This article was written by Adan Salazar and originally published at Editor’s Comment: Police are not used to citizens standing up for their rights, particularly when they know and use the codes of the law that officers otherwise use to intimidate...
This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at his site. Editor’s Comment: The failures in logic, and the fueling of unwise and arbitrary groups of power is quickly unraveling American cultural and social life. Identity...
This article was written by Michael Snyder and originally published at his Economic Collapse Blog. Editor’s Comment: Who benefits from terrorism in Europe, and why wouldn’t ISIS be content that the world has temporarily withdrawn from Syria, and is largely...
The Donald has completely taken over the news cycle. His path of victory after victory in GOP primary states has the establishment freaking out, and every major media outlet scrambling for a way to stop Trump, or at least to damage his reputation. But why is he being...
This article was written by Melissa Dykes and originally published at The Daily Sheeple. Editor’s Comment: When people are too lazy and complacent to stand up for their rights, tyranny creeps right in. Despite the fact that police abuses have been in the...
Fact: The Federal Reserve has screwed over the country. Monetary policy has been the single most important factor in the economy for some time. A new analysis from economist Brian Barnier shows that while future GDP, household debt from credit cards and tech accounted...