Leaked Google Emails Reveal Internal Discussion On Burying Articles From Conservative Outlets

by | Nov 30, 2018 | Headline News | 59 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge

    Google – which was exposed trying to help Hillary Clinton win the 2016 election, and who were beside themselves after she lost – discussed whether to bury conservative media outlets in the company’s search function after Donald Trump became president, according to the Daily Caller News Foundation‘s Peter Hasson.

    Internal communications obtained by the Caller reveal that The Daily Caller and Breitbart were specifically singled out for potential censorship.

    Communications obtained by TheDCNF show that internal Google discussions went beyond expressing remorse over Clinton’s loss to actually discussing ways Google could prevent Trump from winning again.

    This was an election of false equivalencies, and Google, sadly, had a hand in it,” Google engineer Scott Byer wrote in a Nov. 9, 2016, post reviewed by TheDCNF.

    Byer falsely labeled The Daily Caller and Breitbart as “opinion blogs” and urged his coworkers to reduce their visibility in search results.

    How many times did you see the Election now card with items from opinion blogs (Breitbart, Daily Caller) elevated next to legitimate news organizations? That’s something that can and should be fixed,” Byer wrote.

    I think we have a responsibility to expose the quality and truthfulness of sources – because not doing so hides real information under loud noises,” he continued.

    “Beyond that, let’s concentrate on teaching critical thinking. A little bit of that would go a long way. Let’s make sure that we reverse things in four years – demographics will be on our side.” –DCNF

    Not all Google employees agreed with the notion of censoring conservative outlets; engineer Uri Dekel – a self-described Clinton supporter, argued that manipulating search results was the wrong approach.

    “Thinking that Breitbart, Drudge, etc. are not ‘legitimate news sources’ is contrary to the beliefs of a major portion of our user base is partially what got us to this mess. MSNBC is not more legit than Drudge just because Rachel Maddow may be more educated / less deplorable / closer to our views, than, say Sean Hannity,” Dekel wrote Byer in a reply, adding “I follow a lot of right wing folks on social networks you could tell something was brewing. We laughed off Drudge’s Instant Polls and all that stuff, but in the end, people go to those sources because they believe that the media doesn’t do it’s job. I’m a Hillary supporter and let’s admit it, the media avoided dealing with the hard questions and issues, which didn’t pay off. By ranking ‘legitimacy’ you’ll just introduce more conspiracy theories”

    Another engineer, Mike Brauwerman, suggested that the company could avoid “accusations of conspiracy or bias” by using technology to “trace information to its source, to link to critiques of these sources, and let people decide what sources they believe.”

    “Give people a comprehensive but effectively summarized view of the information, not context-free rage-inducing sound-byte,” added Brauwerman.

    Other Google employees also advocated for providing context to sources in order to “help” users consume information. Unfortunately, the search giant’s solution was to employ fact-checking organizations with a liberal bias that “target conservative outlets almost exclusively,” according to the Caller. Google eventually pulled their fact-checkers in January, crediting an investigation by the Daily Caller in their decision.

    Google claims that the email conversation did not lead to the manipulation of search results for political purposes.

    “This post shows that far from suppressing Breitbart and Daily Caller, we surfaced these sites regularly in our products. Furthermore, it shows that we value providing people with the full view on stories from a variety of sources,” the spokeswoman told TheDCNF in an email.

    Google has never manipulated its search results or modified any of its products to promote a particular political ideology. Our processes and policies do not allow for any manipulation of search results to promote political ideologies.” –DCNF

    Right – then why does a Google search for “Idiot” return pictures of the Trump family, while the same search in DuckDuckGo is completely different:


    This isn’t the first time Google employees have sought to alter search results either:

    After Trump announced his initial travel ban in January 2017, Google employees discussed ways to manipulate search results in order to push back against the president’s order.

    A group of employees brainstormed ways to counter “islamophobic, algorithmically biased results from search terms ‘Islam’, ‘Muslim’, ‘Iran’, etc,” as well as “prejudiced, algorithmically biased search results from search terms ‘Mexico’, ‘Hispanic’, ‘Latino’, etc.”

    Meanwhile, President Trump suggested to the Daily Caller in September that Google and Facebook are trying to manipulate election outcomes.

