This article was originally published by Brandon Smith at Despotic people tend to telegraph their future actions like inexperienced fighters tend to telegraph their punches; it’s not as if the intentions of totalitarians are obscured or hard to...
This article was originally published by Philipp Bagus at The Mises Institute. Pressure on the unvaccinated grows. While the vaccinated in some countries are getting back some of their freedoms taken away by the covid interventions, the unvaccinated are not so well...
This article was originally published by Ryan McMaken at The Mises Institute. The average American can be forgiven for assuming that he or she can freely criticize the government and government personnel without fear of being sued by the government for libel or...
China has become the first country to offer experimental gene therapy shots to children as young as three years old. Most people know these shots as the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccine.” On Tuesday, a spokesperson for Sinovac (one of China’s COVID...
This article was originally published by Julie Beal at Activist Post. “The work that had been done over the years on formulations, RNA modifications, and other techniques was paying off just in time for the current pandemic. mRNA vaccination was in exactly the right...
This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Ende of the American Dream. Are we getting close to a major seismic event on the west coast? Within the past several days, we have seen hundreds of earthquakes happen in southern California, there have...