Schiff on the Dollar: This is a Phony Bounce

by | Mar 10, 2009 | Peter Schiff

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     Peter Schiff, Art Laffer and Steve Forbes talk about Warren Buffet’s recent comments on the economic crisis and stimulus plan. (Video follows)

    Peter Schiff on the dollar:

    The long term trend [for the dollar] is still intact. To say the dollar is strong, it’s not as weak as it was last year, but I think it’s going a lot lower ultimately. I think this is a phony bounce. I don’t think it’s going to last.

    Marc Faber recently agreed with Peter Schiff’s assessment of a lower dollar. If the dollar weakens, according to Faber, we may also see a mini-boom in the stock markets as money flows into equities.

    Peter Schiff on CNBC March 9, 2009


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