“Exquisite Human Leather” Products, Wallets, Belts, Shoes, Being Sold Online

by | Dec 25, 2017 | Headline News | 146 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    This report was originally published by Intellihub

    Extremely discerning clientele can now purchase their own one-of-a-kind ‘human leather’ products such as wallets, belts, and shoes online but prices start at $14,000 USD, according to the company which handcrafts the items out of the ‘finest leather known.’

    That’s right, you can now order your very own wallet or belt made from a previously living human being despite the fact that human leather, much like certain fur, is illegal.

    The company/website “HumanLeather.co.uk” boasts about their “exclusive real human leather products” online.

    Welcome to ][umanLeather. We are specialists in producing exquisite and exclusive products for an extremely discerning clientele.  All products are carefully hand-crafted by experienced master craftsmen, with years of experience in handling the finest leather known – human leather.

    We only craft the best and most beautiful products out of our unique leather.  We have produced bespoke items for some of our clients, but due to the limited size of the lengths that we work with, we are limited to what items we can fashion out of the leather.

    We cater to a small but highly discerning clientele.  They are amongst those lucky few who have everything they could possibly desire.  Our supply is restricted and we prefer to keep it that way as we are the only firm in the world that crafts these special products.

    The company even requires secret payment arrangements to be made for new clientele due to the nature of the sale.

    We will give you details on how to pay if you become a client of ours. We can go through what can be made with the material we have at the time and we ask for full payment in advance. Till date, we have never had an article returned due to defects, and we aim to retain this unblemished record.

    So my question is, did the people the products are actually made of donate their bodies to the company or is something more sinister taking place?


    Screenshot via HumanLeather..co.uk

    Could it get any sicker people? Please comment below and share.

    H/T: @Tabertronic on Twitter


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      1. Fuckers will do anything for money period folks and it’s pretty messed up!

        • sweet, i need a new leather holster for my 44 Rem Magnum?. mine is worn out from practicing so much.

          • I wonder what Gandhi’s head would turn into if someone rubbed it.

            • I know not whom is sicker, the buyers or the makers.

              • makers / skinners are sicker i think. but think about a sweet two gun leather rig made for your 45 Colts. tooled with snowflake decorations for cowboy action shooting.

                • I had a gun holster made from human scrotum. The problem was, when it was cold, there was too much gun retention in the holster. It warm weather it was floppy and loose.

                  • try Vicks Vaporub, should tighten back up

                  • Don’t wear it in SanFran, males there will get on their knees and lick your holster.

                    • the will only do it once?

                  • Well, That is funny, Creates quite a mental picture. LOL

              • it would look gay to have snowflakes tooled into your gun belt until they realized it was made from genuine antifa/ snowflake hide. i would have the holster made so the nose was left on so it could be used as a hammer loop tie.

                • The nose rings would get in the way.

                  • Besides they are so thin skinned it wouldn’t hold up to any kind of abuse lol.

                    • You could use their brain cavity for a spoon holder too!

              • then i could thumb their nose off my hammer when i draw my mighty 45 Colt six gun.

              • Menzo, I’d say the makers and buyers are running neck-and-neck. If it’s not illegal then it ought to be. I could picture Red China North Korea, or even the muslim sandboxes doing some sick shit like that.

                • The Chinese had or still have, these cute stuffed kittens and puppies for sale that were sooooo lifelike for a reason. Savages, educated industrial savages but savages none then less. I’m not a religious guy but there is a connection between the acceptable behavior of a society and its Christian roots. Their quantity is linear. TRULY, more of one brings more of the other.

                  • Thank you. I’m thinking the sources of the leather might be political dissidents? Disabled people? How sick can someone get??

                  • In Asia including China dogs and cats are raised and eaten for food. Good protein is expensive.

                    In the US it’s illegal to sell dog or cat meat and fur/skins. In Alaska there is an exception for the Inuit natives, fur from their sled dogs has the unique property of being able to shed ice and snow, so it’s indispensable for survival. Again, for the Inuit, protein from older sled dogs that can’t pull a sled any more is valuable and the dog must stop eating up their food supplies. Their culture knows how to survive in a killer climate.