    “I think they already have,” said Trump. “I mean the true interference in the last election was that — if you look at all, virtually all of those companies are super liberal companies in favor of Hillary Clinton,” he added.

    “Maybe I did a better job because I’m good with the Twitter and I’m good at social media, but the truth is they were all on Hillary Clinton’s side, and if you look at what was going on with Facebook and with Google and all of it, they were very much on her side.”


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      1. ——————-How to Save America——————-

        Abolish prison
        Give everyone a gun
        Legalize drugs
        End welfare
        Close the borders
        Venerate the housewife
        Glorify the entrepreneur
        Shut down the government

        Gavin McInnes, Founder of the Proud Boys
        (He quit last week)

        • https://www.amren.com/news/2018/11/mystery-surrounds-death-of-young-white-woman-in-mozambique/











          SO TERRIBLE



          • Eisen, I’ll “virtue signal” YOU with my foot up your stupid ass. There’s more than a few of us “boomers” who can take you on. People get sick of listening to your BS.

            • Mac, why is it I get moderated every time I mention Eisen’s name?

          • Mr. E
            Your rants would seem insane, absurd?
            Except that several of your rants are already true?

            * Texas has been given back to Mexico. San Antonio looks like Mexico city. Some small Texas towns are 89% mexicans and many of theose people are on welfare.
            * The illegals come to Texas, rob, rape, steal, MURDER, burgle homes, steal cars, sell drugs that KILL young suburb kids.
            * The illegal children go to public schools and have TB and other third world diseases.

            There is a push to water down caucasion genetics by breeding with other races. Whites are very much a minority already, worldwide. Mexicans ALWAYS outbreed whites.

            By the way, my wife is Mexican. Before the racist comments fly my way. And yes our children are mix.

            I chose a Mexican wife because she knows how to be a woman. USA and Western caucasion women are too selfish, very self centered, all inked up with tats, smoke, drink booze, sleep around too much, etc. And of course the favorite sport of western women is divorce. Ruining any man foolish enough to care for them. Those reasons are why I had no choice but to take a foriegn wife.

            My wife’s priority is our family. Not her career or selfish persuits. And being Catholic NO one in her very large family has divorced.

            But I digress….

            Point I wanted to ask you Mr.E. Whay do you hate on boomers? Men that fough in Korea and Vietnam are good people to have your back. They have also taught me enough to get me through my adventures abroad. Their advice likely kept me from literally getting my nuts blown off. As result. I like many of those boomers you seem to have a grudge against.

            Mr. E. may I suggest you get laid now and then. Maybe a nice latina and a few beers would improve your life outlook? Worked for me. I Always have clean washed clothes. Beer is handed to me after a hug and kiss arrival after a days hard work. I’m well fed. My wife is nice to look at and keeps herself nice.

            Only bad point is her large family. Someone always has event, sports game, graduation, wedding, etc. etc. So free time gets infringed upon. But there is always good food, cold beer, and there is usually fight around 10pm, so entertainment is available.

          • Mr. E
            Your rants would seem insane, absurd?
            Except that several of your rants are already true?

            * Texas has been given back to Mexico. San Antonio looks like Mexico city. Some small Texas towns are 89% mexicans and many of theose people are on welfare.
            * The illegals come to Texas, rob, rape, steal, MURDER, burgle homes, steal cars, sell drugs that KILL young suburb kids.
            * The illegal children go to public schools and have TB and other third world diseases.

            There is a push to water down caucasion genetics by breeding with other races. Whites are very much a minority already, worldwide. Mexicans ALWAYS outbreed whites.

            By the way, my wife is Mexican. Before the racist comments fly my way. And yes our children are mix.

            I chose a Mexican wife because she knows how to be a woman. USA and Western caucasion women are too selfish, very self centered, all inked up with tats, smoke, drink booze, sleep around too much, etc. And of course the favorite sport of western women is divorce. Ruining any man foolish enough to care for them. Those reasons are why I had no choice but to take a foriegn wife.

            My wife’s priority is our family. Not her career or selfish persuits. And being Catholic NO one in her very large family has divorced.

            But I digress….

