This report was originally published by Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge
SHTFplan Editor’s note: Many prominent Libertarian and alternative media pages were also removed from Facebook without warning. Some were removed from Twitter as well, leading many to believe this is a coordinated purge. The Free Thought Project, The Anti-Media, and Press For Truth are all independent media sites (non-partisan) that were removed from both Facebook and Twitter.
Just in time for midterms, Facebook has removed 559 pages and 251 accounts they claim have been spreading misinformation and spam. Several of the pages however – some with millions of followers, were pro-Trump conservatives who had spent years cultivating their followings.
Facebook has unpublished our page
After 5 years of building fans Facebook has officially unpublished our page (3.1 million fans) so we can’t post on it anymore. This is truly an outrage and we are devastated. We will do everything we can to recover our page and fight back. pic.twitter.com/H3AmHTT8Qo
— Free Thought Project (@TFTPROJECT) October 11, 2018
I’ve been memory holed from FaceBook! 350k followers poof gone! There is a dangerous precedent being set here where the big tech companies have appointed themselves as the gate keepers of political thought and opinion! Retweet this if you care about free-speech! #FreeDickspic.twitter.com/LsnZvaJyOL
— Dan Dicks (@DanDicksPFT) October 11, 2018
Our @facebook page with over 2.1 million followers has been unpublished, along with over 800 other pages and accounts. The purge of alt-media is upon us. pic.twitter.com/6Q2oswVpBI
— Anti-Media (@AntiMedia) October 11, 2018
Facebook claims that “domestic actors” have been creating “fake pages and accounts to attract people with shocking political news,” reports Bloomberg.
“The people behind the activity also post the same clickbait posts in dozens of Facebook Groups, often hundreds of times in a short period, to drum up traffic for their websites,” Facebook said in a Thursday blog post. “And they often use their fake accounts to generate fake likes and shares. This artificially inflates engagement for their inauthentic pages and the posts they share, misleading people about their popularity and improving their ranking in news feed.”
Some pages Facebook removed had large followings of real and fake accounts. Nation in Distress, a conservative meme page, was followed by more than 3 million people, according to the Internet Archive, which stores historical versions of websites and other online content. –Bloomberg
Facebook has removed “559 Pages and 251 accounts” in the US “that have consistently broken our rules against spam and coordinated inauthentic behavior.” They include:
-Nation in Distress
-Reasonable People Unite
-The Resistance
-Reverb Press
-Right Wing News
-Snowflakes— Craig Silverman (@CraigSilverman) October 11, 2018
That said, not all of the accounts with large followings were conservative; Reverb Press, for example, had over 700,000 followers and constantly attacked President Trump and Republicans, who they referred to as “cheating scumbags.”
A third left-leaning page, Reasonable People Unite, posted a screen shot of a Twitter user who said, “Somewhere in America, a teenage girl is listening to her parents defend Brett Kavanaugh and she is thinking to herself, if something like that happens to me, I have nowhere to go.” –WaPo
The digital nanny state strikes again…
First they came for Alex Jones and now @facebook has taken down @DanDicksPFT Press For Truth page! This is insanity, Dan has been one of the most inspirational and rational independent journalists of our era! @DewsNewz @PrisonPlanet @LeighStewy @PressForTruth pic.twitter.com/EA5WatAHUI
— Jason Bermas (@JasonBermas) October 11, 2018
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
Some congressional lawmakers are pressing regulators to revoke federal approval for mRNA-based...
This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog under the...
This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog. What do...
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Some comments on this web site are automatically moderated through our Spam protection systems. Please be patient if your comment isn’t immediately available. We’re not trying to censor you, the system just wants to make sure you’re not a robot posting random spam.
This website thrives because of its community. While we support lively debates and understand that people get excited, frustrated or angry at times, we ask that the conversation remain civil. Racism, to include any religious affiliation, will not be tolerated on this site, including the disparagement of people in the comments section.
