An experimental Ebola vaccine is being rolled out in Congo as the death toll from the infectious disease continues to climb. The vaccination campaign will begin today.
“The vaccination campaign begins tomorrow, Monday, in Mbandaka, capital of the province,” Minister of Health Oly Ilunga told The Associated Press as reported by 9 News Australia. “It will target, first, the health staff, the contacts of the sick and the contacts of the contacts.” The World Health Organization has been warning about the “Ebola situation” in Congo, and it appears their only solution is an experimental vaccine.
An experimental vaccine is one that has never been tried on humans before.
Ebola hemorrhagic fever, seen mostly only in Africa, is one of the world’s most feared diseases. It begins with flu-like symptoms, followed by bloody diarrhea and vomiting. Days later, some victims begin bleeding through the nose, mouth, and eyes. Depending on the strain of the Ebola virus, it can kill up to 90% of victims. There is no cure for Ebola. The virus is spread through direct contact with the blood or secretions of an infected person.
So, is the Ebola virus reaching a terrifying enough level that an experimental vaccine is warranted? The death toll has reached 26 and the vaccine will be rolled out at Mbandaka, the north-western city of 1.2 million recently struck by the outbreak. Since the virus is spread through direct contact, an isn’t airborne, it isn’t nearly as deadly as it could be.
Read more here about Ebola and how it is transmitted:
Initially, the campaign will target 600 people, mainly medical staff, contacts of suspected cases, and those who have been in contact with the contacts, Ilunga said. Officials are working urgently to prevent the disease from spreading beyond Mbandaka, which lies on the Congo River, a busy traffic corridor, and is an hour’s flight from the capital.
The spread of Ebola from a rural area to Mbandaka has raised alarm as Ebola can spread more quickly in urban centers. The fever can cause severe internal bleeding that is often fatal. Meaning, the virus itself doesn’t actually kill. The immune system’s response to the virus is what’s deadly.
ZMapp is also an experimental drug that could aid in the recovery from the Ebola virus. But, like the vaccine being administered, it has not been tested for safety or efficacy yet. It is not a vaccine – it is a therapeutic drug. Of the seven people given the drug so far, two have died. ZMapp show “promise,” although scientific results are not definitive.
The risk of Ebola spreading within Congo is “very high,” according to authorities, and the disease could also move into nine neighboring countries, the World Health Organization has warned. The WHO, however, stopped short of declaring the outbreak a global health emergency. WHO said there should not be restrictions on international travel or trade.
In the meantime, it’s important to prevent oneself from contracting the virus. Unfortunately, health care workers are at the greatest risk as they try to cull the suffering: which is why they will be the first to get the experimental vaccine. For their sake, let’s hope it works better than this year’s flu vaccine.
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New article:
Yep, first let’s k1ll off the healthcare workers. The plan will move forward faster without them.
No travel restrictions….
And if not airborne, why are they protected that way, with full respirators? I thought last time it **WAS** reported as being transmitted airborne.
Curious how there is a new outbreak of ebola just as a new “experimental” vaccine becomes available. Fancy that !!! 🙂
On new medical treatments and vaccines I follow a “wait & see & wait some more” policy. If you’re actually working with people who have the disease, you don’t really have much choice. I hope this vaccine works better than some I’ve seen.
An “experimental” Ebola vaccine eh?
And if their “experiment” doesn’t work, then up next, another planned Obola outbreak?
This won’t do any good.
I HIGHLY recommend each of you watch the YouTUbe video(s) by Thomas Levy, MD concerning Vitamin C. I know, I know, your eyes are rolling into the back of your head…………..but watch…………….you will be blown away.
I, too, would have laughed with disgust, a few years ago, had anybody brought up “The Linus Pauling Joke of Vitamin C”……until I used my own mind and learned some stuff the Government, FDA, Food Industry intentionally kept from us.
Here is the first video. Watch it:
Then, watch his latest one:
Please. Watch this. It will change your life.
This vaccine will be added to the list of vaccines being forced on newborns in the USA.
Two of seven who received the vaccine died.
Gee, have your baby at a hospital, and hope yours is not among the two dead.
Not to worry. The other five will more than likely be brain damaged, so if yours dies, at least you won’t be saddled with an invalid retard who still shits his diaper at age fifty.
Golly, you don’t really believe the psychopaths would do that to their fellow humans do you?
The vaccine has gone through phase 1 trials, and seemed to not provoke unexpected side effects. Preliminary results suggest it does induce antibodies, but has not been shown to be protective. It is experimental in the sense that it has not been licensed for human use, but it has gone through at least initial testing in humans.
Manupulation of Vaccines are probably spreading the diseases. They need to kill off 5 Billion Persons to complete their Agenda 21, now Agenda 30. They are behind schedule. Look for more false flag creepy death a coming. Do nit travel to Congo or Detroit, Shitcago or Atlanta. Same thing.
TharShe: right on, they are definitely behind schedule. These third world country folks breed like rats, poor sanitation which breeds all kinds of disease and lowers immune system. Maybe Ebola will hit the middle east too.
People will go along blindly and willingly to accept their mandated vaccinations without a clue of what exactly they are being injected with. This is stretching trust to the extreme limits when common sense screams do not trust. Natural News points out the dangers associated with vaccines including metals contained within.
I saw a great video on YouTube. It talked about a component used in all vaccines called adjuvants. Adjuvants are compounds that are used to simulate the immune system to attack the dead version of the virus also injected. The use of adjuvants has had other side effects in people. The over use of adjuvants to stimulate the immune system causes the immune system to start to attack normal cells in the body. It can cause diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, contribute to diabetes, asthma, and cause allergies to name just a few conditions adjuvants can trigger.
I saw a great video on YouTube. It talked about a component used in all vaccines called adjuvants. Adjuvants are compounds that are used to simulate the immune system to attack the dead version of the virus also injected. The use of adjuvants has had other side effects in people. The over use of adjuvants to stimulate the immune system causes the immune system to start to attack normal cells in the body. It can cause diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, contribute to diabetes, asthma, and cause allergies to name just a few conditions adjuvants can trigger.
Dr. Rima had excellent results with Colloidal silver. Their is a full US Army research report on it.
The vaccine won’t work
In 2014 I watched the ebola epidemic very carefully due to several exposed people living in my area. During my research I came across an article describing a doctor in Liberia who, through desperation, had tried using the HIV vaccine he had on hand on people who came down with ebola. He had very high success rate! Here is the link: https://www.cnn.com/2014/09/27/health/ebola-hiv-drug/index.html