For those excepting a hyper-inflationary destruction of the US dollar at some point in the future, you might consider hanging on to your US dollars – at least some of them. There may still be a use for them post-collapse, as highlighted in the following...
After many years in limbo, Variety reports that the remake of the 1980’s mega-hit Red Dawn will hit theaters on November 2, 2012. We admit it. We’re fans of the original (movie fact: It was the first movie ever distributed with a PG-13 rating), and have...
At this weekend’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit President Obama harshly criticized Chinese currency policy calling for China’s leaders to act like grown ups when it comes to economic affairs. On that note, we present the current grown-up debt...
For sanity’s sake, we sometimes find it necessary to look at the problems we face through the eyes of real Americans. For a bit of humor, frustration, anger and some solutions that may actually work, we turn today to Bob, of Drinking With Bob, who never fails to...
The first and second parts of the Al Jazeera investigative report (in documentary format) that reveals the causes, inside players, and the machinations leading up to and following the financial crisis that rocked the world in 2008. If they have no qualms about...