            Point I wanted to ask you Mr.E. Whay do you hate on boomers? Men that fought in Korea/Vietnam, are good people to have your back. They have also taught me enough, to get me through my adventures abroad. Their advice likely kept me from, “literally getting my nuts blown off.” As result. I like many of those boomers you seem to have a grudge against.

            Mr. E. may I suggest you get laid now and then. Maybe a nice latina and a few beers would improve your life outlook? Worked for me. I Always have clean washed clothes. Beer is handed to me after a hug and kiss arrival, after a days hard work. I’m well fed. My wife is nice to look at and keeps herself nice.

            Only bad point is her large family. Someone always has event, sports game, graduation, wedding, etc. etc. So free time gets infringed upon. But there is always good food, cold beer, and there is usually fight around 10pm, so entertainment is available.

        • Oh the useful idiot that filmed himself shoving a dildo up his ass? That guy?

          • lol. Didn’t know that…not that it matters.

            • Speaking of burying stuff, Never bury things on your property. Use public land. Much less chance of it being found and or traced back to you. Maybe use an old landfill site to disguise your cache from metal detectors. Get a metal detector to help find it because you will (after a few years) likely need help locating the exact spot (first hand experience). If you have pets don’t forget about them when storing food supplies. Someone mentioned freeze dried coffee here and thats a great idea! Imma get me some. Save your old socks for resusable toilet paper. Use rat traps for trapping doves and other small birds/animals. Feel free to add comments/ideas.

              • NEWSFLASH: George H. W. Bush aka “Bush Sr.”, 41st POTUS, has died at the age of 94. I, for one, won’t be missing him.

                • The GHB criminal crime family cartel boss pukes eh? Good, I hope he choked on his vomit. POS!!

                  • Too bad he didn’t check into my uhhhh “hospice” 😉

                    • Had to dig one up to say for sure no leaky leaky

                      ht tps://www.supplyhouse.com/Fernco-QC-104-4-Quik-Cap?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxI_y9teC3wIVj7rACh0Mxg8hEAQYASABEgLrufD_BwE

                    • Genius, LOL. At least he’s gone. There’s a lot more that need to go.

                  • TharSheBlows, good riddance for the GLOBALIST/COMMIE POS. Now he can burn in hell with all the rest of his commie buddies. That news made my day.

                • Read the book “Family of Secrets” for the real scoop on GHW Bush, and GW too.

              • If you have 2 way radio comms like baofeng uv5R’s (I’m sure most of you are smart enough to already have them) be sure to periodically recharge the batteries. Make sure you have the frequency you will use programmed and lock the keypad. Nothing like a low battery or wrong frequency when you need it in a hurry. Have extra radios (they are cheap as hell) for others that may need them or for backups. DO NOT get the 8 watt version baofeng or pofung! They have an extremely small frequency range even though they say if you get the software you can unlock it. That is BS! I got it and tried both online and disc version and it DOESN’T WORK (same with others that have tried it). A good old UV5R is about 25 bucks on ebay or amazon (hate them). Get the 3800mah battery for each radio too. Order them seperate that way you have the original battery as a backup. UHF is best in dense areas. DO NOT use any ham or police etc. frequencies, you will get nailed! DO NOT use gmrs either, there are a million idiots on there and 0 privacy.

              • Why not just use GPS and drop a pen….record the coordinates on paper then delete the digital ones.


                • *pin

                  • G that was in regard to the burying stuff comment

                    • I didn’t have a gps. And the landscape had changed And it was a lot of “beers” ago lol.

                    • However, the buried treasure was well cleaned and coated with cosmoline and corrosion-x spray. It was like brand new after 7 years! Ammo the same. Used pvc pipe and glued the shit out of it both ends with caps (not screw on shit) Easy to remove with a regular hammer. I tried grease on some smaller tubes on one end filled with ammo for easier removal…. most of it was ruined. Ya learn from yer mistakes.

                    • Always use moisture absorbers in the tubes.. Even money can get moldy in a plastic zip lock bag. Even Silver can tarnish if exposed to water or moisture. But to quickly restore the silver back to shiny, prepare hot water with baking soda sprinkled in a pan lined with aluminum foil, and the soda solution takes the tarnish off the silver and the aluminum absorbs the tarnish. Amazingly fast to take the tarnish off fast.. scrub the silver in the hot baking soda solution, let sit for a few hours. Hotter the water the better.