                    I’m surprised to hear some preppers ignore the survival aspects of life elsewhere on the planet.

                • You find a lost wallet from some ultra rich guy only to upon close examination to see a tattoo identical to one your uncle had who was reported missing in action in Korea in 1951. A Twilight Zone episode.

                  • that would be a sweet coincidence?

                  • my uncle was a nephew abuser.

              • Menzo: Both are, demon possessed whacked out, no doubt. I’ll stick to cow, goat or pig (purses or wallets) then hopefully the animals will be processed and eaten. Probably the human skin is from third world countries like N. Korea, China etc. Demon possessed globalist leaders drink human blood in their rituals and worse.

            • my head would turn rock solid if you rubbed it with vaseline?

              • As long as it dosen’t spurt when rubbing it you will be o.k.

            • Don’t tickle his head–Something will squirt out of the top.

            • Brave,
              What would his head do? Does Linda Blair in the Exorcist ring a bell? LOL.

        • i would rather be a wallet or purse that someone cared about than a husband who is treated like doodoo by the wife.

        • but….i would not want to be the back pocket wallet of a big fat nasty dyke.

      2. Wallets made from human foreskin- rub it and it turns into a suitcase.

        • A wallet made from a liberal would be like some magicians bag that’d make the money just disappear. Worse…. I’d dare say anything made from Hillary would emit such a foul odor that it would repel even the vilest of vermin and insects.

          • I had a wallet made from human skin from the 1940s but someone ruined it by tattooing some numbers on it.

        • question for all you racists out there: why does a black man’s eyes always turn red during sex…………….


        • that is a good idea, make me a holster for my Glock out of foreskin. that way i can rub it if i need to fit my 44 Rem Mag Ruger Super Redhawk into it.

        • unless it was braveheart’s, then the foreskin would not even be big enough for a Freedom Arms mini revolver?

          • Oh snap!

        • That’s funny.

      3. Made in China?

        • Anonymous, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s made in Red China. That sounds like something those barbarians would do. Reminds me of the story of lampshades made from Jewish victims of Nazi Germany.

        • That’s what I was going to say.

      4. I find it hard to believe that things of this sort are real and if it is then I say it should stop. This is not Nazi Germany making lamp shades.

        • Not hard to believe at all. A certain ilk out there is bloodthirsty.

        • All of Germany’s crimes are gradually becoming less and less scandalous.

        • you must understand, the germans have always been cannibal murdering scum. but they make great firearms. they are “better than you” slaves

        • That’s right. The Nazis used good quality control and preservation techniques. These jackasses are just trying to turn a quick buck.

      5. I bet you pay by Bitcoin. It’s untraceable.

        • Actually it is traceable. It is a lot of work but the transactions can be followed. If they want to hide they will use a similar crypto currency called Monero. It’s intentionally designed to hide the transactions in the chain.

          • feds can trace that one too

      6. I knew Democrats had some use!

        • Democrat lampshades are usually too dark.

          • Ha ha ha, and to thin! Better to make a kite or something from them.

            • I was thinking a manure bag would be more appropriate for libskins.

      7. Is it Halloween or Christmas,damn

      8. Must have been some unemployed Nazis that started this.

      9. No skin off me. What’s next human skin licorice or a fashionable human skin raincoat?

        • how about selling used gay condoms for chewing gum?. It would be a great selling product to sell at the next NRA convention.

          • wow, gay man’s used condom chewing gum is delicious?

      10. Bezos probably already bought them out and is marking up the buttfolds errr billfolds as we speak.

        • Those billfolds already have a natural crease.

      11. I wonder what they are paying for each hide. Might make a good second line of business, harvesting hides.

      12. light meat or dark meat…thats the question!

      13. Be sure not to miss their after Christmas Sale…
        Prices will be slashed to the bone … so to speake

        • haha prices slashed to the bone. yep

          • I heard it costs an arm and a leg….

