The hypocrisy is unbelievable. In order to comply with United States sanctions on Iran, Facebook’s thought police have taken to censorship on behalf of the government. At the same time, President Donald Trump warns Iran not to use censorship.
It’s become painfully obvious that the ruling class wants to get us into another war, where the young and poor are shipped off to die while the politicians and government defense contractors get rich. And the hypocrisy is becoming noticeable. Backed by the ruling class, Big Tech’s censorship is nothing new, however, this time, it’s an excuse to propagate a war:
This is especially disgusting because Instagram is very popular in Iran, where Soleimani has 82% approval
So Big Tech overlords are basically saying Iranians do not get the right to free speech because of US gov sanctions
The US empire trumps free speechhttps://t.co/BthPuxgOBC
— Benjamin Norton (@BenjaminNorton) January 11, 2020
The International Federation of Journalists condemned the censorship effort as “unprecedented in the history of social networks and in conflict with the very innate actuality of media.” In its letter to Instagram, AoIJ Tehran noted that numerous Iranian state media accounts had been removed and 15 journalists had been censored recently, which goes against and freedom of speech principles.
“These massive Big Tech corporations are Thought Police for the US government: Facebook and Instagram are removing posts expressing support for Iran’s top general Soleimani,” journalist Ben Norton tweeted. “They say it’s to comply with US sanctions, but how do posts violate sanctions? –RT
The answer is: they don’t. The problem is that the war sentiment and the idea that slaughtering people for our freedoms in other countries is gone. The elitists that need a war to profit off of it can’t convince the public to fight and die for them unless they control the narrative. That’s why speech is being censored.
Big tech is just another arm of the U.S. government.
Any support for Soleimani will be taken down by Facebook and Instagram to comply with the USA sanctions but Trump can tweet that Iran should not close down the internet because the world is watching. He wouldn't understand the irony of his tweet. Free speech, censorship anyone?
— Jennifer Brierley (@JenniferBrierl2) January 11, 2020
Hypocritically, while Facebook was acting as “thought police” on behalf of the US government (the rulers who think they own everyone), Washington has been championing free speech and warning Tehran against restricting the Iranian people’s internet access. U.S. President Donald Trump personally addressed the anti-government protesters – in Farsi, mind you – reassuring them of his unwavering support, according to a report by RT.
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Big Tech is has already created an online profile based on your browsing. This profile is now being used to persuade you ( to vote one way or not vote, buy, like/share etc) and prejudge you for things (insurance, credit etc)…gun ownership is next.
You can’t avoid Big tech by identifying you when you browse if you use YOUR OWN DEVICE (it is impossible as Google (NSA,CIA) have already identified your devices. The way to hide from Big Tech is to use a rented computer in another location. This is called remote browsing and done using TraceFree, the only virtual private browser.
If you want to get even with Big Tech let them chase a rented computer. The data they collect is useless because they cannot match it with a user or device.
Unlike other “private” browsing solutions, we actually prove to you how you can hide from Google and others.
I just posted what I thought was a silly image:
a swing made especially for chickens
This offended someone, politically — a minor, local bureaucrat, with whom I am acquainted, personally.
Democracy is when fat people decide what you do. (Some ride the literal scooter at Walmart.)
h ttps://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6141765/brit-rod-saunders-kidnapped-isis-dead-crocodile-infested-river/
I showed a farmer friend of 10yrs a piece of packaging from the above business, in a PM ***>having been especially careful not to type any sensitive words. It seems that FB can read from a private photo, as I had to reset the acct.
Exigent circumstance —
The crooked, brown, paper seed envelope was interpreted as an ad.
Rather than playing cat-and-mouse with anonymous cowards, online, I say, go to whatever social function interests you most, and show the people that you have a pulse.
Any obscure hobby or academic interest is a way of finding new admirers — but also professional victims — without fail.
You gray men can get profiled, reading about water-wise wildflowers and G-rated animal videos, without even going outside. Short of going full-retard, you might as well be a character, because nothing is geriatric or milquetoast enough to go unnoticed.
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhvzMGDzt70
There is more to it than censorship, evident by the large number of accounts expressing support for various countries on America’s hit list that are still being used.
It is intellectual property theft. If it was censorship, all accounts discrediting anyone in power would have been shut down.
There is more to it than censorship, evident by the large number of accounts expressing support for various countries on America’s hit list that are still being used.
It is intellectual property theft. If it was censorship, all accounts discrediting anyone in power would have been shut down.
The total lack of consistency and the facts speak for themselves as proof of theft and oppression of certain individuals and not censorship.
There is more to it than censorship, evident by the large number of accounts expressing support for various countries on America’s hit list that are still being used.
It is intellectual property theft. If it was censorship, all accounts discrediting anyone in power would have been shut down.
The surveillance state is a theft state. The facts and inconsitencies are proof. There are many abusive individuals, as well as accounts that are anti-war, accounts that support various counries that America has waged or is trying to wage war on, or anti-zionist, even anti-semetic that are extremely active. There are many accounts that have been stolen by the tech companies. It is theft and oppression of certain individuals and nothing more than that.
Seriously? Soleimani was a POS and deserved what he got., even if it was 10 years too late.
That is exactly what al Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL, IS, Daesh, and the MEK think. Birds of a feather.