                    • Yep, I used silica gel packs BUT I wrapped them in paper towels because I had read that direct contact with metal will corrode it.
                      Nothing like taking a treasure bath in bright, shiney silver! Makes you all warm and fuzzy inside lol.

            • There are venues for that, if you like to see it.

              • The best alert system for vehicles is the Dakota Alert with the underground magnetic probe. It detects vehicles only (unlike motion sensors which go off with every bird, bug, animal, etc.). Be sure to get the one that has the external antenna that is removable and has the sma connector. Use an sma connected small mag mount antenna dual band (ebay for about 15 bux). 3db gain and can be hidden. You can just use a baofeng UV5R for the reciever (much cheaper and better then the dakota reciever). Just program it to the channel on the transmitter. Also get the long range antenna for your baofeng for better reception. I have this system and it works fine from 1/2 mile away.

                • When I get an alert I turn on a 30X zoom camera mounted in an upstairs window that shows me who is at the gate. You can plug it into either a tv or monitor jack to see. Here are some links to equipment:

                  UV5R… ht tps://www.ebay.com/itm/Baofeng-UV-5R-UHF-VHF-Dual-Band-Two-Way-Ham-Radio-Walkie-Talkie/202429357103?epid=218831019&hash=item2f21badc2f:rk:1:pf:0

                  3800mah battery… ht tps://www.ebay.com/itm/Baofeng-7-4V-3800mAh-Li-ion-Battery-For-UV-5R-Plus-5RTP-F8-Two-way-Radio-US/131599941451?hash=item1ea3f7bf4b:rk:1:pf:0

                  Long range antenna… ht tps://www.ebay.com/itm/144-430Mhz-Nagoya-NA-771-SMA-Female-Dual-Band-Radio-Antenna-Kit-for-Baofeng-UV5R/283107197146?hash=item41ea8100da:rk:1:pf:0

                  Probe driveway alert… ht tps://www.ebay.com/itm/DAKOTA-ALERT-MURS-EXTRA-PROBE-SENSOR-TRANSMITTER-MAPS-DRIVEWAY-SECURITY-NEW/112386887341?epid=1100080443&hash=item1a2ac7cead:g:DnYAAOSwKIdaZ3NB:rk:6:pf:0

                  Dual band ext. antenna for dakota alert… ht tps://www.ebay.com/itm/Nagoya-UT-108-SMA-F-SF-Dual-Band-Car-Truck-Mobile-Radio-Antenna-For-UVD-1P-UV-5R/400605316220?hash=item5d45f0047c:g:nU4AAOSwcWpbe-cX:sc:ShippingMethodStandard!84721!US!-1:rk:7:pf:0

                  30X zoom camera… ht tps://www.ebay.com/itm/1-3-CMOS-CCTV-1200TVL-30X-Optical-Zoom-Security-Inddor-Camera-Auto-Focus/262550820057?hash=item3d213f94d9:g:SgMAAOSwn~ZZbFuZ:rk:37:pf:0

                  7 inch 12v monitor… ht tps://www.ebay.com/itm/US-7-Ultra-Thin-800-480-TFT-LCD-Video-Audio-VGA-HDMI-HD-Monitor-Screen-Adpater/262144960122?hash=item3d090ea67a:g:7K8AAOSwMNVa9Xv8:rk:4:pf:0

                  • If you are running any of this on a solar system DC you will want one of these. Solar system 12v will get up to 15 volts sometimes and can damage 12v equipment. This is rated at 5 amps I use these because the higher amp modules won’t accept the lower votage input. This will work with your 12v solar DC and regulate the power so you don’t burn things up. It says 24v input but works with much less.

                    ht tps://www.ebay.com/itm/Waterproof-24V-to-12V-5A-DC-DC-Buck-Converter-Step-Down-Module-Car-Power-Supply/323511436719?epid=6025004707&hash=item4b52c8c5af:g:6GEAAOSw34FbzZMF:rk:58:pf:0

                    • This should give you some ideas for your weekend reading 🙂

                    • I’m looking to run 1000 watt linear (mobile) and avert triangulation dont you know.?

