Straight from the mouth of the person who is all in for depopulation and stands to make billions of dollars rolling out a vaccine, Bill Gates, comes a warning. He’s letting us know the plans for the future: “We’ll have a deadlier pandemic.”...
This article was contributed by Lior Gantz of The Wealth Research Group. Some things in life are unlikely. Other things are NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE. “Unsinkable Sam” was the nickname given to a cat originally named Oscar. It began its military service during...
This article was originally published by Brandon Smith at Alt-Market. In last week’s article, I discussed the issue of American “balkanization” and the rapid migration of conservatives and moderates from large population centers and states that are becoming...
This article was contributed by James Davis with Future Money Trends. There’s America, the country, and then there’s America, the economic miracle. The West, but particularly the United States, has three major issues that are such HUGE OVERHANGING storm...
The New World Order is on a roll. The world’s ruling classes are now publically pushing the “Great Reset” on us. The people who got extremely wealthy following by selling out humanity to the international banking cartel are here to convince you...
This article was contributed by Tom Beck of Portfolio Wealth Global. There are no BOOM AND BUST cycles anymore, at least not in the way you were taught that they NORMALLY BEHAVE. Traditionally, credit contracts, then profits shrink, the stock market falls, and...