Oregon’s SB-978 Gun Control Bill Is So Hysterically Restrictive That PEPPER SPRAY Is a Felony

by | Apr 10, 2019 | Headline News | 53 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    This article was originally published by Daisy Luther at The Organic Prepper

    A new gun control bill introduced in the Oregon State Legislature added 45 pages of draconian amendments the night before the vote. SB978 passed the Judiciary Committee yesterday and now heads to the Oregon Senate.

    It’s a good thing that some parts of this state have vowed to be 2A sanctuaries because Oregonians are going to need them. If the gun owners – and even pepper spray owners – in other parts of the state hope to defend themselves, they could be facing a vast new array of felony charges.

    The battle for the right to bear arms is rapidly spreading across the country. In February,the House of Representatives passed two sweeping national bills.  New Mexico has passed 6 outrageous new laws that sheriffs are refusing to enforce, and sheriffs in Washington state are also rebelling. On the other stand, two states have introduced invasive laws requiring would-be gun owners to hand over access to years of personal social media.

    What’s in the unconstitutional bill, you ask?

    Well, let’s get started.

    Raising the minimum age

    They want to raise the minimum age to buy a gun to 21 in certain cases.

    The following may establish a minimum age of 18,19, 20 or 21 years for the purchase of firearms, firearm accessories, firearm components, ammunition or ammunition components, or for the repair or service of a firearm:
    “(a) A person transferring a firearm, a firearm accessory, a firearm
    component, ammunition or an ammunition component at a gun show;
    “(b) A gun dealer; or
    “(c) A business engaged in repairing or servicing a firearm

    Keeping your gun locked up

    Residents will be required to keep their guns locked up at all times that they are not being carried. These rules will render guns all but useless in the event a person needs to access them to protect themselves and their family.

    A person who owns or possesses a firearm shall, at all times that the firearm is not carried by or under the control of
    the person or an authorized person, secure the firearm:

    “(A) With an engaged trigger lock or cable lock that meets or exceeds the minimum specifications established by the Oregon Health Authority under section 10 of this 2019 Act;
    “(B) In a locked container, equipped with a tamper-resistant lock, that meets or exceeds the minimum specifications established by the Oregon Health Authority under section 10 of this 2019 Act; or
    “(C) In a gun room.
    “(b) For purposes of paragraph (a) of this subsection, a firearm is not secured if a key, combination or other means of opening a lock or container is readily available to a person the owner or possessor has not authorized to carry or control the firearm.

    Failure to follow these rules is a Class C Felony. Also, don’t get excited about the phrase “gun room” because your bedroom doesn’t count.

    ‘Gun room’ means an area within a building enclosed by walls, a floor and a ceiling, including a closet, that has all entrances secured by a tamper-resistant lock, that is kept locked at all times when unoccupied and that is used for:
    “(a) The storage of firearms, ammunition, components of firearms or ammunition, or equipment for firearm-related activities including but not limited to reloading ammunition, gunsmithing and firearm cleaning and maintenance; or
    “(b) Conducting firearm-related activities, including but not limited to reloading ammunition, gunsmithing and firearm cleaning and maintenance.

    I know that the time I had to protect my daughter with a gun, if my firearm locked up, had on a trigger lock, and had to be loaded, it would have delayed my potential to do so to a horrific degree.

    Gun owners are liable for the acts of gun thieves

    If your gun/guns are stolen, you must report it. Failure to do so is a Class B felony per weapon. And if the thief hurts or kills someone with the stolen firearm, the owner is liable for two years.

    If you have kids, look out.

    Any adult who transfers a firearm to a minor is responsible for any actions taken by that minor with the firearm. And if you want to take your kids shooting or hunting, they must be “directly supervised.”  And if a young person gets ahold of a parent’s gun, the parent is liable for the young person’s action. If the gun isn’t secured as per the rules above, then the adult is charged with even more crimes.