      14. The FAQ’s include what everyone wants to know:

        “Is this illegal?” (and exactly where are they getting the human skin?)

        Their Answer: “No, not at all. We apologize but we cannot give you the source of our raw products.”

        My question is, if it’s not illegal why can’t they be upfront about the source?

        • The source?

          hopefully it is dead people. Maybe fat people who had a tummy tuck.

      15. About as disgusting as it gets.

        Off topic, as this article is…rant on:
        This used to be a different website where you could come and learn things from a group of like minded people.
        That was the strength of the site–everybody knows something of value. We used to discuss food dehydrating, canning, shelters, well drilling, equipment, even firearms and self defense.
        What happened?
        If the site’s owner wants to make it an online version of National Enquirer this article is evidence #1.
        I’m having a hard time remembering when the last article was relevant to the original intent.
        If you want to go all bizarre news, go for it.
        But stuff like this article is pretty low.
        That is my rant for tonight.
        Merry Christmas and a Happy (and peaceful) New Year.

        • Ketch, same to you for holidays. And I agree about more information about prepping. While it’s certainly necessary to keep a watch on what’s happening to remain aware, some of us need relevant information on the wide variety of issues for preppers. Some things change such as firearms technology details. Sometimes interesting old ways of doing things are discovered that might be helpful to prepping.

          One of my new year’s resolutions is less grouching about what I can’t change (like most politics) and doing more about what I can change (my physical fitness [an ongoing process] or gardening in my postage stamp yard.

        • But talking basket weaving is not the reality of what’s to come.
          They know who you are , where you live , your friends, your phone number, your ideologies, everything.
          But most of all they know if you will bear the mark or if you are going to be a problem.
          I stopped trying to dissuade the flow after my screen name, IPA , and device were banned the second time.

        • Ketchup;
          I agree. I have come to this web site for several years and there are now only about 10 people who post regularly, including the penis puffer Ghandi. I look for sites that actually discuss diesel generators, solar, gear etc and can’t find them. I follow you because you are in PR and seem to have done ok. I don’t know how much money can be made with these web sites but at times it must be painful. I’m pretty sure that Mac Slavo is an ok sort and at times he must be embarrased by the content.

          • did you mean Gandhi?

            • No, the other penis puffer….

          • “Only 10 people who post regularly.”

            That’s because people get frustrated and annoyed when their post takes 18-24 hours to appear. The 10 that post regularly see their posts within a few hours, sometimes less than an hour later, not 18-24 hours and 4 new threads later.

            Typically, 4 new threads appear before my post appears on the previous thread from 4 threads ago (RIDICULOUS) and by the time it does appear it’s old.

            That’s no way to run a website. People get pissed. That’s why shtf is going downhill.

            There are two posting here as Anonymous. I am one of the two and this is my last post.

            Signing off, Anonymous. Happy New Year to all!

            • well i change my name sometimes so I think only three people post here.

            • My posts show up instantly. What is up with that?

              • Because we are “specious” 🙂

        • KuponD, my thoughts exactly. This site has turned into a tabloid. This article is extreme nonsense. Next article, probably about shrunken martian heads found in box of Swiss chocolate. And the moon really is made of cheese.

        • The websites owner should monitor and block sick and immoral replies. I am done with this site.

          • goodbye my love. take your censorship to north korea ?

      16. During World War II, one of the commanding officers of a major concentration camp, his wife’s had lamp shades made out of Human Skin.

        Also, for years, The medical Field has refused to use medical information gained during torture and experiments
        on Jewish prisoners being held for eventual extermination
        by The Nazi’s and now this.

        Worthless and a candidate for a criminal investigation in my opinion.

      17. We live in a fallen world, and it is returning to the darkend state it was before the birth of Christ. I was never raised as a religious person, nor had much use for it most of my life, but it is coming abundantly clear in the last couple of decades just how much evil is loose in the world, and how it is no longer rejected or even restrained, but embraced.

        Interesting times? No, more like vile times.

        • When the world rejects Christ, it also reject morals and values.

          With out Christianity we have no moral compass.

