Intentional? U.S. “Intelligence” Leaked Details of Israel’s Upcoming Attack on Iran

by | Oct 25, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    The United States “intelligence” documents detailing Israel’s plans for an attack on Iran were leaked into the public domain last week. As of now, there is no indication that Israel will delay or change the attack. The real question is did the ruling class release the details on purpose? Or are we dealing with another coincidence?

    Top secret materials that appear to have been prepared by the Pentagon’s National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) were published last Friday on an anonymous Telegram channel named Middle East Spectator. The papers detailed Israel’s supposed preparations for a large-scale attack on the Islamic Republic in response to the strike by Tehran earlier this month.

    The U.S. ruling class “authorities” have not disputed the authenticity of the documents, with the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) confirming on Tuesday that it had launched an investigation into the leak.

    In its article on Thursday, the War Zone quoted an unnamed U.S. official as insisting that “we have no indication that Israel is delaying any action because of the document leak.”

    The report came after The New York Times, citing an anonymous “intelligence source with knowledge of Israeli deliberations,” claimed earlier in the day that the “leak of the American documents delayed the [Israeli] attack due to the need to change certain strategies and components.”

    “There will be a retaliation, but it has taken longer than it was supposed to take,” the source added. “Israel is concerned the leak could help Iran predict certain patterns of attack,” which has supposedly forced it to “develop an alternative plan.

    Last week, the Washington Post alleged that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had promised U.S. tyrant Joe Biden that he would refrain from targeting Iran’s oil or nuclear infrastructure.

    A Day Of Reckoning Is Here: The Timing And The Targets For Israel’s Attack On Iran Have Been Selected

    Tehran already warned Israel, and Israel has already vowed this strike is coming.


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