    “(b) Unlawful storage of a firearm is a Class A violation if the minor who obtains possession of the firearm intentionally, by word or conduct, attempts to place another person in fear of imminent serious physical injury.
    “(c) Unlawful storage of a firearm is a Class A misdemeanor if the minor who obtains possession of the firearm injures or kills a person by means of the firearm.

    Oregon wants to crack down on unregistered guns.

    The next section deals with “ghost guns.” Pages 11-19 offer a lengthy list of rules, restrictions, requirements, and record-keeping for the transfer of antique guns, gun parts, and much more. If you have them, you’ll be a felon upon the passage of this bill.

    And as everyone knows, registration is only one step away from confiscation. Here’s an article by Selco, explaining how gun confiscation could go down.

    The next section makes it more complicated to transport a gun.

    If this passes, gun owners who are not concealed-carry permit holders will have to jump through all sorts of hoops to transport a firearm in a vehicle, including locking it in a box in a “secure” are of the vehicle.

    Concealed carry permit fees will go up.

    The next section deals with CC permits and the related fees, increasing them in another effort to put an undue burden on law-abiding citizens.

    And then there’s the stuff about “public buildings.”

    In this bill can find a massive list of restrictions regarding having a gun on the premises of or “near” public buildings. To me, this is the scariest part because it’s so incredibly arbitrary.

    In section 25, Local Authority to Regulate Firearms in Public Buildings,” airports, ports, hospitals, schools, colleges, universities probate courts, city halls, homes of officials, and other “public buildings” – and even their grounds – can restrict not only guns but also the following:

    “(10) ‘Weapon’ means:

    “(a) A firearm;
    “(b) Any dirk, dagger, ice pick, slingshot, metal knuckles or any similar instrument or a knife, other than an ordinary pocketknife with a blade less than four inches in length, the use of which could inflict injury upon a person or property;
    “(c) Mace, tear gas, pepper mace or any similar deleterious agent as defined in ORS 163.211;
    “(d) An electrical stun gun or any similar instrument;
    “(e) A tear gas weapon as defined in ORS 163.211;
    “(f) A club, bat, baton, billy club, bludgeon, knobkerrie, nunchaku,
    nightstick, truncheon or any similar instrument, the use of which could inflict injury upon a person or property; or
    “(g) A dangerous or deadly weapon as those terms are defined in ORS

    Public places as defined in the bill need only to “post a sign, visible to the public, identifying all locations where
    the affirmative defense described in ORS 166.370 (3)(g) is limited or precluded.”

    And if you ignore the sign and get caught?

    You’re guilty of a Class C felony. Even if your gun is unloaded.

    Any person who intentionally possesses a loaded or unloaded firearm or any other instrument used as a dangerous weapon, while in or on a public building, shall upon conviction be guilty of a Class C felony.

    Go here to read the insanity in detail.

    Gun grabbers are overjoyed

    Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford’s anti-gun foundation was delighted with the bill even before the super-secret amendments were added. In a statement, spokeswoman Robin Lloyd said:

    “Gun violence hurts hundreds of Oregon families each year. The proposed provisions in the bills heard today are the critical next steps that Oregon should take to save lives. For example, homemade, untraceable ghost guns pose serious threats to law enforcement and communities impacted by gun violence. A commitment from lawmakers to stem the flow of these firearms will ensure criminals aren’t able to easily get their hands on an undetectable weapon. Today’s hearings highlight a serious commitment by the legislature to reduce the epidemic of gun violence in Oregon. I applaud Attorney General Rosemblum [sic] and the Oregon legislature for prioritizing these lifesaving measures.”

    SB 978-1 includes commonsense efforts to reduce gun violence like requiring safe storage of firearms, holding gun owners accountable to make sure kids don’t get their hands on a gun, requiring gun owners to report lost or stolen firearms, and providing increased regulation of 3D-printed guns and unfinished frames or receivers, parts used to produce ghost guns. (source)

    If it passes, it will spread.

    Gun control laws are like a virus – if they pass in one place they’ll spread to other places. And there’s little reason to believe that in this era of anti-gun hysteria, the legislature will strike down this unconstitutional bill. Thankfully, 13 of 36 Oregon sheriffs have already vowed to make their counties Second Amendment sanctuaries.

