For those who may not recall, Neel Kashkari was the special assistant to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, and was featured in several CSPAN Congressional appearances where he discussed TARP and how the $700 Billion in funds was to be spent. Here’s a quick...
A comedic and eye opening look at the unemployment numbers game for those who still don’t understand how the BLS data is being manipulated. For some more unemployment entertainment, we recommend reading Bureau of Labor Statistics New “Twofer†Employment...
Survivalists are innovative creatures, and we always seem to come up with the darndest fun ideas. The source of this picture is unknown (probably because of the photographers Operational Security procedures). Hat Tip Ready Nutrition for sending this one...
It’s the dawn of a new generation of luxury personal weaponary. A total security unit for survival, home and travel designed specifically for upper income urban survivalists. A Close Up of the Annihilator 2000: Specifications: CD Player, Microwave, fax machine,...
The National Inflation Association has released their new documentary titled The Dollar Bubble. The Dollar Bubble features Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Marc Faber, Gerald Celente, Jim Rogers, and others. It covers countless topics including the U.S. national debt, deficit...
Some Saturday evening entertainment. A new SHTF Movie opening January 15, 2010 and starring Denzel Washington. Check out The Book of Eli movie site with additional trailers and information…