WW3 Approaches: Israel Struck By Iranian Hypersonic Missiles

by | Oct 2, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    Israel has been struck by hypersonic missiles, and responsibility for the attack was claimed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRGC). The IRGC claims to have used cutting-edge Fattah-2 rockets to bypass Israeli air defenses during yesterday’s attack.

    While we have been largely focused on the conflict between Israel and Lebanon, Iran snuck in the attack and claimed that 80-90% of the missiles used in “Operation Honest Promise 2” struck their targets, among which were the Tel Nof air base near Tel Aviv and the Netsarim area near Gaza, where they said “a large number of Israeli tanks” were destroyed.

    According to Israeli authorities, Iran fired a total of 181 rockets, resulting in “isolated” impacts in central and southern Israel. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reported that most of the projectiles were intercepted by air defenses. According to a report by RT, Iran made a “big mistake” said Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    According to Tehran, the missile barrage was a response to the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of the Palestinian militant group Hamas, who was killed in Tehran in July. Iran also cited the killings of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and IRGC Major General Abbas Nilforoshan in Lebanon last week. This retaliation has been promised for a while, and it looks like Iran “made good” on it.

    While the expectation of an attack was there, it did take Iran longer than Western rulers anticipated to mount the retaliatory strikes.

    Iran Is Expected To Attack Israel SOON

    Israel has vowed to strike back, while Iran has warned that any further attacks will be met with force. Israel is likely to mount a rather large response to this attack by comparison.

    This bombardment was bigger in size and scope than an April strike, the first-ever such attack by Iran, in which scores of ballistic missiles and drones were fired at Israel in reprisal for an airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus.

    It does appear that Israel is inflicting  much more damage on its enemies than either Lebanon or Iran are capable of.

    Hezbollah’s “Battle of Reckoning” Is Lackluster At Best



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