Russia’s Newest Weapon Can Create A 300 Foot Tsunami And DESTROY ANY Coastal City

by | May 23, 2018 | Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Headline News | 53 comments

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    Russian president Vladimir Putin has unveiled a new weapon.  The unmanned underwater Poseidon drone carries nuclear warheads and is capable of creating a 300-foot tsunami that would destroy any coastal city.

    In his state of the nation address, Putin proudly touted Russia’s newest weapon. During the address to the Federal Assembly on March 1, Putin described a plethora of nuclear weapons he said Russia was developing. But one of these proposed weapons, an autonomous submarine, stood out among the depictions of falling warheads and nuclear-powered cruise missiles.

    The Russian government reportedly leaked a diagram of such a weapon in 2015 that suggested it would carry a 50-megaton nuclear bomb about as powerful as Tsar Bomba, the largest nuclear device ever detonated.

    The nuclear-powered underwater drone capable of destroying enemy naval bases and causing huge tsunamis is under construction in Russia, according to a state news agency, TASS. The Poseidon will be able to carry a nuclear warhead with a capacity of up to two megatons, a source told TASS.

    The drone will have a speed of 60-70 knots and will be operational at a depth of more than 1km. According to the chief naval commander and as reported by the Mirror UK, the trials of the drone’s basic element, the small-sized nuclear powerplant, have already been carried out.

     “It will be possible to mount various nuclear charges on the ‘torpedo’ of the Poseidon multipurpose seaborne system, with the thermonuclear single warhead… to have the maximum capacity of up to 2 megatonnes in TNT equivalent,” the source claimed.  With its nuclear munition, the underwater drone “is primarily designed to destroy reinforced naval bases of a potential enemy,” the source added.

    Rex Richardson, a physicist, told Business Insider:A well-placed nuclear weapon of yield in the range 20 MT [megatons] to 50 MT near a sea coast could certainly couple enough energy to equal the 2011 tsunami and perhaps much more. “Taking advantage of the rising-sea-floor amplification effect, tsunami waves reaching 100 meters [330 feet] in height are possible.”

    According to a Kremlin translation (PDF) of Putin’s remarks, the Russian president said the autonomous drone would quietly travel to “great depths,” move faster than a submarine or boat, “have hardly any vulnerabilities for the enemy to exploit,” and “carry massive nuclear ordnance.” “It is really fantastic,” he said.  “There is simply nothing in the world capable of withstanding them.”

    Russia’s president also claimed that the Poseidon will have “hardly any vulnerabilities” and said it would carry a “massive nuclear ordinance”. Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Sergei Korolyov later said that the new weapon would enable the fleet to accomplish a broad range of missions in waters adjacent to the enemy territory.


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      1. Washington, DC: 38.9072° N, 77.0369° W

        • Right on..

          • 300 foot waves? Surfs up, let’s party

        • Never happen.
          DC is more dangerous and destructive to America
          than any ten 50 Mton bombs!

          • DC is doing more damage than the Russians could even dream of.

        • Took the coordinates right out of my mouth.

        • This was a dumb idea that the US discounted back in the 1960s. You can destroy a coastal city simply by dropping the bomb on it.

      2. Yea !! Kill em all!
        That would never be used against us right ?

      3. except we have done dozens of tests of underwater nuclear detonations, and none of them ever produced a tsunami large enough to threaten anything. To produce a 300 ft tsunami, the nuke would have to be big enough make fishing for food unviable in that body of water for centuries.

        • Don’t confuse facts with real facts.

        • 50 megaton on the surface (Tsar Bomba) would have caused 3rd degree burns on a human 60 miles away. The bikini atoll blasts were small non hydrogen bombs. 50 MT detonated at 1000 feet just off continental shelf would probably produce a 150+ foot tidal wave surge no problems. Russians have talked about salting these weapons with cobalt that would poison affected areas..

      4. If DC, NYC, CITY OF LONDON [ROTHSCHILDS] are eliminated, a lot of the world’s problems would be solved.

        • DB,
          Agreed but you left out
          Los Angeles.

          • Rellik, you’re right. I left out LA, San Fransicko, and Seattle.

            • DB
              Keep in mind Seattle and San Fran are inland cities.
              I’ve sailed those waters. Including LA harbor.
              You have to work at it to get to Seattle or San Fran.
              LA just has a breakwater off Cabrillo beach.

              • Rellik,
                Seattle and San Francisco are NOT inland cities, they’re surrounded by water!

        • If a Russian Tsunami hits NYC then you can kiss one rogue billionaire goodbye — that’s the great gun confiscator Michael Bloomberg.