                    • You can do that but they will go to the area and still find you lol. I know your kidding. Why do you need to talk to Australia? 😛

                    • Damn Bill, looks like just you and me this weekend? I guess everyone is out buying preps? Wanna buy an old CB?

        • An excellent list, except for the border closure. But in any case borders could not be enforced after government is shut down

      2. I use duckduckgo.
        I searched for “idiot”.
        I don’t get any pictures back.
        I get formal textual definitions
        from dictionaries.
        and reference about a book “The Idiot”
        by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky,
        that I read about 40 years ago.
        Since I run Linux O/S I wonder
        if this isn’t really
        a Windows or MAC O/S problem?

      3. and this is why i stopped using google!
        use duckduckgo, no bias and no spying as well.
        windows10 is now a permanent spyware tool, you have no control over your computer as it has many backdoor holes that they can get into your computer and change any thing they want!
        switch to Linux and the problem goes away

      4. Android cell phones use Google cr’ap all over. Apple is crap priced to the moon and prone to breakage/failure. I need a cell phone for work. Why am I forced to put up with these f###ed up corporations bulls##t!?!?

      5. Google wa nts to know if the can have access to my camera in case my phone gets stolen they can take a pictire of the theif …sigh
        ……there just not gonna stop till i melt their shit down

      6. Google can go f#$% themselves. I don’t follow censorship from anyone no matter what the reason.

        • lol, the word is FUCK you self censoring dumbass

          • AS, there’s a reason I type that word the way I do. Out of respect for the site. So go somewhere else with that crap.

      7. Of course. The place is full to the top of SJWs and snotflakes. What did anyone expect? It’s an echo chamber of wealthy people that think they have the right to tell everyone else what to think and how to live our lives. That describes communism, perfectly. They are wealthy and dictate, from on high, how the slovenly peasants should live.

        Discovered a new dystopic fiction author that leans towards Caucasians. For now, you can still buy the books on Amazon. “Fast Times at Cultural Marxist High” and “Hold Back This Day” by Ward Kendall seem promising.

        Joe McCarthy was right. The US was infested with commies in the 1950s and that infestation has only gotten worse.

        Another book, non-fiction with a massive bibliography and endnotes, is “Hope of the Wicked” by Ted Flynn, published in 2000. Good luck finding a used copy! I think their are PDF copies online, if you look. Written for anyone that can read at a HS level.

        • lol, is that you TESTicle

        • Hopefully someone bombs the google buildings that these mongoloid communist rats work in

      8. Google what? I’m shocked! As if FaceBook,Twitter and all the other lesser platforms didn’t/are doing the same thing. What isn’t infiltrated out there?

      9. You MUST understand.
        ALL TECHNOLOGY built since the year 2000 is a snitch, snoop, surviellance tool for the state.
        Cell phone-Cable TV box-Computer-Automobile, etc.
        Intel chips are compromised.
        ALL of it is a snitch-snoop-surviellance asset for the state.

        China has infiltrated ALL electronic communications.
        I told people years ago. No one wanted to hear it.


        Google/NWO are building the lists now. Soon action will be taken for those not NWO vetted. The beast system is here.

        Why do I post? Because I have no fear. God will decide my fate. Not some dirtbag boot licker follower of satan NWO stasi. God decides.

        Piss on the NWO. Piss on Anti American leftist and leftist media mouths. Piss on the tech matrix snoop system.
        Piss on the UN Agenda 21. Piss on George Soros. Piss on the sick dirtbag pedophile, cabal bankers/top 3%, that governs from shadows. They are Sick murdering psychopaths. WHY AREN’T THEY ARRESTED?
        Piss on AI. Piss on robots. Piss on the NWO tech monopoly.
        Why no arrests? Because EVERYONE in any power capacity is compromised. No one is allowed a power position unless compromised.

        In the same way:
        No one is allowed a decent job unless you are vetted by the NWO leftist indoctrination center called college/university. Brain washing camps. China has offices on most campuses.

        I believe that Patriots are already being murdered or made ill. Law enforcement assets are used to round people up for incarceration and final extermination.

      10. Every time the question of sedition comes up, and a too-big-to-fail is to blame, I wonder whether it is owned by a foreign country or the globalists, et al.

        Does China own Silicon Valley.

