Hungary’s Ruling Class Says Zelensky’s Plan Is The “Quickest Way To World War”

by | Oct 19, 2024 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    Hungarian official Balazs Orban has stated that the plan of Ukrainian tyrant, Volodymyr Zelensky is the “quickest way to world war”. Zelenksy’s offer to the West includes an immediate invitation to join NATO, a ramping-up of Western weapons supplies, and support for attacks against Russia.

    In return, Kiev is offering long-term access to Ukrainian mineral resources and the services of its military to allied nations.  Zelensky made these requests public on Wednesday to most of the points in his request to foreign leaders. Zelensky promoted his ideas to senior European officials, taking part in a European Council summit.

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    Following the event, he said at a press conference that if his nation is not invited to NATO, the only other viable way to defend itself would be nuclear weapons.

    The plan, however, is “the quickest path to World War III, Orban, who serves as political director in the office of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (no relation), told journalists on Thursday, on the sidelines of a European Union meeting in Brussels.

    Another NATO member, Slovakia, previously vowed to obstruct Kyiv’s candidacy for as long as Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico remains in power. Bratislava shares Budapest’s skeptical view on the way the United States and Brussels are handling the crisis, according to a report by RT. 

    If Zelensky’s requests are met, the situation will deteriorate, and NATO nations will be dragged into the conflict, an outcome that is “completely unacceptable for Hungary,” the official stressed. He urged other EU members to pursue a peace strategy and diplomatic engagement instead of continuing weapons supplies to Kiev. Prime Minister Orban has called the Ukrainian plan “more than terrifying.” –RT

    Political Rulers Warn Of Nuclear War With Russia

    The Ukrainian ruling class has been seeking permission to strike targets deep inside Russia with Western-donated long-range weapons for months. This is a request that the tyrant specifically listed in his “victory plan”. Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that Moscow would consider any such attack to be coming from the nation providing the military capability.




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