Go f!*! yourself facebook. The purge is underway. Be prepared for any eventuality.
A 100% xosher internet has been their stated goal for decades.
Anyone recently caught flat-footed deserves no sympathy.
Content should LONG AGO have been moved to free-speech internet-privacy havens—providers and jurisdictions.
Let’s see if the link ever makes it our of censorship.
Maybe a work-around link will make it through censorship.
The greatest tyranny ALWAYS comes from the well monied MONOPOLIES who impose THEIR VALUES AND WILL because out of lack of choices otherwise. Nice to see the full brunt of Communism finally raises its ugly head. Now if only Americans had the will and spine to crush this serpents head….but sigh, I don’t believe so.
Disbelief and confusion, when I tell people that anyone can buy computer parts in a magazine.
Some were going to college for this.
Dad – You Can’t Polish A Turd
Clearly, we are now seeing the unmasking of the real “facebook”.
A subtle snake that has suckered millions through social vanity and simple habit. What a shameful application of ‘free enterprise’ once posing as a enlarging free human contact!
A full boycott of this evil entity! Fight back America!
Fraud Book is going down, they are on Trumps Target list for Anti-trust violations. Their days are numbers and that skinny tall red headed Z-I-O-N-I-S-T CEO Zuckerfraud who stole the Facebook idea from a college classmate, will be bankrupt in no time. Watch this Deep state domino be dismantled shortly. Stay tuned.
I have never went on this FB site, nor subscribed, and stay away as far as I can, from this Spy Site, Facial Recognition tool for the Feds, and so should you.
Good to see you made it thru the storm.
I’m in Central N FL and missed us fine, The panhandle got wacked pretty good. Storm surge and 155 MPH Winds, 5 MPH short of a Cat 5. It was just overcast and breezy here for a few days. A few spots of light rain. Oh we got hit good last Yr with Hurricane Irma Sep 11 2017. Took months to get back to normal, whatever that was. Loads of 85 Ft tall trees down. Bet they have a lot of tree cutting jobs in the FL pan handle. Load up chain saws, gas and your BOL camper and head over there. Tree debris removal trucks can make a lot of money there right now.
TSB, agreed about facebook and glad to see you made it through the storm. ALL social media needs to be shut down since it’s dominated by libturds.
Hey BlowBoy looks like Cuz and Sarg are both trying to extend an Olive Branch, guess they’ve never dealt with a Bully before. You can’t appease a Bully, sorry you missed out on the BigBlow BlowBoy.
NGIC, go back to sleep.
I have several layers of duck tape over my computer’s camera, always have from the beginning. They at least will not have my help in getting facial recognition from me. I am sure though, they, the PTB, have probably done this via other sources, traffic light cameras, and just from all the other cameras posted in cities, turn pikes, and stores, and of course your driver’s license.
It is concerning that every opinion you type is collected and stored and can be used against you if needed. Isn’t this why the internet was created in the first place? It wasn’t about a free exchange of thought and info thus the the loss of net neutrality. Too much truth has been exposed leading to the reality that much anger boils over publicly on the net that threatens the existing crumbling lies of our glorious leaders. The result is expanding censorship by the police state revealing the true nature of plans against freedom of speech and assembly.
Even this site now when you click to post a comment it remembers your Moniker name and password automatically. Somebody is storing that attached to your IP addy.
What really Pissed me off last year during the Hurricane Irma here in FL, Our Local FL CO Sheriffs office was posting all their Storm updates on Facebook. I called and said, look A-holes, we don’t go on Fraudbook, how about you get with the program and create a public website. I said WTF you have to belong to Facebook to get public hurricane Emergency updates? Fn A-holes. I reamed them a good one. They replied, well we just wanted to reach as many people as possible. I said, How about try the Public Radio Airwaves, or TV or your own emergency website where you don’t need to log into and a password to get Emergency info. Like WTF?
