Putin: The West Cannot Defeat Russia, And Believing It Can Is A “Mere Illusion”

by | Oct 24, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the West’s belief that it can defeat Russia in a war is nothing more than a “mere illusion.” The West is using Ukraine to threaten Russia’s security while sticking to the delusion that it can inflict a strategic defeat on Moscow, Putin added.

    While speaking at the extended Outreach/BRICS Plus format session in Kazan on Thursday, Putin stated that the emergence of a “more just world order” is being hampered by “forces accustomed to thinking and acting in the logic of domination over everything and everyone.” He demonized the West and its war-mongering while berating the beliefs and ideas that somehow, NATO (North Atlantic Gtready Organization) and its allies could possibly go toe to toe with Russia.

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    According to Putin, the West’s “unlawful unilateral sanctions” and interference in the affairs of other countries under the pretense of “concern for democracy and human rights” are actively undermining regional and global strategic stability, as well as encouraging “interstate strife.”

    Putin further said that the West is taking advantage of Ukraine. He stated that it is being used to “create critical threats to Russia’s security” while Moscow’s vital interests, as well as its “just concerns about the infringement on the rights of Russian-speaking people,” are being ignored, according to a report by RT. 

    Kyiv’s foreign backers “do not even hide any longer their goal of inflicting a strategic defeat on our country.” Putin added: “Only those who don’t know the history of Russia can believe in this because they don’t take into account the unity and the strength of spirit of Russians forged over the centuries,” Putin stated.

    More Bad News For Ukraine: 90% Of Its Thermal Power Capacity Is GONE

    Reports have been claiming that Ukraine is having a hard time with Russia in this conflict. Its defeat seems imminent.


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