Israel Strikes Iran After Warning

by | Oct 27, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    Early on Saturday, Israeli Defense Forces spokesperson Daniel Hagari reported that Israeli forces were conducting “precise strikes on military targets” in Iran. Israel also warned Iran of the upcoming barrage before it attacked.

    Although, the warning was likely unnecessary as the mainstream media had already leaked the plans and the ruling class of Israel had vowed to respond.

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    There were also reports that this strike would take place before the United States (s)election day in November.

    The operation, reportedly codenamed “Days of Repentance,” was said to have been launched “in response to months of continuous attacks from the regime in Iran against the State of Israel,” Hagari clarified, according to a report by RT. 

    The “Israelis made it clear to the Iranians in advance what they are going to attack in general and what they are not going to attack,” Axios reported. The U.S. media outlet asserted that this reflected an “attempt to limit the ongoing exchange of attacks between Israel and Iran and prevent a wider escalation.” According to the Axios report, Israel also warned the Islamic Republic against responding to its attack, threatening a more devastating strike if Tehran does retaliate.

    Axios claimed that Dutch Foreign Minister Caspar Veldkamp was one of the channels used by Israel to convey its message to Iran. In a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Friday, the diplomat confirmed that he had spoken “with the Iranian Foreign Minister about war and the heightened tensions in the region.” He added that he had urged Tehran to exercise restraint. RT

    Israel’s strike fell pretty flat compared to what it had threatened. Iran’s National Air Defense Headquarters reported that Israel’s “provocative” attack had resulted in “limited damage… in certain areas,” and that a more detailed assessment was still underway. “The country’s integrated air defense system successfully intercepted and countered this aggressive action,” officials in Tehran asserted.

    Since this was such a mild display, it is possible Iran will let this one go. Let’s hope, for the sake of humanity, that that’s the case.


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