Make it a more difficult for them.
Use TOR.
Good luck with TOR. It was developed with government funding.
Facebook is a tool of the Deep State. You know how bad and how evil and how deep the Deep State goes when MSM requires you to use Facebook to post comments on their site.
After the algorithm scandal you would have thought morality and ethics would have dictated that Facebook was dropped from all MSM. But no.
People think about the things they talk about.
Control what the people can talk about, control what they can think about.
I have encouraged people in my circle for about the past 8 years. Delete your FB, Twitter, you name it accounts. They are a rot on our country.
I really do believe/hope that Democrat voters will see through all this control of the internet as the means of shutting up the last venue of free speech of the people.
Part of me believes there will be larger than average turn out for midterm elections. I believe it will be for the same reason voters came out to vote for Trump. The swamp creatures have got to be stopped from taking control of high up government positions.
The public social platforms are showing they are not for the people as they want the people to think. I believe those hand in hand with socialists to take control of this country are going to see their dastardly deeds backfire on themselves. Twitter Twits, Google gestapo, Facecrap and all those with their self proclaimed rights to censor the internet are going to see that the people aren’t as stupid as they think they are.
You can bet if the far left socialist progressive dumborats lose the votes and power that they will bring blood to the streets. They will show they have no respect for the voters voting them out of power positions. Yeah that’s how patriotic they are and couldn’t give a rats tail what the people want.
I was told in a dream that the swamp critters and those feeding the swamp critters will be exposed due to what takes place in the coming midterm elections. This midterm election process can be monitored since the past laws prohibiting it have expired. This along with greater than average voter turn out could be all that saves the midterm elections from being stolen. Even Hillary knows if enough people get out and vote against progressives that what they expected to happen will not happen.
The coming midterm elections could well be a do or die situation for those wanting to bring in the New World Order progressive socialism. If the votes don’t go their way then expect all hell to break loose all across this country.
People are dropping these sites and the more that do it will dispel their power and the ability to make money. also, some outfit will come along and challenge them and ultimately take their customers. Happens all the time….ask Sears,KMart.
Who owns the Federal Reserve Bank?
Do you know?
Who owns ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX ???
Who owns virtually all book and magazine publishers?
Who owns politicians?
Who owns Facebook?
Who owns you?
1954… great syfi movie
No one owns me nor anyone else.
(((THEM))) are in control. They do own everything except a few people like me and you. Can’t deny that, it’s there in black and white.
They like to use the term: “Human Resources”
That term should make everyone shudder.
Quite frankly, FckBurger can kiss my ass
It is easy to imagine into the future when sites like this one and Alex Jones and hundreds of other conservative sites are not only just kicked off social media but will be kicked of their host and shut down if they cant find another host of which probably could be rigged so as for them to be unable to find another. In that scenario they are just now teasing us and testing the waters to see how far they can go. We need to find out who can stop this madness, if it can be stopped, or if their is anybody who can start some type of social media that would be a proponent of freedom instead of this rapidly expanding censorship of conservatives. kf
Diaspora*. It already exists.
Not gone yet, but it won’t be long until I am.
I have never used FB. I sometimes wonder
why the FB, G00gle, twatter, and other
communist sites are shown on the bottom page of
so many sites.
Don’t those logos have access to
the files of anyone who opens them???
I want “Freedom Watch” or Mark Meadows
“Freedom Foundation” to start a commentary
site for only conservatives.
Those sites named above are trying desperately to
divide this country and prevent their Dumbacratic base
from learning anything that contradicts their Demon crap
We need to fight fire with a bigger fire.
If they take our sites down…..we take down the demon craps.
Obumhole Davis started this stuff as soon as he got elected in 2008.
Let’s not have a repeat of that communist manifesto.
We have a NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN…….as long as we can keep him.
We need him to clean out the swamp for at least 6 more years.
What I find funny is that Twitter has followed suit (from what I can tell, all those twitter links are gone too)
Are they ‘sharing’ black lists?
