Health Officials Warn More Human Cases of Bird Flu Are To Come

by | May 14, 2024 | Headline News

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    Health officials in the United States have started to warn that bird flu cases in humans are coming. After one person was infected while working on a dairy farm, the chances of a mutation that makes the jump to humans easier continue to grow.

    The H5N1 strain of bird flu was recently discovered to have infected a dairy farm employee in Texas. According to Johns Hopkins University, the virus has now spread to 16 herds in six states, including Missouri’s neighboring state of Kansas. Missouri Department of Agriculture Director Chris Chinn says that with the exception of a few cases, the state’s dairy herd is generally very healthy, according to a report by 13KRGCTV, a CBS affiliate.

    The Strain Of The Bird Flu That Is Killing Cats In Texas Is Causing “Brain Hemorrhaging” And “Blindness”

    “We in Missouri have had some cases but we’ve been a lot luckier than a lot of other states that have been hit harder than what we have,” Chinn said. “We did have a few cases in the early spring of this year, but currently our poultry industry is doing well. We don’t have any active cases at this time.”

    Is it likely this will jump to humans? Considering much of the ruling continues to downplay the risk while simultaneously preparing to mass inject the population for it, it seems like a conclusion can be drawn.

    The FDA Is “Preparing” For A Bird Flu Plandemic

    Chinn says Missouri’s producers also have biosecurity measures in place, including quarantining new animals for 30 days and having veterinarian approval. She also confirms that all pasteurized products in the state are safe to consume. Nationally, however, officials expect to see more bird flu cases in cows and humans, but they do not know how large of an outbreak they may be dealing with. There have been no cases of human-to-human transfer…yet.


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