    But heaven forbid an Oregonian gets caught driving out of their 2A sanctuary county with a usable firearm.

    Hat tip: Kris

    The Pantry Primer

    Please feel free to share any information from this article in part or in full, giving credit to the author and including a link to The Organic Prepper and the following bio.

    Daisy is a coffee-swigging, gun-toting, homeschooling blogger who writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, and the pursuit of liberty on her websites, The Organic Prepper and DaisyLuther.com She is the author of 4 books and the co-founder of Preppers University, where she teaches intensive preparedness courses in a live online classroom setting. You can follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter,.


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      1. I had a lot of family and friends in Oregon. Most are gone now.
        But it is shocking what has happened to the state of Oregon since the late sixties. CA, WA, and HI states have also been similarly destroyed by Democrats that congregate in the big cities. Some here would consider me a traitor, but I would do nothing to save any large west coast city, even if I could. Nuke em, EMP em, blow out/ cut off their water system supplies. Take out three refineries and bring the entire west coast to a screeching halt.
        Haul the surviving people back the the Northeast and Great lakes where they belong.

        • Rellik, it would solve a lot of problems if we could ban Dems and their entire agenda.

          • As gun rights were not intended for hunting nor self defense, but against redcoats, disarm them.

            Let them call upon the responsible citizen, when they need help — servile, civil servants under a lifelong vow of poverty.

        • Here is an Education. No student loan required:

          Oregom was paradise.
          Then came the Californians.
          Californians ruin every place they Invade.
          There may only be a few handfuls of them. But they ALWAYS run for political office. They are loud. They always have their nose in everything politically.

          Local people just try to live their lives, work hard, run their business, or work their job. The locals are busy living as they always have.

          But Californians will not allow that. Nope. Never.

          The Californians fled California because they ruined California with taxes, endless laws, COMMUNISM.
          Then they invade a new area. Then they use politics to ruin the new place and turn it into the exact hell hole of control freak communism that Communist California is.

          Run Californians out of your small town if they show up. Because more will follow. They are like locusts that destroy every place normal.

          Now to Mexicans:
          Mexicans in Texas flee to Texas from Mexico. Then they fly that disguesting Mexican rag flag, They refuse to speak english language. Every other imigrant tries to learn english language and American culture. Not most Mexicans. They are very cliquish, very predjudiced people.

          No one will tell you these facts. Sad but true.

          By the way, my Mother is Mexican. I know what I’m speaking about. We fled California due to communist oppression there. Taxes, government, cops killing people, gangs killing people, people getting fined, locked up, business assets confiscated, for no reason other than government greed. California is communist.

          • (((Californians))).

            • (((I ate some invasive blackberries.)))

              Oregonians can’t pump their own gas, and harass Baptist schoolmarm-tier, old ladies, when the license plate is out-of-state. Also, fck Portland. Sorry, not sorry.


          Looking for communications equipment, then check out this deal at Walmart: CB Radio and Antena for $29.00

          Uniden PRO505XL 40-Channel Bearcat Compact CB Radio and Tram 703-HC Center Load CB Antenna Kit

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        • I live in NJ and despise what has happened. I can tell you as a Realtor that there is a geniune state of shock throughout our State. Sanctuary State? My Mother lives in Florida and practically begged me to move. Not that things are much better in Florida. I’m thinking Alabama, Tennessee,Iowa or New Hampshire.

      2. YOU MAY GET your wish someday…..they push,push.push….then pop!!!

      3. I live in Eastern Oregon and was one of the two chief petitioners that got our county on the ballot last year to pass our 2nd Amendment Preservation Ordinance. This makes it a makes it a law within our county that our commissioners and Sheriff must uphold the supreme law of the land and stand in defiance of any federal or state “law” that is in conflict with our federal and State Constitutions regarding the right of the people to keep and bear arms. We can and will nullify these laws on their face.

        This will be tested, and we will stand as a county against the draconian measures of communist governor Kate Brown.

