The infamous Russiangate monger and Democrat Adam Schiff says that President Donald Trump’s legal team is relying on “crazy conspiracy theories” as a part of his impeachment defense. Schiff is the lead House impeachment manager and made it clear he doesn’t like Trump having a mind of his own on Sunday.
“What do they do? They go and double down on that same crazy conspiracy theory that Ukraine hacked the DNC server,” Mr. Schiff, California Democrat, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” according to The Washington Times.
“It’s astonishing … on the first day of the president’s defense to say the president should disbelieve his own intelligence agencies, [he has] every right to believe Vladimir Putin — I wouldn’t want to be making that argument,” he said.
Jay Sekulow, who is part of the president’s legal defense team, had suggested that Ukraine could have interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Democrats have countered that by pointing to comments from FBI Director Christopher Wray, who has said they don’t have information that indicates Ukraine interfered. –The Washington Times
Schiff also said the president has the right to call “relevant” witnesses, just as the Democrats do, but suggested Hunter Biden would not fit that description.
Schumer Insists On Senate Impeachment Witnesses – Just Not Hunter Biden
Joe Biden Says Hunter “Did Nothing Wrong” While Sitting On Board Of Ukrainian Gas Company
When asked if calling Hunter Biden as a witness is something Schiff is afraid of, he replied that it was not. “I’m not afraid of anything. The question is should the trial be used as a vehicle to smear his opponent?” he said. “Hunter Biden can’t tell us anything about the withholding of military funding.”
Hunter Biden is the center of this entire impeachment debacle, yet somehow, democrats don’t think his corruption is what started the conversation between Trump and the Ukranian president in the first place. Rational Americans are failing to see how he hasn’t been a part of this dog and pony show already.
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We shall see what comes out of this can of worms. After the acquittal, which is probable, there will be the election. I predict a Trump landslide. Then we shall see what the powers that be do with their hand.
and A-damed Shitt playing Lottka Grabass, ala Andy Kaufman.
None of these psychopaths are worth defending. Yes, Ukrainian Crowd Strike, funded by the DNC, founder Dimitri Alperovich did hack and interfered in the election, just as the Awan brothers hired by the DNC.
Of course the only people whose rights seem to matter to any of these psychos are Trump’s, and Jow and Hunter Biden’s.
I realize the many problems with the former Ukrainian ambassador, but the extrajudicial suveillance, stalking, and basically terrorizng her was really totally indefensible.
Trump told Ukrainian president regarding Yanocovitch, “She is going to go through some things.” Trump also told staff in what sounded like mob speak, ” Take her out.” From a New York guy whose claim to fame was, ” You’re fired!”, those were an unusual choice of words. Trump also said, “She hasn’t used her computer or made any calls in three days.” Devin Nunes, Giulianni, Parnas, and the former Conneticut Republican candidate Hyde were all involved in this extrajudicial psyop and terrorism.
This is obviously a contest to see who can be the most corrupt, abusive, pathological lying, psychopath.
As far as I’m concerned, it’s a tie.
I disliked the woman, but extrajudically stalking, surveilling, and terrorizing a political adversary is fascist and Orwellian.
How can anyone fail to see the irony that both Trump and Biden who are both guilty of high crimes using their positions of authority as a weapon for extrajudicially terrorizing competion and political descent are charging each other with their 4th amendment rights being violated by the very laws that both have advocated for and signed into law are now being used against them?
How can anyone fail to see the irony that both Trump and Biden who are both guilty of high crimes using their positions of authority as a weapon for extrajudicially terrorizing competion and political dissent are charging each other with their 4th amendment rights being violated by the very laws that both have advocated for and signed into law are now being used against them?
Coming from bug-eyed Democrat “crazy conspiracy theorists” themselves? Like their “Russian collusion”, “Election-meddling Russian bots (American voters who disagree with being victims of Democrat tyranny)”, “mis-use of public office (by Trump’s investigation of Democrat Biden for corruption in Ukraine)” while the Democrats are mis-using their public offices to try to overthrow the elected President so they can also overthrow Pence on spurious charges and then install Pelosi as President with Hillary Clinton as Vice President? Then, Pelosi can resign and guess who gets to be foisted in as “President”? Then, their disarmament of the American People so the People can’t resist the many other horrors the Democrats have planned for them in their world socialist police state prison.
Freedom of speech. I demand independence!
Wanna know what the Left is doing?
Just tale a look at what they are accusing the Right of doing, you’ll find your answer there.
What’s the ommonwealth? I thought it was land of the free?
In my literal experience —
Today’s post-Reconstruction, far-rightists are telling Kobe jokes, yet are completely harmless, so far. His cartoon is on my desktop, your toilet looks like a helicopter wreck, and my seedlings are doing great.
Far leftists are akin to Rene Boucher, contaminate food, and pick fist fights on camera — like the terrorists who love death more than you love life. Telephone booths, busbenches, port-a-potties, and buffets — any flat surface — everyone can tell where your marchers have been.
Rightist sissies take guilty pleasure in a frog cartoon. Hardcore leftists tear live young from the womb and praise Satan. It’s not a conspiracy theory.
h ttps://100percentfedup.com/joe-biden-yes-id-ban-standardized-testing-in-schools-after-teacher-says-standardized-testing-is-rooted-in-racism-and-eugenics/
I learned to read non-fiction and perform all the basic math functions, at home — as for fractional recipes and building measurements. I am writing informally, not in Ebonics, and I know the difference, unlike your constituency. I don’t need lessons in objectivity from someone with no socially redeeming value.
Please, when are the treason trials, ftlog. Three generations of civil rights looters is enough.
Howdy Y’all,
I’d love to stay and chat…but NATURE calls and I have to go take a REALLY healthy Schiff.
Footnote: Truly, I don’t oft resort to “pottyhumor”, but in this case IMHO it’s WHOLLY warranted…Nuff said.
Of course it was neither russia nor ukraine who “hacked” the DNC emails, it was Seth Rich. RIP
“What do they do? They go and double down on that same crazy conspiracy theory that Ukraine hacked the DNC server,” Mr. Schiff, California Democrat, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” according to The Washington Times.
The leaky server was a provocation, in that HRC said, cyberattacks were tantamount to hot war. I bet, it leaked openly and notoriously. (Maybe, it contains her grocery list, or any ridiculous narrative for filler material.)
The hurry to impeach came from neocon warmongers — including RINO’s — ahead of the “deal of the century” (Mid East peace and probably with BRICS) to be presented Monday and Tuesday.
It wasn’t going to be fast-enough, to call rightist witnesses, then, you settled on hawkish ones, to stack your deck.
Mark my words, if you are innocent —
This is what popular kids and the yuppies do, instead of productive labor. “Mean Girls”