A Member of European Parliament Has Asked The U.S. To Return The Statue Of Liberty

by | Mar 17, 2025 | Headline News | 3 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    French Member of the European Parliament Raphael Glucksmann has recently asked that the United States to return the Statue of Liberty to France. Glucksmann claims that Americans “despise” the symbol of freedom.

    The Statue of Liberty, which was designed by French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi and built by Gustave Eiffel, was given to the United States to commemorate the centennial of American independence. Since 1886, it has stood in New York Harbor as a symbol of freedom and a beacon for immigrants seeking a better life.

    However, Glucksmann, a tyrant and center-left MEP, who also happens to be a staunch supporter of Ukraine, expressed his disapproval of Trump’s policies, indicating that that means Americans hate freedom. He dislikes Trump’s push to mediate peace between Moscow and Kiev, accusing Americans of “siding with tyrants” during a convention of his Place Publique party on Sunday.

    “We’re going to say to the Americans who have chosen to side with the tyrants, to the Americans who fired researchers for demanding scientific freedom: Give us back the Statue of Liberty,” he told a cheering crowd, as cited by Le Monde.We gave it to you as a gift, but apparently, you despise it. So it will be just fine here at home.”

    This hilarious display of political rhetoric is why so many people have turned against the ruling classes of history.

    Since taking office in January, Trump has made a strong push to overhaul US government agencies in a bid to eliminate wasteful state spending. Besides launching a crackdown on illegal immigration and blocking foreign aid initiatives that do not align with his ‘America first’ policy, Trump’s executive orders have also targeted federal grants for climate research and gender studies. –RT

    “The second thing we’re going to say to the Americans is: If you want to fire your best researchers, if you want to fire all the people who, through their freedom, their sense of innovation, and their taste for doubt and research, have made your country the world’s leading power, then we’re going to welcome them,” Glucksmann stated.

    This was obviously tongue-in-cheek, but what do you think of Glucksmann’s suggestion?


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