This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The End of the American Dream. Has there been an unusual amount of fog in your area lately? If so, did a lot of people in your area start getting sick after the fog arrived? All of a sudden, fog has become...
This article was originally published by Brandon Smith at Alt-Market. The signs really began to become visible at the end of January 2020; there was an exodus of people brewing, and it was galvanizing fears on both sides of the political spectrum. The pandemic...
This article was written by Tyler Durden and originally published at Zero Hedge. Editor’s Comment: It is as if Hillary Clinton is the fountainhead of all conspiracies. If they aren’t about her own family’s misdealings, then they consist of dug up...
One day in the near future Americans will finally realize that their money is being devalued at a rapid pace. For the time being the price increases are somewhat muted by official announcements of inflation being under control at around 2% and purported economic...
Back in 1984, well before most Americans had ever heard of mobile phones or used a computer, the Federal government was hard at work mining whatever data they could get their hands on. President Reagan was in office and given his staunch stance on limited...
With seemingly endless scandals rocking the country, economic malaise spreading across the world, and super powers positioning their military assets on the grand chessboard, one can’t help but notice that the entire planet is devolving into completely insanity....