There’s Another COVID Variant. It’s Called FLiRT

by | May 1, 2024 | Headline News | 1 comment

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    A new COVID-19 variant has emerged and it’s being dubbed FLiRT. This new mutation was picked up in wastewater surveillance. Nicknamed FLiRT, these mutations are threatening to cause a new wave of COVID infections, according to “experts.”

    With bird flu infecting cattle and cats, and now that this new variant has made headlines, it should be fairly easy for the ruling class to pick which ailment will be the big deal and people’s attention this time.

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    Of course, WebMD immediately laments that the public has figured out the uselessness and dangers of the COVID vaccines by not taking them anymore.

    Given that only 22% of American adults have gotten the latest COVID vaccine. And since many people may not have had the virus in a while, they’re ripe for reinfection. –WebMD

    “We’ve got a population of people with waning immunity, which increases our susceptibility to a wave,” said Thomas A. Russo MD, chief of infectious disease at the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University of Buffalo.

    But their own data is showing that even those who have gotten the newest booster shot aren’t even protected.

    There’s also some concerning data that shows that even those who have gotten the newest COVID booster may not be well-protected against a potential surge. A preprint study released this week from researchers at Harvard University shows compelling evidence that the newest booster isn’t holding up well against JN.1, the most recent dominant variant, and its FLiRT offshoots. The study has not yet been peer-reviewed. –WebMD

    “Assuming that the virus continues to evolve and our immunity wanes, the general population is likely to continue to need an annual booster for protection,” said Megan L. Ranney, MD, dean of the Yale School of Public Health.

    This is just a prelude to a ramp-up of vaccine propaganda once again. This entire COVID-19 scamdemic was done for one reason: to test compliance to an injection that was experimental. It’s always been about how many people the ruling class can convince to take these shots and where people draw the line. Which, some have no line and will just willingly go along with whatever they are told.



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      1. just in time for election season..


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