Six-Time Vaccinated Anthony Fauci Gets COVID For the Third Time

by | Aug 14, 2024 | Headline News | 1 comment

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    Remember how they told us the COVID “vaccines” were safe AND effective? It was a line repeated over and over in the hopes that as many humans as possible would fall for it. Well, there are now reports that vaccine pusher and medical tyrant Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been vaccinated for COVID-19 six times already, has tested positive for the virus for the third time.

    In May 2021, on “Face the Nation,” Fauci told the public that vaccinated people had little to no chance of transmitting the virus. “So even though there are breakthrough infections with vaccinated people, almost always the people are asymptomatic and the level of virus is so low it makes it extremely unlikely — not impossible but very, very low likelihood — that they’re going to transmit it,” Fauci said.

    And then there was this:

    CDC Director: “What Vaccines Can’t Do Anymore Is Prevent Transmission”

    Followed by an admission by Pfizer:

    Pfizer Executive Admits COVID “Vaccines” Were Not About Preventing Transmission

    “When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community,” Fauci said according to a report by Outkick. “In other words, you become a dead end to the virus. And when there are a lot of dead ends around, the virus is not going to go anywhere. And that’s when you get a point that you have a markedly diminished rate of infection in the community.”

    In a recent interview, years after his propaganda campaign in 2021, Fauci announced that he has gotten COVID three times, with his most recent infection coming just a few weeks ago. Three infections after a whopping six vaccination doses. “I got infected about two weeks ago. It was my third Covid-19 infection, and I had been vaccinated and boosted a total of six times.”

    Fauci Exposed: Wuhan, Vaccines, and Misinformation

    Most of us knew this guy was lying from the beginning. Others fell for his propaganda and hook, line, and sinker, and cannot undo the damages done by the vaccine. Hopefully, human beings can learn lessons from all of this tyranny; such as stop obeying tyrants and live free.

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      1 Comment

      1. Well of course! First off, the “vaccines” were not vaccines at all. Additionally, I would doubt Fauci ever actually got one of the vaccines. He likely made a production of getting a shot that was probably distilled water. Just like they did with Joe Biden. His first vaccine, if you look closely, had nothing in the syringe. They stuck a needle in his arm, touched the plunger that didn’t move, and then pulled the needle out. Then claimed he was being a leader by getting the vaccine.

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