This article was written by Joshua Krause and originally published at The Daily Sheeple. Editor’s Comment: Few things are more reassuring than certainty. And one certainty you can bet on is that this house of cards won’t last. How much farther can things...
This article was written by Michael Snyder and originally published at the Economic Collapse blog. Editor’s Comment: Obama started out on the promise of hope and change, and many were ecstatic. What he turned out to be was an accomplice to the theft on Wall...
Crisis may be coming, and soon. Who can say if such a bold prediction holds any weight. Maybe it is true that no man knows the hour when true crisis will come. But it is all building to a dark crescendo, and there are many who see the front coming in, and those who...
This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at his Alt-Market site. Editor’s Comment: Global events are coming dangerously close to colliding. Indeed, those who pull the strings behind the curtain have been ram-rodding explosive situations...
This article was written by Michael Snyder and originally published at his Economic Collapse blog. Editor’s Comment: This coup remains highly suspicious, and the relationship between Erdogan and the U.S. as time moves forward will be telling. This...
While the Justice Department has given Hillary a pass on the handling of classified emails, the new Republican party is preparing to convict her in the court of public opinion, as Trump goes to war with Hillary Clinton. Decades of crimes and misdemeanors have piled up...