          What about that rascal and rogue billionaire extraordinaire, George Soros? What rat hole is that turd hiding in?

      5. Wow, all I can say is NOT flipping good at all. Guess I better put on my snorkeling gear and swimsuit huh. Maybe this will entice the U.S. to act right and leave those Russian bastards the hell alone and stop all of the craziness that has been going on for years and years Jesus…If it happens, guess I will be swallowing the end of my AR-10 – as I don’t like my odds concerning a damn 300 FOOT TIDAL WAVE on steroids.

      6. I guess this means we’ll have to sell the farm to purchase weapons that create 1000 foot tsunamis. There’s some sick pups in this world. Always has been, always will be.

      7. MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) is quite sane. In fact its the only sanity within the strategic use of nuclear weapons. With luck sufficient deterrence will prevent any side from striking the other for fear of retaliation.

      8. The Russians developed a mega toilet flush weapon. Yahoo!

      9. Get the left and right coast of the USA and things would improve. However the MAD so far has prevented a nuke exchange. Putin is quoted as stating (If there is no longer any Russia what good is the world?

      10. That cowardly cop. Scott Peterson is receiving over $8,000 per month in pension! Over compensated parasite that should be shot for cowardice in my opinion. Only in America are we rewarding wrongdoing and punishing folks for doing the correct things.

        • right, that only happens in america. *eyeroll*

        • Old Guy

          Your rounding off too low. He is getting $8750. Thats one hell of a pension for a cop that was good let alone this Piece Of Shit

      11. Stop the BS and bring it on, or SHUT-UP

      12. I was thinking that…. what if they managed to sneak all the way to the Great Lakes, and get Chicongo and Detroit, while they was in the neighborhood? Sacramento is too far inland, but maybe they could schedule one when Gov. Moonbeam is in Santa Monica or something? Just sayin’………. San Francisco Bay is pretty at night, when you can SEE it………Just an idea…..Has anyone considered that the resulting radioactivity of all that seawater will probably make those seaports not only destroyed by the tsunami, but uninhabitable for hundreds of years? If you want to invade and conquer a country, you should try to capture it’s sea ports largely intact, to bring in more troops and supplies. Hitler was going for Antwerp, in the Battle of the Bulge, both to keep the Allies from re-supply at that port, and he’d have had a major seaport again. Destroying the seaports would only get major retaliation in the form of more nukes from the targeted country.

        • Katrina

          And Sacramento, California is under sea level just like New Orleans.

          It doesn’t require a nuke either.


          • BFCA,
            That is OLD Sacramento.
            I was stationed at McClellan AFB for a year and way too many months.
            Most of Sacramento is well above sea level as is Rio Linda.

        • Stop your California dreaming…..

        • Sean

          Toss in some soap to clean San Francisco

      13. Yes, but can it travel more than 22 miles?

      14. I will believe it when I see it tested.

        FWIW, that highly touted Russian super cruise missile that has unlimited cruising range and is virtually unstoppable has had something like four or five tests so far and the best result so far was the one that crashed after only 20 miles.

        We don’t need to worry about super weapons that don’t work.

        • Hopefully they will test it off the coast of North Korea.

      15. Now we have a Tsunami Wave Gap? OMG. Quick, hand the Military Industrial Complex another $2-Trillion Dollars.

        • In the Communist, bootleg version, he is dropped by the Enola Gay.

        • I’ll bet one of his farts could cause a 300 foot tsunami.

      16. Totally narly dudes surfs up just grab your board.. seriously im in indiana and the only reasonable fear hear is the “Children of the Corn” movie senerio that and the possibility that they wont have cable TV at the fema camp lol

      17. Re: The Russians (as Microsoft and the Deep State)

        My computer just did a rather long Windows 10 update. The offshoot here is that my Discus account has been shut down. I had to re-establish my account. In order to do this I had to do two things.

        First, agree to their new coolies policy.

        And second, I had to agree to let Discus “collect routine data to improve my shopping experience.”

        Improve what? Retail is collapsing.

        What I don’t understand is that even after Google and Facebook were found doing the same thing; hasn’t my shopping experience been “improved” enough?

        I am also thinking about Facebook having engaged in collecting data to rig the 2016 Presidential Campaign in Hillary’s favor (thus improving the voting experience for all Americans).

        Why is this crap still allowed to go on? Why haven’t both Facebook and Google haven’t been dropped and banned from all MSM sites?

