“The 25th Amendment Needs To Be Enforced”: Green Day Frontman Billy Joe Armstrong Tells His Fans That Support Trump To “F**K OFF” While Calling For His Impeachment

by | Jan 3, 2018 | Headline News | 58 comments

Do you LOVE America?



    In the never ending saga that is the establishments attack on all things Donald Trump, more and more rich musicians have publicly aligned themselves against the president with unhinged rants that not only attack Trump but also the tens of the millions of Americans who voted for him.

    In other words, Trump Derangement Syndrome is especially strong with rich liberals who are falling over themselves to attack the president as if it is somehow courageous to literally join with the establishment.

    The latest example comes in the form of an Instagram rant in which Green Day frontman Billy Joe Armstrong had a mini meltdown over the presidents latest tweet about North Korea, eventually going on to attack his own fans who support the president while joining with the deep state echo chamber in calling for the use of the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.

    “This isn’t funny. This is our president acting like a madman drunk on power THREATENING to kill innocent starving people by way of nuclear war. The 25th amendment needs to be enforced. This man is sick and unfit for office. I don’t care if your liberal or conservative.. this has to stop . Please share #impeachtrump.”

    As Paul Joseph Watson rightfully noted, many Americans responded to Armstrong’s call for Trump to be impeached with anger while also pointing out the stunning hypocrisy it takes to ignore the actual facts surrounding the rogue nuclear nation.

    One user detailed these facts and was viciously attacked by Armstrong in another post that made clear that the Green Day singer has indeed lost his mind.

    The concerned fan(former?) wrote, “I love how no one loses their shit about how Kim Jong 1) Literally made the same threat hours before Trump 2) Is the reason all those innocent people are starving 3) Threatens the rest of the world 4) Has active death camps. But no by all means Trump’s the real villain here you guys.”

    Armstrong responded, “Go fuck yourself you fucking keyboard coward. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. No one is coming for you you paranoid fool. This is your president making threats of mass destruction. Wake up or get the fuck off my Instagram.”

    Eventually Armstrong took it one step further, responding to another comment by telling all the people who support his band that also happen to support the president to “f**k off” and to stop listening. (very rich for a privileged musician to say.)

    “Well then go fuck yourself you stupid piece of shit. If that’s the way you feel about mass destruction and murder then fuck off. Stay the fuck off my Instagram and don’t come back. Don’t listen to my fucking records. I have no problem telling ignorant fucks like you to go to hell. That goes for any other stupid fucks that thinks this behavior should be normalized. Get the fuck out!”

    As Watson wrote, “Armstrong’s response to Trump’s tweet mirrored the hysterical reaction of the mainstream media, which doesn’t seem to get anywhere near as irate about the fact that Kim Jong-un routinely threatens the world with nuclear holocaust and presides over a brutal regime that imprisons hundreds of thousands of its own people in political death camps.”

    Another day, another rich liberal melting down over Donald Trump.


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      1. Don’t know who the guy is. Don’t care.

        What he says is irrelevant.

        • Yep. His band sucks.

          • Menzo, whoever this dildo is needs to go f$%# off himself. Libturds and neocons don’t even care about the Constitution so they should STFU about it.

            • Another idiot celebrity that plays the new Punisher just said “Fuck them” to all Trump supporters. I ain’t watching or listening to these assholes. Not buying their shit making them richer.

              • Considering these fucked up looking individuals, I believe I’ll take the liberty of judging the book by its cover.

              • Menzo, he didn’t say “fuck them” to Trump supporters. He was being interviewed by Esquire. He was asked about the “Alt Right” (that means KKK to Esquire) wearing the punisher symbol. What was he supposed to say? Way more closet conservatives in Hollywood than we hear about. Problem is, every time one speaks out, that’s the end of the road for them… gotta be a solution to that madness too. – Hale

          • The lyrics to this guys biggest hit starts with “do you have the time to listen to me whine?” That sums him up.


        • How many divisions does Billy Joe Armstrong have?

        • Meh, Shitty Band. Nobody cares about them. Just another snowflake. Yawn. Wake me up when the sealed indictments are opened and Soros, Hillary, Podesta, Huma and their ilk are in jail or better yet hanging from lamp posts.


          • “Wake me up when the sealed indictments are opened and Soros, Hillary, Podesta, Huma and their ilk are in jail or better yet hanging from lamp posts”. EXACTLY!!

