Russia Claims Ukraine Is Preparing A False Flag Chemical Attack

by | Oct 8, 2024 | Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Coincidence, War | 0 comments

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    Moscow said that its enemy, Ukraine is preparing a false flag chemical attack. Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, the head of Russia’s chemical and biological defense forces, stated that Moscow has received information aimed at “accusing Russia of using toxic substances.”

    Kirillov claimed that Russia “has information about Ukraine’s preparation of false flag attacks aimed at accusing Russia of using toxic substances during the special military operation.” He added that “proof” would be provided to Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) officials.

    According to Kirillov, given that Kiev lacks the necessary equipment and expertise to attempt a false flag attack that would blame Russia, help will be needed for the scheme from its Western backers. Several dozen Ukrainian specialists have received the relevant training from the OPCW and a handful of advanced chemical agent detectors, he further alleged according to a report by RT. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) deliveries of chemical protection equipment that far exceed Ukraine’s actual needs are further evidence of an impending false flag attack, he added.

    The ultimate goal of the framing, the general stated, is to use the falsified “proof” during the upcoming OPCW sessions to deprive Russia of the right to vote and sit on various executive bodies. Kiev would find it easier to carry out this plan as Russia is currently not represented in the OPCW Executive Council, he argued.

    Russia failed to secure its re-election bid to the council in November 2023. Moscow has said it was essentially “pushed out” of the body, adding that it had turned into another platform completely controlled by the United States.

    In his briefing, Kirillov also said Moscow had registered 400 cases in which Ukraine had used riot-control chemical agents. Russian troops also took over a Ukrainian chemical laboratory producing toxic materials near the Donbas town of Avdeyevka this summer, he added. -RT

    Kirillov accused Ukraine of using chemical weapons disguised as smoke bombs in August. He said that the chemical weapons were used in the Russian town of Sudzha in Kursk Region. More than 20 people were injured in the chemical attack, he said.

    Russian Governor Says Ukraine Used Chemical Weapons In Kursk Region


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