        One by one now, all commenting sites have been shutdown, leaving everybody with only two options — Facebook and Google. They know who you are. Where you live. What you are shopping for (Preppers that means you, too.). And with GPS and Smartphones, where you are at all times. And with security cameras everywhere, recording everything you do and every where you go. We are so f*cked.

        It is getting pretty sick out there.

        Anyway, I told Discus to go F*ck Themselves. I wish I could do the same with Bill Gates and Microsoft.

        Any time you hear the word “Russians” think “Democrats.”

        • Blame-e,
          I don’t deal with the sites you mention.
          for obvious privacy reasons.
          but your comment
          “Any time you hear the word “Russians” think “Democrats.”
          Probably because of family roots,
          I view Russians as being far more ethical than
          any Democrat. I have far more in common with a
          run of the mill Russian than I do with any
          California Liberal.
          Russian government is dangerous and corrupt.
          I fear our government far more than theirs.

      18. I believe that Communists are copycats, counterfeiters, and liars, incapable of originating any new, intellectual property, whatsoever, unless some seditious person were to sell it to them, nay, give it them. They probably don’t have the money (without vice or it being given to them.)

        You prep for civil unrest, and they claim to have agitated the effeminate couch potatoes (usually incapable being aroused even if they were struck by lightning). You prep for a solar storm, and they suddenly come up with a new, EMP secret weapon. You prep for an asteroid strike, and they have a new, supersonic missile. You prep for a volcano, and Russia can now cause a tsunami.

        Why couldn’t there be an act of God, without Russian intervention. I could imagine those 144,000 walking the Earth, some with fire coming from their mouths, or maybe some archangels, etc. water turning to blood, and we’re going to be coming up with some narrative, crediting all-powerful, omniscient, “holy” (sic) Russia.

        S-hole countries have to resort to propaganda, asymmetric, and guerrilla techniques, because they lack the resources. May I suggest that the free marketplace of ideas is not an echo chamber, with all due respect. The automated feed, with automated parrots, being triggered to respond, possibly defeats the purpose of free speech, when there is no critical or lateral thinking, in the responses. Some of you fearful people are probably Russia’s greatest asset, without even realizing it.

        May I suggest to agnostics, whether political or religious, that your fear of an unfamiliar country is a prime example of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. This is a religious fear, based on a kind of faith.

        • “I believe that Communists are copycats, counterfeiters, and liars, incapable of originating any new, intellectual property, whatsoever . . . .”

          Sounds like a democrap to me.

          • Yep! same-o same-o.

      19. Russia already has 10,000s of good ol regular Nukes that would also destroy major cities…..This thing just gets everything wet…..Big deal,

        • Au contraire. Nothing like a good power wash to flush out all the turds and give everything that nice, pure, clean, ocean fresh scent.

      20. Who cares. I live inland.

      21. They are only going to fool people who believe nukes are real. They are just another one of those long standing hoaxes designed to pilfer money from the population.

      22. Worked in Fukushima. Putin might as well join in the fun

      23. Bible seems to predict this destruction from the sea before Jesus’ arrival.

        Luke 21:25-28

        25 “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. 26 People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. 27 At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

      24. I don’t think the math works out on this. It is just a story to panic the hysterical ignorant American public.

      25. The idea of manned submarines rooming around with massive nukes is bad enough. now we will have just the nukes swimming around by themselves? How many will just get lost or go off the grid and sit somewhere on the bottom of the ocean? or just off a coast? perhaps just off the coast of Russia? Or not just sit there. Maybe it will short out and they loose control of it and it just keeps on swimming around till it hits something or someone else picks it up? or maybe AI gets control of it when it becomes self aware, or however close to self aware it might need to be to start making its own decisions based on whatever information/algorithms it works off of. In my opinion, AI is potentially far more dangerous then Satan or anything from the demonic realm. Consider that the demonic are contained to, for the most part, the spiritual side of reality. They also have the handicap of hubris, pride, etc. Those deadly sins are blinding and, despite the fact that they might still retain angelic intelligence, they can’t help themselves from spoiling their own best laid plans because they ultimately self destruct. consider any deal that might be made with the devil. The deal can serve the devil very well if he uses the person he makes the deal with effectively. take hitler for example. but the devil can’t help bringing down the guy he makes the deal with. He is his own ruin.
        AI however doesn’t have either restriction. It has total access to the material world and it has potentially unlimited intelligence, at least in worldly terms, and it doesn’t have hubris or pride to lead it to self destruction. Nor will it have a conscience to restrain it for fear of God.
        Combine AI and the arsenals of the world. or just access to the communications and electrical grid.
        we might end up at the mercy of an entity that would make satan look like a reasonably preferable alternative.

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