Bird Flu Found In California Wastewater

by | Sep 18, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    Traces of the avian influenza, or bird flu virus, have been found in some of San Diego County’s wastewater in California. San Diego has become the fifth location to detect the bird flu, according to public health officials.

    “San Diego County has a robust flu surveillance system,” said Dr. Ankita Kadakia, County interim public health officer. “While we have no evidence of the virus in people or animals, it is important to be transparent with the public both about the detection status and that we are vigilant and working with our partners at the California Department of Public Health, California Department of Food and Agriculture, and California Department of Fish and Wildlife to monitor for signs of H5 presence locally.”

    If the virus isn’t in people or animals, how did it end up in the wastewater?

    According to the county, San Diego’s sewage system is closed, which means the stormwater and wastewater systems are not mixed, prompting officials to determine the cause of the virus in the wastewater most likely came from environmental sources. That is incredibly interesting, considering the county says there have been no detections of bird flu in cattle, birds, or humans in San Diego County in 2024, according to Fox 5 San Diego. However, some traces of the virus were detected in wild birds in 2022 and 2023, and a poultry flock was infected in 2022.

    Is It Here? Bird Flu Human To Human Transmission

    Even though the fear is constantly being ratcheted up by the mainstream media, they seem to still be content telling the slaves not to worry about things. They are also saying that the best way to prevent getting sick from the bird flu is to avoid interacting with wild or domestic birds, as well as other animals with suspected or confirmed cases.

    However, there is a human case of bird flu that so far, has not been linked to contact with animals known to be carriers of the pathogen.

    U.S. Reports Its First Case Of Human Bird Flu NOT Linked To Animals


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