Ukraine Is Losing: “Elite” Troops Surrender To Russia In Kursk Region

by | Oct 15, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    The Ukrainian military is being outdone by Russia and it looks like its defeat at the hands of Moscow is imminent. “Elite” Ukrainian troops have surrendered in the Kursk region, leading many to assume that this war is all but won by Russia.

    Despite Kyiv’s efforts to maintain morale, many members of their nationalist units can no longer fight, Apty Alaudinov has said. Perhaps they don’t want to be conscripted and die in a war that can’t be won. Maybe that’s why the “morale”, if they have any, is so low.

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    Even with the help of Western backers, Ukraine can’t seem to get the upper hand in this war. In an interview with Russian journalist Vladimir Solovyov on Tuesday, Alaudinov rejected Kyiv’s claims that Russian soldiers executed nine Ukrainian service members in the Kursk Region, many of whom were drone operators.

    The general dismissed the claim as a psyop, arguing that Ukraine “needs to create fake news to discourage its military from surrendering,” as many of its soldiers “openly say they can fight no more.” Despite these efforts, he added, Ukrainian soldiers “often decide to surrender anyway.”

    “What’s interesting is that the units that they considered to be the most unassailable and elite, they are also beginning to slowly lean toward surrendering, as they want to stay alive,” he said. –RT

    According to a comment further made by Alaudinov, Russia is ready to spare even those who serve in the Aidar Battalion or Azov units, which have been accused of having neo-Nazi sympathies, if they lay down their arms.

    This is not the first time we’ve heard of Ukraine having “trouble” with the war.

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    Several Western media outlets have reported that the Ukrainian military is struggling with exhaustion, low morale, and desertion, with many of the reinforcements arriving at the front suffering from inadequate training, a factor that only exacerbates the above-mentioned issues.


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