Incoming president Donald Trump claims that he will “probably” reduce the incoming aid to Ukraine, but not eliminate it altogether as his base originally assumed. Trump previously vowed to put an end to the war between Russia and Ukraine, but now seems content to let the conflict continue.
Throughout his campaign, Trump repeatedly promised that he would end the Ukraine conflict within “24 hours” of taking office, without offering any specifics on how he would achieve this. However, it is widely believed that he would use the threat of a reduction in U.S. aid to force Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky to negotiate, and the threat of increasing said aid to pressure Russian President Vladimir Putin into talks. –RT
United States President-elect Donald Trump has said he will “probably” reduce American aid to Ukraine once he takes office, in an interview aired hours after he called for an “immediate ceasefire” between Moscow and Kiev. During the interview broadcast by NBC News on Sunday, Trump was asked whether Ukraine should “prepare for less aid from the United States” after his inauguration next month. “Possibly. Yeah, probably, sure,” Trump replied.
He’s not even in office and he’s already backpeddling. But this is typical of rulers. They only want power.
The US has allocated $131.36 billion for Ukraine since February 2022, according to figures published by the Pentagon earlier this month. Just under $90 billion of this amount has actually been transferred, according to Germany’s Kiel Institute for the World Economy. –RT
Less than a week ago, Ukraine’s ruler Volodymyr Zelensky said that he would be willing to sign a ceasefire agreement in exchange for NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) membership. This has been one of Russia’s sticky points from the beginning.
Zelensky Is Willing To Sign A “Peace Deal” In Exchange for NATO Membership
Trump took to social media on Sunday to claim that “Zelensky and Ukraine would like to make a deal and stop the madness,” before calling for “an immediate ceasefire and negotiations,” lest the conflict “turn into something much bigger, and far worse.” Trump also claimed that Ukraine has lost 400,000 soldiers since 2022, a figure far higher than any body count published by Kiev or any of its Western backers.
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So far, there have not been reasonable suggestions by either Ukraine or Russia that would lead anyone to believe that a ceasefire is incoming or that Donald Trump could facilitate that. But we can always hold out hope that this war will end in a timely manner rather than expanding and becoming a global conflagration that’s horrifically devastating.
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