Iran Issues Warning To U.S. Allies In The Middle East

by | Oct 11, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    Iran has warned several allies of the United States against an attack on Tehran. Some of the allies in the Middle East include Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. These countries currently fear retaliation if Israel uses their airspace to attack Iran.

    The warning was reportedly issued through “secret diplomatic channels,” and was a response to Israeli threats of a severe reprisal after Iran fired about 180 ballistic missiles at Israel earlier this month. These U.S. allies were told not to assist Israel in any potential attack on Iran, according to unnamed Arab officials cited by the Wall Street Journal.

    Israeli officials have been discussing devastating retaliatory strikes on Iran’s nuclear facilities and oil infrastructure, while the U.S. is trying to keep the response limited and avoid a broader war that could spill across the region. Israel has since changed its goal, under direction from the U.S. to using a “deadly pinpoint strike” against the Islamic Republic.

    Israel Threatens Iran With “Deadly” Pinpoint Strike

    The escalating conflict between Israel and Iran has raised concerns among energy-rich Persian Gulf states about the safety of their own oil facilities. U.S. military installations and forces in the region could also be at risk due to potential miscalculations or escalations, which could lead to unintended consequences, according to further reporting by The Wall Street Journal. 

    Officials from multiple countries that host US troops told the WSJ that their states have made the administration of President Joe Biden aware they do not want their military infrastructure or airspace used for any offensive operations against Iran. In a separate report on Thursday, Reuters cited three sources as stating that Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE all told Washington they will not allow Israeli jets to use their airspace for an attack. -RT

    This war could pop off at any moment. Or it could just coast along like it has been with tit-for-tat responses and rhetoric. All it’s going to take though, is one wrong move and we could be looking at a third world war, and likely, a nuclear one.


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