This article was written by Daisy Luther and originally published at The Organic Prepper. Editor’s Comment: While it is admirable that the government in Germany has seen fit to give its population advanced notice of what is coming, the fact of the matter is that...
This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at his site. Editor’s Comment: There is no doubt that the control freaks in government are attempting to undermine the inherent rights of the people by using politically-correct...
This article was written by Tyler Durden and originally published at Zero Hedge. Editor’s Comment: This would be terrifying if it weren’t so damn funny… but in the long run, it is very dangerous for this once free country. Expression is being...
This article was written by Tyler Durden and originally published at Zero Hedge. Editor’s Comment: The zero percent interest problem is continuing to wreck the economy. It has removed the incentive for investment and the growth of new businesses, and has instead...
This article was written by Daisy Luther and originally published at Editor’s Comment: The threat of impact has gained more focus recently, as if we are all expecting something major and earth changing to happen sometime soon. Who knows what...
This article was written by Melissa Dykes and originally published at The Daily Sheeple. Editor’s Comment: Let those with ears to hear understand this message. If Hillary needs help remembering a name or a key talking point, or carefully navigating around...