by Mac Slavo | Feb 11, 2025 | Coincidence, Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Headline News, Health | 1 comment
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed that a dairy worker in Nevada has been infected with a new type of bird flu. This strain differs from the version spreading in United States herds since last year.
U.S. Dairy Cows Test Positive For A Second Type Of Bird Flu
The patient, who’d been working with sick cows, was found to have a strain of bird flu called D1.1, which has long been circulating in wild birds, according to a report by NBC News. This new strain of the virus is different from the strain that has caused the majority of human infections in the U.S., called B3.13.
The dairy worker was said to have a mild illness, with pinkeye as his only symptom. The individual has since recovered, and none of his close contacts have become ill, the Central Nevada Health District said. CDC officials also said there is no evidence that the virus has spread from this person to any other people, and the agency claims it will continue to monitor it. So far, the H5N1 avian influenza virus still poses a low risk to the general public.
Scientists, however, say that the risk of this virus becoming a pandemic is rising.
Scientists: The Risk of a Bird Flu Pandemic Is Rising
Scientists confirmed the bird flu virus strain known as B3.13 in March after it spread to cattle in late 2023. It has infected 962 cattle herds in 16 states, the vast majority of them in California.
Federal health officials said Monday that the newer strain had been seen before in more than a dozen people exposed to poultry, but this is the first time an infection was traced back to a cow, according to a report by The Associated Press News.
D1.1 has a mutation that could make the virus spread more easily in mammals, meaning we could see increased transmission among humans as well. “That’s a big deal,” said Michael Osterholm, an infectious disease expert and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota. It’s another indication that the virus continues to change and could become the next plandemic.
Research Funded By Fauci And Gates Could See Bird Flu Become The Next Deadly Pandemic
While this rollout is much slower than the COVID-19 scamdemic, it does seem that it’s constantly elevating.
What do you think? Is this the next plandemic? Will it be a real pandemic this time, or will we see more problems similar to those of COVID-19? Sound off in the comments!
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
by Mac Slavo | Mar 13, 2025 | 5 Comments
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by Willow Tohi | Mar 14, 2025 | 1 Comment
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