        Why do unfriendly countries own any of our infrastructure, whatsoever, including the means of communication.

      11. Its all about the money…..

        • Money is involved, but not competitively. I meant to say it was about privilege.

          You can’t just own a tv station, or some communications nexus. It’s considered a privilege.

      12. Google: synonymous with Sucks.

      13. This gives privileges to someone, who you know cannot be patriotic.

      14. REPOST: OFF TOPIC: Great DEAL- LifeStraw Personal Water Filter reg $24.99; NOW $11.99 & FREE Shipping. Long Lifetime: The microbiological filter will provide 4,000 liters (1,000 gallons) of clean and safe drinking water with proper use and maintenance

        They make a great Christmas Gift!

        h ttps://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006QF3TW4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

        • Amazon..AAAAAAK! Almost worth it though….

          • I will look for their company website. I refuse to feed the enemy whenever possible. Thanks!

      15. What is a decent search other than google.

      16. this makes no sense the guy was gettin short set for release in April

        never ever play grab ass with the ruskies

        ht tps://www.thedailybeast.com/feds-say-imprisoned-hacker-ran-a-drone-smuggling-ring?ref=home

      17. Google isn’t anti-conservative.

        Google is Jewgle.

        Google has been censoring factual documentation of Adverse Event Results (injured patients) from the American biotech industry, since October 2002.

        That was at the request of Advertisers.

        Google has been an Advertiser run search engine since 2002.

        Nothing Liberal or Democratic about that.

        Google just has a liberal GUI because that appeals to Bay Area snow-flakes.

      18. Ate a can of chef boyardee spaghetti and meatballs that was 4 years past expire. There was no dents in the can and when I opened it the can let out some air however it didn’t smell bad just off and the texture of the sauce was like gelatin. It did taste kind of blah but I was confident it wasn’t gonna kill me. Worst case scenario I was gonna vomit or get the shits. I didn’t get sick at all. Wife says I wouldn’t eat it. I said hunny we have to find out if old food is still safe and I will be the test subject. we figured after I consumed it and didn’t get sick that there must be so much preservatives in it. I’ve been tempted to eat questionable food since I been into prepping. I live as if it’s shtf now on purpose to keep myself conditioned to hardship. I sleep on the hard wood floor with just my jacket no pillow. Have cut back showering and stopped shaving for 10 years now but still brush the teeth daily. I subject myself to dirt and possible germs to keep my immunity up. Wear my clothes for days before washing them. My workplace is dirty and the guys I have to work with are angry negative and selfish. I believe hard living makes you stay strong and luxury makes you weak and living a comfortable life makes you want to continue to live that way keeping you weak. Most people with $ will flat out refuse to live like a bum because they feel they deserve a good life. I’m even taking my family along the hardship ride for their own good. Nowadays people are quick to throw $ at their problems not me I suffer quietly on purpose. I’ve been called a cheap ass blah blah but it don’t bother me. This is all my own doing I don’t need to live like this I choose to.

        • Mr. AH,
          Life is short. We are here for a very short time.
          To intentionally not shower, wear dirty clothes, etc.
          And then to put your family through hardship for extended periods, for a life style, is off. Counter productive. Your methods will build resentment within your family.
          Do you want your wife and children to hate you?
          And no one likes being around a pig that stinks.

          Enjoy today.
          Enjoy civilization and her comforts while still available. Enjoy comforts, but don’t become dependent on feeding from civilisations teet.

          I would suggest yearly week long drills instead of long term hardship.
          Summer drill in extreme heat. Dead of winter drill extreme cold. No services or comforts. Two days no food.

          That is all that is necessary for learning methods and capabilities.

          Wish you well.

          PS- It is my understanding that old food is very hard and detrimental to the health of your liver. So is hard liquor, booze. Avoid old food and booze. Never use drugs. Learn to relax by exercise, walks, runs.

          Being in top Physical-Mental-Emotional-Financial-Spiritual, condition. That is most important for success. Have knowledge and know how to do things.
          Those are most important steps.

          Read your KJV bible. A man that is on that path is able to not be suckered in by the world BEAST system.

          AI-Robots-Constant Surviellance-Tech Tyrants-Chipping- all that garbage is here.
          5G is a civillian kill weapon/surviel matrix

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