This article was contributed by James Davis of Future Money Trends. No one wants TO HEAR THIS right now with these historic gains we’ve been experiencing and booking, but let’s FACE FACTS: gold and silver are ready for a breather. If Warren...
The Australian government has secured a deal for a COVID-19 vaccine with big pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. Under the deal, the Australian government would manufacture the vaccine and offer free doses to all citizens. Time is running out! The vaccine is coming....
We are being played! This is all a setup! Politicians are now calling for unrest in the streets before the election as the mainstream media continues to stoke the left/right paradigm divide and use predictive programming to cause an uprising this November. Your...
This article was contributed by Lior Gantz of The Wealth Research Group. Exactly one week ago, on Sunday the 9th, I issued this type of CAUTIONARY TALE, and the following day was the WORST SELL-OFF in silver since the Lehman Weekend, and gold’s worst day in a...
This article was contributed by Tom Beck of Portfolio Wealth Global. I’m going to show you the MOST AMAZING chart I’ve ever seen. Since 1971, the moment when FIAT CURRENCIES were born again, gold and the CRB (which is the basket of commodities) have moved...
The Federal Reserve is actively trying to destroy the dollar, which was the plan when they started enslaving humanity in 1913. The goal has always been to own the world through the debt-based monetary system. Now that the central bankers have admitted to working on...