There is an alternative site called Minds. It is just getting underway.
ht tps://www.minds.com
One good conservative poster I’ve seen there calls herself Votivationnation.
Yes, minds.com is MUCH better than crapbook.
Just in time for midterms, Facebook has removed 559 pages and 251 accounts…
And then compromised the personal information of 29 million others.
Frankly, if you ever used social media you deserve to be deleted. Humans need to be HUMAN, and meet face to face, not “publishing” every aspect of their lives online.
I’m about to go dark myself, from all email accounts, etc.
Something really bad is coming. I can feel it ….
Yeah man, they really screwed us bigtime. We had 20+ pages admined by veterans on our payroll. We are going to fight this assault on free speech. We are conservatives that simply reported news and this is what we get? This is WAR! #MAGA
Patriots need their own version of Facebook!
Have you checked out https://freezoxee.com yet?
Matt Bracken is asking patriots to try this alternative to Facebook.
Social without Zuck or the Googlees.
Social without totalitarian meatbots or digibots.
Social with those who have banned by Big Social.
In a nation where there is no clear line between the corporation and the government, all censorship is government censorship. Deep state.
There was a Pentagon program that was called Life Log. The day it shut down was the day that Facebook started. They are one and the same. Get it yet? Deep state.
The NSA gathers all electronic data. All of it. They use it to create an algorithm for each and every American. I don’t have to explain why this is a very bad idea. My government needs to know this, why? Contrary to what people think, this info is available to certain private entities and foreign governments. China already uses their data mining operations to create “social scores” for their people. The social scores are used to punish or reward their people. Our social scores are being determined right now. By our government. For the same purpose. Get it? Deep state.
We can unsafely say that the social scores of this blog / BB participants are close to the upper or lower range depending on the scale. We’re working our way to getting on that sometime in the future “most wanted list” of political dissidents. Throughout history some of the greatest people had that distinction and a few come to mind, Sakharov, Lech Walesa, Vaclav Havel, Solzhenitsyn and of course our own Founding Fathers.
We are at war with the liberal socialist one world communist
The billionaire social media creeps need to be broken up.
Hello FCC
“Billionaire” and communist are conflicting descriptors. TPTB / globalist financiers, are not communists, they’re fascists who employ communists as human resource managers. Warburg, Rockefeller, Rothschild and Mr Soros are certainly not communists.
I’ve talked to strangers, some of whom were legitimately bad people.
And, I’ve read banned books.
In the Communist Manifesto, I got the idea that Marx was an adamant historian, compiling the methods of state, common to all civilizations. He even used figures of speech from the Christian Bible. (Nowadays, this would be considered rude, in some circles, or they would not know the meaning of a parable.)
He attempted to remove all culture or bias, to make it procedural, as scientific as possible.
He takes all this same infrastructure, and intellectual property, and even worshipful feelings, but for his own worldview or noble lie.
In unexceptional cases, when I looked-in on these people, in photos and video, etc, it was like a parallel universe. Like any modern govt, with a couple of details changed.
They had middle class cronyists, in familiar situations, sometimes called NEP men.
Under normalization, which is to say stability, every civilization had the same basic fixtures, since ancient times. They ask the same existential questions, and, where they have existed for longer, were more eloquent and more detailed.
There are people like this, in every country and every historical period, imo.
Look up Mark Meadows he is chairman of the Freedom CAUCUS.
Not the one I suggested above, which is bogus.
Other favorites are:
Judicial Watch…org.
the conservative treehouse… comi
breitbart …com
all of these are reliable, true sites for news.
Thank you Mac, for all you do but you
just can’t be everywhere there is breaking news.
Things often change overnight now, and by next
mid-morning, it is old news. The comments may be 3 days old
before (or if ) they are even read.
But…fear not …you still have the BEST free comment
site on the web!!
For that we are greatful.