The mainstream media is continuing to be a good puppet of the ruling class by panicking the population into a frenzied state of fear. As we have already seen, when people panic, they hoard toilet paper, and that’s happening again, causing grocers to reinstate...
They are really pushing the fear of this coronavirus case surge. The United States allegedly reported 116,707 new coronavirus infections on Thursday, as 20 states saw their highest daily counts yet. Prepare for the likelihood of another lockdown. As we’ve said...
This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. As we head into day three of counting the ballots, Philadelphia City Commissioner Al Schmidt told CNN he expects an update in the next few hours as they kept counting through the night. There are...
While the election riots were not widespread, some did occur and arrests were made. Mainstream media is saying this is the “calm before the storm,” and the longer the ruling class drags this out, the worse thing will end up. Concerns over widespread...
Things are going exactly how the elitists and the ruling class want them to. These riots will only worsen as the system drags out this vote and this is by design. The secret election model predicted this scenario of chaos. The elitists wanted chaos that will result...
Even though the election hysteria is ongoing, the mainstream media continues to try to garner support for another devastating lockdown. Most “authorities” and the MSM is saying we need a “France-like” lockdown to stop the alleged spread of...