        • SterlingSilver, bravo! Keep fighting the good fight!

        • SS,
          Your county would not by chance be Crook county?
          Sorry I couldn’t resist.
          My parents and a sister retired there many years ago
          in the Prineville area.

          • I’m in Baker County, Oregon

        • Never Comply

      4. SterlingSilver, I wish you the best of luck out there. What I saw in that proposed bill even worse than Cali. And I used to think you couldn’t get worse than Cali but it looks like Oregon will prove me wrong. Ever since the Clinton era I carry certain self-defense items in the truck with me wherever I go and I don’t care what ANYONE’S law says about them. Self-defense is a God-given right and is not to be tampered with. I’ll stand against the gun-grabbers and the crap the libturds want to do to us.

        • Amen DP, “Self-defense is a God-given right”!

      5. sick & tired of the commies….
        thats all..

      6. We are currently in a cold Civil War, with a few violent acts being committed by the Communists on a regular basis. i.e. try wearing a MAGA hat into a Starbucks. Both sides are dug in deep and neither will give an inch to the other. Laws like this are but another battle in the war.

        Now that Trump is looking good in the polls, building the wall, and going after Obama/Clinton for the laws they broke during the 2016 election, the Sh*t is going to hit the fan I expect.

        MAGA= Mobil Asymmetrical Guerrilla Army

        My one last post

        • SW,
          I don’t wear a MAGA hat, but I do wear a NRA hat in Hawaii.
          It is about the same, and nobody has screwed with me yet.
          I also wear USMC issue MARPAT BDU pants(Camo is common here
          SECO would consider it “grey” wear) as my farm work pants,
          and I have veterans license plates.
          This place is full of nut case liberals.
          Never got a complaint from anybody.

          • They won’t complain to your face. They will simply snitch and whisper behind your back and put you on a list.

            Wearing marine issue BDUs isn’t grey. Nor is driving around with fricking veteran plates.

            Be careful, my friend. The night is long and full of terrors.

      7. The City of Pittsburg PA has banned ownership of all AR-15 models .

        • So?
          I’d bet in that city you could find someone that would sell you an M16A4. Much better rifle for city stuff.
          I’ve always said, if you make old fashioned semi’s illegal, you may as well get some real firepower. RPG’s AK’s. Buy a sail boat and go into business.
          The Democrats thought they could outlaw alcohol, drugs, and sex, Hasn’t worked so well historically.

        • Do NOT comply.

          • They ain’t taking my Daisy BB gun.

      8. Only those that are blind can not see that this country is very likely headed for a bloody civil conflict. It seems it’s only a matter of time, and that time draws shorter by the day.

        I’ve read on other web sites that some people have made up their mind that the only way to stop this madness is a preemptive strike.

        That strike would be against anti gun politicians, Hollywood actors, collage professors, and media mouthpieces that are pushing to completely eliminate guns from this country.

        I know some here may not agree with what these people are planing, but the sad fact is, you can only try to vote your way out of this for so long, before people have had enough and then things turn bloody.

        • Yes, we should kill them all.

        • I agree. Not only here, but also in Europe, especially the UK which has been taken over by globalist commies.

          Enoch Powell was right, back in his 1968 speech. There will be rivers of blood.

          I had hoped that NK or Iran would launch EMPS over three cities: NY, DC, and LA. It would makes things easier, in the long run. Cities would burn and implode inward, upon themselves. People today are crippled and weak. Women don’t know how to cook or sew, men don’t know how to fight, and too many of them think that calling them a bad name is the same as being punched. It is not. Not even close.

          Good times have created too many weak people. There will be a culling of the herd. One way or another.

          • as a New Yorker, we are not all Liberals. Many of us are stuck in this cesspool for many reasons, including can not afford to move.I hate guys like you. Where are you hiding? Montana? Idaho? You can run but you cant hide. Its a NATIONWIDE problem. Running to a gun friendly state is not a solution

      9. Bullshit peddlers.

      10. Pepper spray is illegal in Australia, as are TOY guns!

      11. BARRON’S

        Robert W. Emerson, J.D.

