Lionsgate Employees Told To Wear Face Masks

    School District In Texas Closes For “COVID” Cases

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    The CDC has claimed that they are not going to ask the public to mask up again.

    CDC Responds To Mask Mandate Rumors




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