        • you don’t know much.

      2. Please Good Lord, let me have just 5 minutes with Billy Joe in an elevator, a baseball bat and a working emergency stop switch and no camera. Thank you.

      3. Dude likes to say “fuc#” a lot. Part of his genius I’m sure to be so eloquent.

      4. Trump is just doing what his masters tell him to do. His style means nothing, he follows orders. His campaign told exactly what his controllers intentions were and are playing out as expected. If he was going to be ousted it would have already happened.

      5. I despise Democrats.
        This guy belongs in an oven.
        Green day was so-so in it’s time,
        which has long passed.

        • You have that right, they were so so with the few songs they made,
          This fruity little fuck is no Ted Nugent
          The dude doesnt even compare to most artists as they were so fringe they were barely mainline.
          Im like you bud, i despise democrats

          • I generally wasn’t a big Nugent Fan,
            But his “big white buffalo” is awesome.
            I’ll get flamed for this but I always
            vote for him as a director.
            Thanks for the planting advice!

            • Not sure i gave any superdooper advice,,,
              I have a hard time balancing stuff so my succession planting has been lacking, im trying though, have bird issues, biggest one is pheasants, luckily i can kill em with my AR so going to step that up as they have discovered my cabbages,
              Soil issues are tougher

          • Never heard of them. Just another half-ass has been trying to extend their 15 seconds of fame.

      6. These people are NOTHING
        they are NOTHING without their guards
        NOTHING without fans
        NOTHING without money
        When it comes unglued, and it will, they will all be done for

      7. Any turd-puncher who wears eye liner and plays horribly shitty 3 bar punk music that retarded monkeys could make, should not be taken seriously in any manner.
        Especially with politics.

      8. Nailbanger, you nailed it again. I’m not sure if I could hate libturds more than I do now.

        • I despise libtards.
          I don’t really hate them
          as that implies fear
          and my faith however
          misguided teaches me to love
          my brother man
          It does not say I cannot
          despise them.
          Happy New years!

      9. I’d love to have 5 minutes alone in a locked room with this Silly Moe Strongarm schitstain.

        • 5 minutes? It would only take me 5 seconds for what I have in mind for turds like him.

      10. Why did this article even get posted. Wasted another 45 seconds of my precious time…

      11. Never liked their music anyway.

      12. They are has-beens that were at best a cheap imitation of the Ramones at their peak.

      13. Their picture portrey’s the three monkey’s
        hear no seek no see no evil.
        green day dookie..
        crap music, wasted money on a cd by them when younger.

        Oh the eye makeup makes him look like a fag

      14. Isn’t green day that militantly gay anarcho communist rock band from england?

      15. I like when celebs become expert on everything and damn everybody else if they don’t agree with him. I wouldn’t want to see him with a “button”. Big or little.

      16. Green Day sucks all washed up. Commie sympathizers just like all democrats.

      17. Wow ;
        I remember when there were 1 or 2 articles per evening with 200 plus comments. this ain’t much fun.

      18. And that boys and girls is the beauty of America…free association (in this case)

        The musician has made it clear where he stands on a subject and I am free to respond as I see fit.

        Ain’t it grand !


        • Yup

      19. Opinions are like assholes everybody has one..This guy’s opinion is simply that and nothing more..

      20. His band can’t even put all the strings on it’s guitars, play more than three chords; so why would we think his opinion is well thought out or of any importance ?

      21. Meh, Shitty Band. Nobody cares about them. Just another snowflake. Yawn. Wake me up when the sealed indictments are opened and Soros, Hillary, Podesta, Huma and their ilk are in jail or better yet hanging from lamp posts.—– What is gong to happen is the whole shadow goverment bunch including Obummer and the traitor McCain and a few other republicans are going to be rounded up by Mad dog Matthis and be imprisoned at GITMO. No indictment needed. They don’t even need to be charged. They can be held indefinitely for trying to subvert the government and their act’s of treason . They will never have the chance for a jury trial or some liberal judge to let them off scott free. A military tirbuneral will be their fate.

        • No OG…they need to have civilian trials in Federal court.

          Your prescription will lead to a Government that will someday come after you for frivolous reasons.

          You need to study carefully what treason is. It has a very narrow and specific meaning. We throw that term around too “liberally.”