        Page 26

        “Federal and state judges are bound by the U.S. Constitution; any law that violates the Constitution is null and void.”

        ISBN: 978-1-4380-0511-9

        $18.99 (Barns and Noble)


        I Love This Book.


      12. Sit back and watch the treasonous tyranny. Notice how all these gun laws across the country make you a felon. That is by design, and very intentional. Felons can never legally own guns.

        Maybe the people should make sure they are held accountable for their treason!

      13. So based on this:
        In section 25, Local Authority to Regulate Firearms in Public Buildings,” airports,………. and other “public buildings”

        and this:

        (f) A club, bat, baton, billy club, bludgeon, knobkerrie, nunchaku,nightstick, truncheon or any similar instrument, the use of which could inflict injury upon a person or property;

        You would have to assume that baseball is now illegal, since they use bats in public stadiums?????

        • I was thinking the same thing. Is a hammer illegal? What about a wood splitting iron mallet? They come in a variety of sizes and could be used to split open someone’s head. Possibly with a single swing. Can we own a piece of steel pipe? A walking stick? In Spain they make very clever walking sticks that hide various tools, inside. Like a sharp blade.

          Let the cowards make their silly laws. Are they going to put all of us in prison? The US already has the largest prison population on the planet.

          We are the many and they are the few and they are getting scared. Good. The night is long and full of terrors.

        • I was thinking the same thing. Is a hammer illegal? What about a wood splitting iron mallet? They come in a variety of sizes and could be used to split open someone’s head. Possibly with a single swing. Can we own a piece of steel pipe? A walking stick? In Spain they make very clever walking sticks that hide various tools, inside. Like a sharp blade.

          Let the cowards make their silly laws. Are they going to put all of us in prison? The US already has the largest prison population on the planet.

          We are the many and they are the few and they are getting scared. Good. The night is long and full of terrors.

      14. Have your cross bows and spears handy at all times.

        Better yet have a spiritual being that does his very best at hiding from you come a protect you.

      15. The day they make me a paper felon is the day my war starts. I suspect I am far from being alone.

        • Jim in VA…you are not alone. Molon Labe!

          • Jim and Wojo, when that happens I’ll join you. They will have hell unleashed upon them.

      16. All of this talk about safety…………..

        Meanwhile, if you want to have an abortion and kill an unborn child that’s ok. You may even get the Oregon taxpayers to pay for it. It’s probably only a matter of time until Oregon will allow for a child that is born to be left to die, but it will still be called an “abortion”.

        • It is beyond horrific what is now allowed. Infanticide is what barbarians do. Or the weak. The commies have shown their hand. They don’t give a damn about children. Or anyone other than themselves and their grasp on power.

          We are the many and they are the few.

          Let them keep showing who they are, depraved, satanic cultists or pure hedonists and narcissists that seek only power and control over free people. I will never submit to these people. Ever. Not to their perversions or their nihilism nor any of their barbaric and satanic choices.

          I hope that people realize public schools are dangerous. The same goes for most universities. I would advise everyone, parents and grandparents, to avoid such places unless you have a good reason to be there (becoming a doctor or engineer).

          Dark days lay ahead. This site makes me know I am not alone.

          • They’re coming. Just thin how it’s gonna be when they have the whitehouse, and ya know that’s only a matter of time.
            They will:
            Disarm us.
            Outlaw our religion.
            Dragoon our kids into forcible transgendered brainwashing.
            Increase tranny-ism, 30% of population becomes LGBT.
            Ban Marriage.
            Kids to be in barracks at age 6.
            No private property.
            Dish out health care to only those whom the state favors.

          • They’re coming. Just think how it’s gonna be when they have the Whitehouse, and ya know that’s only a matter of time.
            They will:
            Disarm us.
            Outlaw our religion.
            Dragoon our kids into forcible transgendered brainwashing.
            Increase tranny-ism, 30% of population becomes LGBT.
            Ban Marriage.
            Kids to be in barracks by age 6.
            No private property.
            Dish out health care to only those whom the state favors.
            All ruled over by un-elected elites.

