Russia Vows “Fireworks Display” At German Military Factory In Ukraine

by | Oct 28, 2024 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev,who currently serves as the deputy head of Russia’s Security Council, has vowed to put on a “fireworks display” at German industrial giant Rheinmetall’s new weapons manufacturing facility in Ukraine. Rheinmetall, which produces a vast array of weapons including Leopard tanks, stated that it would build four factories on Ukrainian soil, a statement that has obviously aggravated Russian rulers.

    Rheinmetall is Germany’s largest arms maker and it has finalized plans to establish a joint venture with the state-owned Ukroboronprom defense group in Ukraine earlier this year. This alliance will seek to manufacture artillery ammunition, armored vehicles, and air-defense systems on Ukrainian soil. On Saturday, Rheinmetall’s director, Armin Papperger, confirmed that “things are progressing” in Ukraine and “the first plant is already ready.”

    In response, Russia has promised to turn the factory into a “fireworks display”.

    Moscow quickly responded to the announcement with a warning that such facilities are considered “legitimate targets” for Russian strikes.

    We have many good plans. The first plant is already operational,” he said during an interview with Ukrainian news channel TSN. “The Ukrainian defense industry is our partner.”

    “Currently, we have a production facility and a maintenance facility. By the end of the year, we will have the first state-of-the-art Lynx infantry fighting vehicle in Ukraine. At the moment, we are servicing infantry fighting vehicles as well as main battle tanks,” he added, noting that the joint venture has proven productive. -RT

    Medvedev’s recent tweet is incredibly telling, complete with a warning and promise.

    “The German company Rheinmetall has launched the first of four military factories in Ukraine. As previously promised, we eagerly await a celebratory Russian ‘fireworks display’ right at the production site,” he said in a post on X and his Telegram channel, accompanying the message with a short video of an explosion.


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