          With no moral compass there is no right and wrong. Anything goes.

          • Its called moral relativity. The new religon. You don’t have to be christian to be a moral person btw.

      18. Fake.

        • no. no. no.

          It is stamped “Geniune Leather” must be real.

      19. Is it Liberal leather? Just asking?

        • Is it covered with tatoos and full of holes from the body piercings?

      20. Every day the world is more bazaar. From animal brothel’s in Germany for their new immigrant guests to leather made from human skin. WTF is next? Its like the kooks are in competition. Is there a kook of the year award they’re vying for? Charles Mansion told Dianne Sawyer, “at one time being crazy meant something”. He continued, “it doesn’t mean anything anymore because everyone is crazy”. Mansion, the poster child of insanity, became a mere footnote in history far less notable than subsequent madmen.

        • they have always had animal brothels in german, but it used to be called a barn.

        • on TV the animal brothel dating service is called FarmersOnly.com”

          • I guess that is where the term “donkey punch” comes from?

        • Manson never killed anybody … he only set the precedent for killing through the power of suggestion.
          Kinda like this article.

          • Most people see what they expect to see, what they want to see, what they’ve been told to see, what conventional wisdom tells them to see – not what is right in front of them in its pristine condition.
            Vincent Bugliosi

            • Hey kid, pull my finger! — Winston Churchill.

              Not all of them were gems.

          • Manson in his day was the poster child for crazy regardless. Lets say that post Manson the crazy bar was raised considerably. At the rate we’re going Charlie might just be considered a little goofy in twenty or so years.

            • Charlie was a lightweight compared to the Harpe Bros 1799 killing spree.
              Americas first and by some accounts most bizarre of all time serial killers.

              ht tps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harpe_brothers

              • Thanks for the education. Never knew about them before.

                • K2 i thought you only read NRA propaganda?

      21. no biggie.

        as western civilization crumbles, people will do what you today would consider unspeakable things,

        I can thing of days where someone will kill friends and maybe family to get enough supplies that might help them for less than a year.

        there’s going to be a level of debouchtery by sex slaves that wiukd send most donkeys and horses who have been trained to enjouy beastiality running.

        • Civilized behavior is easy when the needs of food and shelter are met. Its a very thin veneer cloaking a savage beast. Real evil is when the perpetrator needs nothing and still has a lust for more that they’re willing to use violence to obtain.

          • You can turn your Grandma into a lamp shade.

            She always did light up a room.

      22. Items like this are also used in rituals. Unfortunately, books and other objects made of human skin is nothing new.

      23. Massive amounts of tickets will be issued to holiday travelers and some will result in arrest. Yet, the buyers and sellers of these gruesome items remain a mystery.

        • Yes, those evil speeders.

      24. The last thing on my prep list is for a wallet or belt even made from cowhide. How bout some info on surviving in this country huh?

        • Have a point there Jim in VA.

          • You may have to make your own wallet or belt. Maybe the only raw materials around is grandma?

            • Yep, her vagina would holster a .50 AE and 3 magazines!

              • You could probably holster an M1 Abrams tank in a Hillary vagina holster.

      25. What was expected after society was allowed to deteriorate past the point of all sane logic and reasoning? A society where something as simple as common sense is at a premium? A society where values and morals are considered taboo? A society that values money over everything else? A society where discipline,respect,integrity,loyalty,and accountability doesn’t exist? A society where dysfunctional and chaotic are not only the norm but also encouraged? Society cannot continue down this path much longer before the wheels fall off.When this happens,we’ll witness that SHTF so many have talked about.

      26. It’s a crime if you miss a court date or not pay a parking fine. Sell a human wallet and get away with murder.

        • You must have gotten a speeding ticket over Christmas. Too bad for you!

          • Plead not guilty, they will reduce it to a parking ticket.

      27. This was a normal back in the day, so the speak. You could buy tobacco pouches and other items made of Indian skin etc. It use to be all the rage in high society. My opinion, it is no different than having something made from an exotic animal skin. Most people wouldn’t bat an eye about a leopard skin bag, so why not.

