People Start Stockpiling Eggs As Shortages Worsen

by | Feb 12, 2025 | Coincidence, Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Headline News, Health | 1 comment

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    As egg shortages worsen, consumers have started stockpiling eggs in an attempt to counter the increasing prices. The current bird flu crisis has been the excuse the ruling classes have used to cull chicken populations, making it both more difficult and more expensive to purchase eggs.

    Some major grocery store chains are now limiting the number of eggs customers can buy as the supply chain is throttled.

    The price of a dozen large grade-A eggs has been on the rise for almost a year and a half, doubling from September 2023 to December 2024, data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show. According to a report by The Independent, currently, the average price of a dozen eggs is about $4.16, according to the American Egg Board.

    The Agriculture Department has also already predicted that egg prices would climb another 20 percent this year.

    “These two forces combined — tight supply and high demand — are directly causing the spike in wholesale prices we’ve seen recently, as well as the intermittent shortages of eggs at some retail locations and in different parts of the country,” American Egg Board CEO Emily Metz previously told The Independent in a statement.

    One TikTok user sarcastically wrote: “Are eggs missing in your area?” alongside a video of people stacking cartons on cartons in their grocery carts.

    “Egg prices are going up because of the avian flu, but that’s driving people to buy more eggs than they usually do because they’re anticipating higher prices and reduced grocery store supply,” Saloni Vastani, an associate professor of marketing at Emory University, told USA Today.

    At her first official press briefing last week, the White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt was asked about the skyrocketing prices of eggs. She took to blaming the ruling class, the very entity she “serves.” “Because there is a lot of reporting out there that is putting the onus on this White House for the increased cost of eggs. I would like to point out to each and every one of you that, in 2024, when Joe Biden was in the Oval Office — or upstairs in the residence sleeping; I’m not so sure — egg prices increased 65 percent in this country,” she said.

    The entire poultry food supply chain is crumbling, and red meat will likely go next.

    The Overhyped Threat of a Human Bird Flu Pandemic is a Hoax to “Reset” Our Food System

    How bad do you think this will get? Will the bird flu be the next plandemic? Will red meat follow in the footsteps of eggs and poultry meat? Sound off in the comments!


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      1 Comment

      1. I’m getting a dozen and a half ever other day. Its to the point where I am giving them away, but people won’t take them. One lady paid me $5 a dozen (They cost me about $1.25 a dozen to produce). I gave a couple dozen away claiming that they were already paid for. I just want my feed money back. I spend about $20 a month for feed.

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