      22. more and more rich musicians have publicly aligned themselves against the president with unhinged rants that not only attack Trump but also the tens of the millions of Americans who voted for him.

        Speaking of unhinged rants …. Trump just laid a cease and desist order on Bannon
        This should be interesting… Hope they don’t make us choose sides.

      23. When the debate is over, slander becomes the tool of the loser. ~ Socrates

      24. I have to tell ya, whatever you think of president Trump he sure does have a wonderful effect on all these liberal Snowflakes! Merica……..

      25. Trump should send them there and not let them back into the US.

        The way that they think you stand up to a bully is to roll over with you legs in the air and your tail tucked between your legs.

        They should do well over there, that is if they can find any food to feed themselves.

      26. People go to music concerts, football games, plays, comic performances, etc. to be entertained. If you want to put forth your political views, rent a theater and let people know what they are going to get.

      27. I find it interesting that the celebrities with an academic background (beyond theatre of course) are conservatives. James Woods comes to mind having been a student at MIT. The HS drop outs are liberal democrats. Go figure.

      28. I used to like Green Day. Now they can FOD…

        Someone will get it.

      29. “”””Don’t listen to my fucking records””””

        Dude, don’t worry—I had to do a wikipedia search to find out ‘who’ you are??

      30. What a piece of low life shit he is!!! never again listening to his music…Everyone should boycott him!!

      31. I have to agree with him if he is warning about WAR. I like Trump on domestic issues. But if he starts another unneccessary War I will hate him.

      32. I am not familiar with any Green Day music. Still stuck in the late 50’s, all the 60’s and early 70’s rock and roll music era. After that music it has all been downhill imo.

      33. Billy who?

      34. Blo Job Armstrong is an American Idiot

      35. Hey Armstrong, go fuck your mother, you piece of rotten dog shit!

      36. The insanity is that anyone is defending Trump. He’s a childish moron who is playing a dangerous game of chicken with OUR lives! Kim Jong Un is insane too, but at least there is no chance of him actually firing a nuclear weapon at another country unprovoked. He knows it would cause the obliteration of NK. Its closest ally, China has even told him in no uncertain terms that he fires first, they won’t protect him. NK has nothing – no major resources, no might, no power. He fires on South Korea or Japan & China will deal with him because they don’t want America to take over the country & increase their base.
        Trump on the other hand has this totally delusional belief that everything he does is the biggest, best, most beautiful & beloved. He is convinced that if the US fires first, no one would have the strength or guts to take it on. What he hasn’t factored in because he reacts like a child, doesn’t listen & doesn’t think, is that China & Russia would destroy the US & this would give them the perfect excuse. It wouldn’t even have to be by nuclear means. China is in a position to destroy the US economy, greatly helped by Trump’s isolationist “America First” policies. Trump has withdrawn from numerous trade agreements, has sabotaged relationships with allies, is trying to blackmail other countries to do its bidding (eg the UN to not oppose his decision on Jerusalem embassy, Pakistan, Iran) & has nosedived the US from its position as world leader into one of a country only looking after itself.
        Trump has created numerous gaps across the world for China to slip into – they are rapidly becoming world leader in renewable energy, decreasing their dependence on US & other oil sources. They are signing into international trade agreements, like the Trans Pacific Pact, signed by 11 countries – excluding America. They’re even slipping into gaps providing charity to 3rd world countries rich in resources, as Trump pulls out.
        Most importantly, they have been stockpiling gold for decades & can use that to change the world economy – destroying one of America’s major exports – the US dollar.
        Read these articles & decide for yourself if Trump is really the “tough negotiator putting America First or a reactionary pawn being used by Russia & China to change the world order.
        US economy can be sunk by Chinese gold-American dollar & need for war.

      37. Green Day’s music not that great. Look at him, would you really give any credence to any opinion he gave? He does need to take his on advice and F@$k off.

      38. Notice these people only have the ability to call names and use the F word in every other word. They have nothing to bring to the table. Besides, who listens to a guy who wears mascara?

      39. The funny thing about shtf website its neocon followers is that they take great delight when Trump twitters something stupid and “leftists” and “liberals” take offense.

        but then…they all whine like an itty bitty baby when Green Day shows contempt for the idiot Trump.

        Itty bitty babies.

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