        • I think the trouble is in the implication of what is done to get the material JAS.

          The prices on the website are incredible. Of course everything is much cheaper in black.

        • JAS,
          Why not? Because it is morally wrong. Anyone that thinks it’s ok is a psychopathic fckin freak.

        • The website shows the prices are in British pounds.

          A pound of flesh, perhaps?

      28. Made from the Clinton’s trail of bodies & worn as trophies…sick bastards!!!

      29. Tastes just like chicken!

        • Next will be fried butt rinds!

      30. Oh gracious — the things happening in this world — we need a revolution of morality and respect for life. Not only in the United States, but the world over. This is just horrible. Is there any way to find out if it’s a hoax or not?

      31. IT puts the lotion on the skin

        • It costs extra for scented leather.

      32. Yeah this nation and our remaining freedoms are close to gone forever. The American peoples response has been to go along to get along when a much harsher reply to full treason went by the wayside. Too late I think to change directions. The population has largely been pacified to accept their fate.

      33. Utterly repulsive and sickening.

        No further comment.

      34. My guesses are this appeals most to Soros, Merkel, and Clinton; likely made in North Korea of political prisoners.
        My preferred leather is pigskin I am an Infidel Redneck and proud of it.

      35. Is this kid leather?

        • are you a democrat?

        • Thanks to the Clinton Foundation.

        • People leather, not goat leather.

      36. What’s the big deal? Probably from people about to die getting a royal fee for their skin. People sell their organs for huge amounts so why not their skin? So it is OK to sell a kidney to save someone, but not your skin because it is just for some rich guy’s lark? If you are going to croak, who cares what happens to their carcass. Only the religious nuts.
        By the way, there are websites where you can buy human meat! (You need TOR to get there so I will not list the website here.)

      37. …Can’t we all just get along???

        …Can’t we all just get along???

        …Can’t we all just get along???


        • didnt rodney die face down in his swimming pool after a drug overdose? his hide would be worth big bucks uncut heroin.

      38. Only the religious nuts. Screw you.

      39. if anyone believes this is actually happening, i have a bridge to sell you..

      40. Is there anything even they won’t make. Just wondering whether it’s possible to offend these people.

      41. The whole concept of human leather is gross, disgusting, and immoral. It’s a slippery slope if there ever was one. I need brain bleach now, thanks.

      42. … tan me hide when I’m dead Fred, tan me hide when I’m dead … so we tanned his hide when he died Clyde and that’s it hangin on the shed

        • Showing your age.

      43. Uhhhhgggg……this site is becoming as evil as the
        lib tards comment sites. This story has to be a new
        low-life, negative, scarry mongering, Hannible Lecter
        loving, trash promoting and only points out how our
        social lives are being influenced by outrageous

        Com’on guys, get a life if this is your entertainment!!!
        There is more to life than gutter news.

      44. GOT to be jewish…

      45. I remember as a kid the carnival coming to town. They always had the freak show…. See the baby with three heads for a dollar, it was dead and floating in a bottle of formaldehyde. One year the carnival came to town and the sheriffs dept raided them. They wanted to see death certificates for the three headed baby and a couple other human parts on display. They essentially arrested the owner for murder until he could prove he hadn’t killed any of them. They also took away the guy with the .22 shooting gallery in cuffs on weapons violations.

        I’m thinking the story is a spoof, but should anyone actually be caught owning something made from human skin, they could end up in prison, or at least face crushing legal implications.

        I also remember a museum that had a few oddities such as tobacco pouches made from human scrotums and women’s purses made from women’s breasts that dated from settler/Indian wars. Both sides engaged in taking them, there was a market. They also had shrunken heads from South America and some similar stuff bought in Africa. They were raided one day and prosecutors had it all destructively tested by police labs to see if a crime had been committed, wink wink. The museum never got any of it back. It was all ultimately destroyed by order of a liberal judge. I mean really, how can you rewrite history if you leave physical evidence of what life was really like, just lying about in museums.

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