            Meanwhile My local Walmart took out all of it’s gun magazines (Gins and ammo).

      17. Mercy, when will we ever wake up to the clever ‘Good Cop-Bad Cop’ ploy? Failure to understand that Republicans are an enemy of liberty is to have missed the whole lesson of America’s slide into gun control.

        ‘The Gun Control Act of 1968’ brought us gun registration. Without the support of Republicans who voted for it (in BOTH houses) the law would have failed.

        The same is true for ‘The Brady Act’ of 1993. Without the support of Republicans who voted for it (in BOTH houses!) the law would have failed..

        You can thank Republicans for bringing the wrath of gun registration, the FBI NICS system background checks and waiting periods upon Americans.

        And Republicans will bring us gun confiscation.

      18. Bull Crap! You can’t lump all members of the GOP into a single group. Are you saying that there is no difference between Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Clarence Thomas, Chuck Schumer and Ted Cruz, or even Nancy Pelosi and Ted Yoho? How about Alex Baldwin and Rush Limbaugh?

        Try thinking in a real world situation instead of your Libertarian fantasies.

      19. What they dont tell us the rising potential for armed resistance in Oregon. There will always be those who say no and mean it. This new law will probably create more violence than it prevents. Lexington Concord was about confiscation of firearms by the British Army. Had they not tried that the American revolution may never have happened. Gun confiscation worked so well for the Brits. We on the Ras have buried our bow and arrows long ago along with our war paint. The war drums are ready

      20. I think it is time for the Cascadian fault to go off.

        • That would be convenient. I wouldn’t mind seeing Mt. Rainier, Mt. Hood, and Mt. Shasta all become active at the same time. That would take out LA, Portland, and Seattle. That would solve a lot of problems on the west coast.

      21. Repeating –

        Get as many weapons and ammo as possible via personal contacts (OTR/Off-The-Record) and store (hide) them accordingly.

        When they do come for your ‘Legally Registered Weapons’, you will have a back-up(s).

        Hopefully, common sense will rule the day.

        • Good advice, might I suggest that the weapons stored be a full auto AR or AK type weapon and a spare. 2000 rounds of soft tip ammo for each, a normal capacity load bearing vest with armor.

          You see, when you dig these up, you are going to war, nit the rifle range.

      22. I’m an Orgonian, for the past 30 years. Originally from Ca. Fled back in the mid 80s. Regarding the draconian gun laws, per my senator this bill will fly in some manner. Our communist Gov, will sign quickly.

        Gun groups will file a law suit, which has merit. A stay of exactions of any laws passed and signed will occur. Naturally Oregon will spoon feed the law suit to the 9th circuit, and likely upheld.

        An appeal, to appellate courts, and hopefully to SCOTUS, for a fair and impartial review.

        I’m an older guy, I’m also a retired Oregon Police Officer. My status is a bit different. Never the less, I have zero intentions of followimg ANY unconstitutional laws. The answer is simply NO, I will not comply.

        My county like Baker county is a Voted on and instituted 2nd amendment county. Again while I supported that vote, I’m not sure how the law will be practically applied. The wordage is” zero coumty monies for unlawful gun laws” think it comes down to local sheriffs. While ours is a good man, he’s also a retired State Trooper. Tic Toc.

        I know of none of my old road dog associates who will comply, period.

        The crap,coming out of Salem isn’t socialist, it’s outright Communist Manufesto doctrine.

        Unexceptable. Ever.

        Mr. Williams

      23. They’re coming. Just thin how it’s gonna be when they have the whitehouse, and ya know that’s only a matter of time.
        They will:
        Disarm us.
        Outlaw our religion.
        Dragoon our kids into forcible transgendered brainwashing.
        Increase tranny-ism, 30% of population becomes LGBT.
        Ban Marriage.
        Kids to be in barracks at age 6.
        No private property.
        Dish out health care to only those whom the state favors.

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